HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 21 1951 CMMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO The meeting was called to order at 8:30 o'clock p.m. in the offices of W. R. Ward in the Village of Chubbuck, Idaho, September 21, 1951. Said meeting being a continuation of the September llth meeting with 'Waiver of Notice of Meeting" being duly filed with the Clerk. On roll call, all Trustees were present. Bids as follows were read for the construction of the Fire Station in the Village: Brennan& Cahoon Vernon Hershberger Carl Dille Ray Toccoli $95OO.OO 85OO.OO 78OO.OO 7700.00 The motion was made by Geo. Giannini and seconded by W. R. Ward that the bid presented by Mr. Toccoli be accepted on condition he enter into proper contract and furnish a performance bond. The following roll call vote was taken on the above motion: Giannini--yes, Frasure--yes, Fenwick--yes, Ward--yes, Valenty,~yes. Proposed Ordinance to be numbered No. 11 was then presented for consideration of the Board of Trustees. This was an ordinance providing for the issuance of $70,000.00 of Water Works Revenue Bonds for the Village and providing the form of bonds and other matters pertaining to the said bond is§ue was presented. It was moved by W. R. Ward and seconded by Geo. Giannini that all rules re- quiring the ordinance to be read on three separate days be suspended and that the ordinance be read twice by title and once at length in full, section by sectiOn, and be presented for action. The following roll call vote was taken on the Motion: Fenwick voted yes, Giannini yes, Frasure yes, Ward yes and Valenty yes, and the Chair announced the Motion was carried and the ~ule suspended. The ordinance was then read by title twice, and the ordinance was then read in full and at length, an~ the Chairman called for a vote on the passage of the Ordinance. On roll call on the passage of the ordinance the vote was as follows: Giannini yes, Frasure yes, Fenwick yes, Ward yes, and Valenty yes. The Chair declared the Motion was carried and that the ordinance was passed as Ordinance No. ll of the Village of Chubbuck. It was moved by John Valenty and seconded by W. R. Ward and on roll call was unanimously carried that the Ordinance be published in the Idaho State Journal, a newspaper of general circulation published at Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, and having a general circulation in the Village of Chubbuck, there being no newspaper published in the Village of Chubbuck. It was moved by John Valenty and seconded by W. R. Ward that the Village accept the 150 x 200' piece of land offered by Mr. Bistline for the well site. Motion carried. Mr. H~m~lton was appointed to get the deed from Mr. Bistline for the Village. The following "Invitation for Bids" was ordered published: - Pocatello, Idaho Sept 24, 1951 Sealed bids will be received by the Village of Chubbuck, Idaho, until October 9, 1951 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. for DRILLING,6ASINGand TESTING a 12-INCH Idaho. Cont ,d. Dids ::;ill be publicly opened and re:~.d at the above sbated ]_',.our at ti,:e office of the Vil!aje, Chubbuck, Idaho. Proposals must be made on form f~rnis?~ed b~r the VitI:qje. Proposal Guaranty/ in an ,:.:nount of not less tZan five poreent of the total muount of ilhe proposal must accompany each proposal. Performance Bond :viii be requiPed. Plans and specific~::~ions .~gLj Oe ~XSlqll~lOa altG ll[~l' be ob:,ained at O~ce_ ~~o~oauil-0on~ ' ' ~:~ Voeller~ Consn!tinS ~t~ne,,~ ' ~"~"~, ?,i~;tli~le ~ildins~ [Fl7 E. Centaur ' The rizht is resorvad '-o2- the Viii'se, a8 :}he interer3h o~-~ the Vill:ge may PequiPe~ to Po jeer anN .nd all bids~ to ,,:aive any infor- mality in any bid received, and to accent oP re jest .:ny items of sn,~ bid, unless such bid is qua~.~Led o~, specific '.imits. tions. Jo!m R. Valenty i. Chrr, un., Villr:se Board of It was moved b-...m'o';~. ..... .....~:-~ Vaienty anJ seconded b2 l-_"t Fenwick to ..:uthorize the above for publication. The following roll c0.11 vote was taken ~n t:~e motion: Gi~u~i}~i--yes, Fpas.:}~e--']'es, Fen.'ick-- /es~ ¥,/a.:~d--Yes~ Vai. entj--yes, mouzon c8_l:'P[e6.. It w2s movod b-r l-eo '~' '--' .... am'.oint Va!ent2-, Ward 8rtl Fen.:ick as a co~:ztoee to see ~ o. ii:~ .ry ~a~t ab ut the land on rhic]~ to ~ut t e we. her t,:~u~. :lotion c:rri~d._ It was announced th:t N?. E~t'te[~'t Spr. akor says t?u~t it will he :~ossih]e to have Chubbucl: Road re,aired at cost for m.~cri~ e,q:~py:tont only. I% was h:oved by Jo:'::_ Valenty and -~econded by that the vi!l :se should h ve t:~e Poad :gepaired. roll ca:l voue w. s t.~::en 'm t]~e rn,,~,~on: ~' -' ' ~-.,~ Cl. rk ~ "~' -7