HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 08 1951 CMVILL,~,~, 0P C,~U;~u,~, I ~H0. The Bo.:rd of Trustees of the Villase of Chub:buck, Idaho mat in resular session ~t -the office of Uillis R. L'.-rd at 13:00 i.i.l. O'clock Nay 8th, 19~1. Presen'b--Joi~-i Valenty, Chairman '.~2~och Cox, arriving at Art Pen,.';i ck Seo ~Jil]_i s 'Jard Ninutes of the l~sb m erinS ~,ere -~ead and app-~oved. F. ae follov.~inS bills :-:ere read: Hilton Zener, ~%ttorney fr~os Quality Press Ca~ton PPinters :N-So .o0 o2 Geo. Gianinni moved that these bills be allo:¥ed. Notion seconded by APt Fennick. }{otion ca?tied. ~,,'ir. Bro~',~n ~ro-~ the Ida~o Po~;er Co ,' .... s r~esent to exn!ain the oA.,ferent t~ees of street Ii. ii!tinS to tile Bo~rd :lie ~b,~.,~ed 2oYre:,? Go. ,vould in'3tall the li_'hts and chaP_le the Viii't,..:_,. Pa'he of ,po.00 n~ mon,~n '-,-'~ !i2ht on a 10 yeg_r ...... it decided by ;:r. Brow and the Bo:~rd that eisilb lishts of tile ~a)or-hype would pru~e satisfactory vo start }.ir. Eroynl t~r}~t the pPesent blinl~ r li3~ ~s would be nut in'ho t}~is same conbrac~. it was moved by Geo. Giani?rai and seconded by APt. Fen¥~ick ~t the Board acce-ot t~ms sr~a!l lilihbing --~ .... _ i-ower Co. 'he) gP,%? up and pP~:se]~t pl,?,ns for s82%ie s,.t nup ]iext 'lot Aon carried. T~e next oPdep or htlsiness ~7'~_s tl~e Pea,lin% 'xnd a-i?:~ova! follov~ing Vil.:se 0pdn,:~;lces: No. 1--Ordnan. ce o:a 2ssaUlt ;,nd Battery: The proposed O~'dnance was read in its entiPet~ Jdm ~!ack. and i]~:'ee times bU- title. ':ohlon ca:;Pled. :!oil c01! vote as T')~e title ;.:as -:;Nan :"e'~d trice .oPe. 2;to fo!towlnS nol]. c?.!l vote v'as then taken on the Ordn::,.nce. 0p,lngnce Accepted. No. 2--0PCnance makinS it tnl].:~v,,i'ttl ~o .i3'h,,t,b tl~e peac~;. The prc, po:~ed oPdnance v;a.s read in its entiPety by A%torne5- E!r~ch. ........ p the uslial 'bh,t'ee pe,:~dlnSs of the ordn;~}tce ,-,nd h.,ve the c,l~,J.e peo. d t~.:ic,2 r;ore. No!]. c._::]_ vote ~l.~e title, nas -,me;} :"e,., tv:ice :,ore. The :oh. owins, z-,oil____ cam! vote ,,aken or 0raN. ante l:o. 2. u,'iS.i%lI1R,1 - ~k0, e ~ .... ~ . }--Traffic Ordnance. Va!ent}~ - ~-,ye, ~o:~- .,lye, Fen-:ic],:~- Aye, Ord~,~_~ice accepted. The pro!;.o::;e, 6 ordnance ,,';as re, ad in its enth-et3~ bi,~ Attorney Black. It w~::s n:oved b~r Geo. Oiani:mi ~nd second-;d bb Art Fon,.,ick to suspend-tho Pules ~:.nd t}}at the 0rd~.:~me pead one- in its cntiPety and thPee t!rlOS blt title. Roll call vo4e as fO!lOWS: Va!ant? - lye~ Cox - The title wes tllen i'aad tv;ice 2~:one. 'Pie follov~inS Poi! oa!l vohe was taken on Ordnance No. Gianinni _ 1ye, l'/%rd - A'yo. 0r'dn,~nce accepted. i~o. ~.--Slot I,iaci:ine Ordnance The p-~'oposed Ordnance was rear] in its enti:ret? by Attorney Black. I: v;as moved by John Vaienty and seconded by ~e~och Cox to pro-r.,..te the ~nount of }~0.7~ for e~ch machine for i,[%r and June. Notion carried. It was movc~ hi APt Penwici~ and seconded b~- ~ocb. Cox to susmend the r~les and have the orRnance read once in its emtirety and three times by titto, lo!] call vote n~.s tej:en ~s follows: Valenty- Aye, Cox- Aye, Yenwick- &l/e, Oi~.nin~i- A..e, 7/ard- T!~e titie vzas then Pe:~d trice T~.e follo¥~inS roll ca!,_ vote ',,-as ta~=en on u~on.~nco Va!<:~n%y Ave, Cox- Aye, Fen;.ick- A3:e, {}ianinni- Aye, ?