HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 13 1951 CMNOARD OF ~'~ .... '~="' THE I~_~O
~nUoT~,,o OF VILLAGE OF ~x~,~.b~-"~C~,, .....
The meeting vms celled to order at 8 P.i,~. in :,he offices
of W. 2. Ward :n the Villa. ge of Chubbuck, Idaho IToveh:her 13, 19p~l.
~,,-~n_~ues of tNe nrevious me,_tinS v,ePe read 8.~a approved
The follc¥~inS bills v.wre res_d and ap!roved for
l,od Saxton,
Nay Tocco!i
J.~,~. Blundell rent
kt. States Tel
;~ennefz2 ~s
~TaPd~s Co~oco Serv.
J E Val _,n %,,
· · ~ .... Ju6 se
~,it. States Po. int
37 .~0
pi .lC
l~ .06
The deed to the land that was presented to the Villa. se of
Chubbuc}~ by Aartha Bistiine ws.s read and received.
, Iir. i.,la}~ Tocco!i submitted new figures on bi~_e Fire Station.
T;ie Gauranteed ~.iaxinm~ Cost of the buil6ing will be 28~37.93. These
revised figures v;ere !-,~'~t_ , . n_bout b--~ some additions aud changes
to the original pis. ns of the building.
Yr. iLam..ilton re,you',ted t%ot we have prioPi"i ~ ~oz. {~teel
kr. %Villis Ward x~oved that Chairx:an Va!cnty apf~oinb a cor.'nittee
to s,~c aL, out uniforms for the Police Officer. Said comi~,'_i~,tee is to
report ~<t the next r.~eetin$. ~,otion was seconded by Geo. Sianinni.
i,~otion carried. Chairmun Va!enty appointed i.iP. O,~o/ S-io. nJ. nr~i ~nd
Ernie Frasure to act on said co~m~i'btee.
It ;'/as ruled by Chrm. Valenty ~hat all establi-"~,~_ents'- handling
beer are to pay the !~2pC.OO iice~?se fee for 1~51. If any chances
are to bo made, they v,~il] be ~;~,~,de later.
The fol!ov;inS resolution nas read a~%d a~Topted s~bject to the
&ttorneI's ap~,roval:
~,,- .... ~-,'~.~ the Vil].a{.2e of Chubbuck, IJaho has re%ue::bed the
Union Pacific Railroad Cemp~}~3- t.~ spant Per?}i.~sien. to the ~ii.l.sse
of Chub}~uck, Idaho for the installation of an o ·
o-~nch steel pipe
v/ater main under the ~racks of s~,id railroad on Chu],~uck
!lO,r~d and
V,%~E!iEAS the Union Pacific Railroad Company has expressed its
willingness to grant such perr?is~ion in :~.dv?.nce of the erecution
of an asreement ct cover t]~_e corssing on conSi'bon t,h~t the VilI ge
asrees to e:,:ecute such cros:~in.s agreement wren pre:~ented.
fXE'!tEPORE, L~E ZT .... ~'":--; ~.'-.iV, D by the Bo:rd of Tru:~:~-~,~ ~ s of the
Vi!l?ge of Chubbuc'z, Idaho bh:t the Ch::.irman of the Bo rd of Trusbe,~
.... ~.d Viil,-..se be, and he zs hereby, aut~'_orized and dlrocbed to
execute on beh.~!f of s~..id Village, the resular Water Way A:lre:quent
of the Union Pacific ~ailroad Company for sach water main crossing
v:hen said asre~::ment is t~resented to the Viii:~se by the Union Pacific
R',~ilroad Company.
It was moved by Artkur Femvick, seconded by Willis :,.'ard t;hat the
foregoing resolution be adovted. On 4he I o_!owzng roll call vote
the motion was carried ...... yes, .--- ~
,.~,s, and Va!enty yes.
C.nazlma,a :~eclared t~,e resolution ::',.dopted
It was moved ~-- ~'~ :'
o0, ,,,. ~:~. Ward and seconded by Art :~en~?~-~c_ ~at v;e
pay Mr. Toccoli ~[;3000.00 on ishe contract for the Fire
~,.o ,~ion carried.
},~eetinf~ was adjourned at 10:00 P..."..~.
ChpP:.~an ~'
i t l; e s ",_::