IDAHO, HELD FEBRUARY 25, 1952, at 8:00 P.M.
The mee!ing was called to order by Chairman, John R. Valenty, and at that
time he submitted a waiver of notice of special meeting to all of the Trustees,
which was signed by the Trustees. In the absence of Charlotte Kennedy, Village
Clerk, he requested that John R. Black, Village Attorney, act as Secretary.
The Chairman then asked the Secretary to call the roll, and the roll call
showed that all of the Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck were present.
The first order of business was the presentation of proposed ordinance to be
numbered No. 13. It was moved by Giannini and seconded by Ward that all rules
requiring the ordinance to be read on three separate days be suspended and that
the ordinance be read twice by title and once at length in full, section by
section, and be submitted to a vote at this meeting. The following roll call
vote was taken on the Motion:
Ward. .Aye
Gi annini .Aye
Frasure. .Aye
Fenwi ck Aye
V al enty ..... ? ....... -Aye
The Chair announced the Motion was carried and the rule suspended. The ordinance
was then read by title twice, and then read in full and at length, and the
Chairman called for a vote on the passage of the ordinance. The vote on the
ordinance was as follows:
Ward Aye
Giannini ~ye
Frasure -Aye
Fenwick ........ -Aye
Valenty ........ Aye
The Chair declared the ordinance passed as Ordinance No. 13 of the Village of
It was moved by John Valenty and seconded by W. R. Ward and on roll call
was unanimously carried that the Ordinance be published in the Idaho State Journal,
a newspaper of general circulation published at Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho,
and having a general circulation in t~e Village of Chubbuck, there being no
newspaper published in the Village of Chubbuck.
The next order c~ business was the presentation of a proposed Ordinance
to be numbered Ordinance No. 14. It was moved by Giannini and seconded by
Ward that all rules requiring the ordinance to be read on three separate days
be suspended and that ordinance be read twice by title and once at length in
full, section by section, and be submitted to a vote at this meeting. The following
roll call vote was taken on the Motion: Ward aye, Giannini aye, Frasure aye,
Fenwick aye. The Chair announced the Motion was carried and the rule suspended. The
ordinance was then'read by title twice, and then read in full and at length, and the
Chairman called for a roll call vote on the passage of the ordinance. The vote on the
ordinance was as follows: Ward aye, Giannini aye, Frasure aye, Fenwick aye and
Valenty aye. Whereupon, the Chair declared the ordinance passed as Ordinance No.
14 of the Village of Chubbuck.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that the Board of Trustees
proceed to give' the notice of intention and proposal to sell the $70,000.00 of
Negotiable Water Works System Bonds, as provided in said Ordinance No. 14, and that
Notice, as therein provided, be published in the Idaho State Journal, a newspaper of
general circulation published at Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, and having a general
circulation in the Village of Chubbuck, there being no newspaper published in said-'
Village, and that said Notice shall be published on the dates of February 27, March 5,
and March 12, 1952, and that a copy of such Notice shall be mailed to the State
Auditor of the State of Idaho at Boise, Idaho, 15 days before the time for accept-
~nde of bids, and that the Special Meeting of the Board shall be held on March 22,
1952, at the hour of two o~clock p.m. for the purpose of receiving and considering
all bids made, as provided in said Notice, and take such action thereon as the
Board deems advisable in considering and acting upon all bids.
It was moved, seconded and on roll call unanimously carried that said
Ordinance No. 14 be published in the Idaho State Journal, a newspaper published
at Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, and having a general circulation, and having
a general circulation in the Village of Chubbuck, there being no newspaper
published in said Village.
There being no further business, it was move~ by Fenwick and seconded by
Ward that the meeting adjourn. The motion was carried unanimously.