HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 10 1951 CM '.,_aaBo.';.rd of Tr'~tst:ees o- ::he VL!I-;se o~ C:~ubbuc:~ Ida-to xiet in esu!.?r seeion at tho office of Willis i. i'~md ~,b $:!~ ~.?:. o'c!oc~ Ja~_y l~,.,.i, !2~1. ~zn~e,,~ of -the !a3t mect:;:aS ~,;ere road surd approved. -. ol].ow'~ns ])ills ',;ere 'oresen'bed ............ aoaz_.lso u~,e Village for pabn~tent: 39.00 220.00 ,2.7 It was >.~oved b-.y Geo. ~': ...... ~,~-_~'_,.n:t~z_tza and seconde:2 b, Willis '.'lard o~tao the bills be a±._ov'ed. ::orion ca>-,ried. The ne:<t busines:~ bo come before b~'_,e Bo-c~d :.;a~ -'f~e ~elecbion of b~.e Trustee bo fill the e::Lsbins wtc:utcy, lft-<r some disctts:~ion it was moved by :i~I: Yenwick and seconded by 7,:i!!is U,'ard t-~'ub Nc/nard Craig be named Tr,~s',:ee if bis petition bo be accepted in'bo Village nas ac'bed upon favora31]~ by tko Bo~rd. The foqqo~'~ing roll Ca..L1 vote v,~9~s ba~:en: Fenwick .: e ',Tard Valenty A e Oordnance ~r'z 8 ','zo.c road once in its enti~'~o~0' bd Atto-Photo_. "q .... '-~,,. Tkis Orch'~anoe v;as to a~a>: lit. Cr~ig's !oa~d to -;F~e Village of C-~tbbuck. ~rther action on this 0r~m~t~ce was postponed Ltntil na~o meeting. Chair:nan ValenbL; moved asPeement betnee~l }ir. C;-aiS and Vi!lase cover.lnS bhe u:;e of --.~';-". Cp:P. ists v;e!l as a s'bez-zd-by n:tit b,., tho Y'.!].ase . Said aSPeu:m_,nb-~-, bo bo proseLlted to t].-~o .ul~.e i:1,i;09 iiS . OPd!!s.i!oe ..,;'t3 to be ~tcit'ed upon at -bile s:12e ti~,:te. }iohion sec,raided by Willis Ward. !Cotion Carrie d. Gao. Oianinni moved a'ad .i::~"b Pen:vic:: seconded ~,~,uo~_,tey oleo_< dr?.v,, :q, ;z:t Ordm,_mmce -bo cover 'b]~.e .!ina.ns!nfS Nales <')3.00 o:z<i Fa_males'"..,;{.,~u", ~ l,loti, on 25 it was moved by Cia_air.man Valenty and seconded by Art Fen:':ick to delegate Willis Ward to see to havi~S t]~e corner ap?roaoi~es paved v~.i!e the eo?.ip~ent v~?.s already he?e. Vi!!a~e to s'-and the expense if the County '.;oul{kn't help. idohion carried. ?,,,u~%!_~_er di~cus.~ion ",;o bo conbi'_.~ued ?..b ",l~e z~e::-5 meeting. '[eet'~z~o ''~ re6eased, by Chai?-men Va!enty at !0:1~ i~.7.~, until ~:00 p.m. Tuesday, July !Tth. July 17th, The recessed meeting v:as called to order at 8:30 ?.~[. at the office of Willis R. Ward b-j Chai~nan Valenty. ~:e first order of business was the election of :~. new ,zasoee to fill the vacancy on t]~e board. it was moved be, Oiani'a~i ai~d sec .nded by Art. ...... llrnest Frasure be t]~e ne:.:t couu.~cil member. The fol!ov.~inz roll call vote was taken: Gi?.~i_~mi yes, Fen~:ick yes, 'f.:ard no, Va!enty yes. _~dr. Fr,:~sure ia elected. ~e Ordna~.~ce to take .i~aynard Craigs~ land inbo the Village was t}ten considered. It was moved by Willis Ward a~td seconded by Geo. Gianin~i that we susi>e~:d the r:~_!es mad read t]:e Ordinance on a:mnexabion by -title tv:ice° 2~ne follov~i~g roll call vote was taken the above motion. Ward, yes; Fen;rick, yes; GianiTn~i, yes; Valenty, yes; Erasure, yes. T]ae Title was t.½en read t~,vice and tire fo!]_ov~ing roll call vote was taken on the Ordinance: Giaui~mqi yes~ Ward yes, ?eh;rick Yes, Erasure yes, Valenty yes/ Orda~inace aao-o~ed~'~j~ ~ t:~[l~tfl~ ~ze contract betv/een the Village of Chubbuck a;~d klaynard Craig, which is subject to roa.;_a&t was read and a~f;: roved by voice. Board is asking the subdivider to 2uarantee at least 10 co~n_nections to the r~ater line a~q_d pay for s:e~e, before cop]eting the approval of ordinance ~8 .