HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 09 1951 CM The meetins v/9. s os. lied 5o ,order' at 8 P.N. in t]~e of?ices
of ?(o :io Wa~..d in the Vill,9. Se of Chubbuok~ Ils, ho 0etcher 2~ l~l..
t,.~emoers nresent v/ere Valenty,
cane later.
r:inates of the ~}revious meeting v/ere read
as read°
The followinS bills were read a~d alk,ro,/e,d for ay:m:~nb
as ,:'end with the exceotion of Fi._-,,ndro'st
C. ied Flandro
Ida)~o Power Co
Arrov:' ~_e ad Press
Et. Sta:}cs Tel. A: P. 32.57
C~R~bbuck S~rv. Cor 2p.2~
Idaho St. Jsur, nal 154.32
J.ame s Vale.aty
Ward's Conoco 3erv. 3.00
It was a_s~ ,lnceo t)3r oaak~'man Vaienby z,.iu.t flr -!a-r7 lt,.:.x%
will donate t}~e 'niece of 5ropcrty on which i;}.~e Viliase v;is:'~es
to place ti~e ..... hank
......... ' · ..: ~'_.±b il. lie
will ,qon.,te a niece of !-:,pOr~,'::Pty _,po,~ X 2:20
,¢~s,~es an ~sPae"::ent ,;;%th the 7[li.'.Se
:!o rubbish will be a!!o:;ed to aco~',~a!: tn. Llso~
Viii"tle will ~urkLs~ ,,.,~:,,-r ho }~.im ,-it not rao~.e
-,nan Chu'-,buok users.
Nr. Hamilton st'ated t'h.~t ae';llc::~ion i~ad been m,"~,,ie for
easement for t~le ..... works o~ us_e o~_. ~ .... ~ ~ _
1 c :~_ u _ on
with hhe County Co~n~saion::rs for' es .... nen~ on tile County ~toad.
3t:x. ted that it v:ould be OK if v,e file c,. p~posed ea'sement.
The Gift Deed from Roy Getty for tb_e land vi~_ere the fire
hou. se is located was received and approved.
It was decided th t ;;}~e PiPe ate'high shall
it is--under contr}.ct.
Bids '.,'ere opened pez'taining to the drilling
:'/ell for 'the Vii!ese ~-. -
?: Sons and t~e
......... s:~r Drilling Co.
awarded to A. J. 3choonover.
Cont ' d.
It was mowd by Geo. Giani--~_ni a]~d seconded i)y Ernest
Frasure that the bid of A. J. 3c:~oonover :',a~_d Sons be accepted.
The folloning roll call vote v~as taken:
?/ard ....... yes
Vale nty y e s
Gi.~.ninai yes
Frasure ye s
~,r~su~e brous;zt un ordin'~:'~ce iicens±nS c:rd .S~-~,~es.
':ac: iriS adjourned ?:~ P. ,;,:.
Ci~rman /