/a}..d- Aye. Ordn;m~ce Accepted No. ~--Liquor Ordru:,nce The proposed Ordnance ,.vas read in its entirety by Attorney Black. It ¥~as moved by APt Fenrlcl: and seconded by John Valenty to the rules and ~ ~ on]ee n..ve tl~e ordnonce read once in its entirety and times by title. Roll call vote was taken as follo~;s: Valenty- Cox A,:re, i env, mcK Aye ~ ~" ' ' Aye, ~aro . The title v/as t}~en read t:-ice Tie follo~,;ins roll co~il vote was taken on Ordn-,_nce i~o. ~: Valenty ~ye, Cox 0Pdna:lce Accepted No. O--l~eer The proposed 0rd~anoe ~.'/as read in its on%iNet2- l,y It was moved by Geo. Giani~i and seconded b$:' Art Fenv~ick to ........ o ....... nee z eaa once in its entirety three c__mes b.~,- tit]_e. ~o::' ] ! c:~.].l vot~ ,"e s tal{en as ~'~o~lo~vs~: Valenty- Aye, Co:<- =ye, Fenvrick- ,.ye, Gie_nin:-.i "~-, ?ae title ~:a:~ t}-.~e:~ zv,..d tv?i. ce mope. :'he ~o_lov;zng roll call vote vms then ...... U~'.~.~il ell Or,~, '~-e!1'62' - ~{}re ~ Oox Abre~ Pen,..iak AYe. '~ ....... _ O~,..n ~_nce aaaep2ed. Follov:.,in.s a discussion on Su:_l,~8.y closiz~S lTl!lis 7. s_Pd roved that i,lohion oa-Pied. John Valenty moved tb~t },ir. i~. H. Kennedy be apFointed Vi!lc_Se Treasltrer. wlll~s,,~_ .... o' s 6c.:}nded tho ~uotion. '~.~os~on' ' ca: ?led_.. James ValeNCy subr.itt,3d ,lis api!i~::::tion to the ~ ~ ~)o~z a fop the ~.r,o~:~it:Lon of Police Judse. Enoci-~ Co:,: movc~d ~nd ~r~- = ~ ~:m.zc~ " ~,~e m~. ~,lon ~.~}a{, -N~e fl-i'lica'{;!on be accepted. Notion tion of Police Officer' Ci~e:s "'-~ '~ .... ~ _ · . '.~e~, ~o~an Fordyce, Don Sellers, Rfter considePa'hioil of ti~e above applications T.'~,. Lil]_is ~,';8. rd moved that tNe Bosr{i , ccept the application of J. ii. Biundell as Police Officer. A"t Pemvick seconded tike motion, i,{otion car,:led. Nr B!u}ld. ell was %i:.e]t named ~ ........ - - · .~_~me~ of Police -,f Cnuoouc{~ ida}~o and The cler]: was o~len ~nso~ ocoed to advise the o'bh. er ap!~licants oP ~ile decision of the So~rd in ~he a~ove !t was agreed vorl}e.'!l~ ~.lr!6~'h %he officer was te be given 2 v~ec:ks notice in case his emplo$aneng was to be ter=~i~ated and 'hhat he i~l return ,~houlo give the Board the s~i~e :lo'bite in c..~ae he should v?isl~ to terminate l~is emple$s~ent. Gee. Gianipl}_i moved and '"wl!_lo' ] ' o Ward ~' - ~ the s..r~lar}r for said oI~mcer sNe~ld be .,~. peI-.nion%h and payable on the l~th of each month I. lotion a-~' 1,9 Chairman Valenty moved that the meetinS be .-~' until Thurs- a ~_j ourne d aay ~,,~ay lOth at 6 P.~,;. ~,:otion seconded b~'~ Geo ~zmn~:~ ~ ..... . :.lotion c ~rri e d. ~deetinc adjourned .% !!:~0 ):.[;. %a,e a~djourned meeti/~-.'.-as called to order by Jo]an ~",'. Vaienty Chairman_ o~ oae ~o :._d o~ ~fru~ tees o= 'b:~e Village of C.au,~ -'ouc~,,, idaho, at 6:30 T,~,,:sday, :.,ay i0, ly~l :;.n ,;he office3 of Willis ~. Ward in the Villaj;e of Chubbuck. Trustees p:':esent--Jo]m .(. Valenty Geo. Giani:%~i :' e.~l',.,, ]_ ok ~,il _L ]_J. S ~i. An Ordnance concerning the sale of beer on Sunday was read once in its ent'~rety o~, Jo]u~ Valenty, Chairma3.% of' 'UTr~_e Board. It was moved 'by Art Fenv;ick and seconded b',, Geo. ,.;zanzm-~z~' '~ ' that any action on said o_.-rdn.m~ce be i~e!d over to t;~e -ae~[t re~sutn, r or special meeting or until such meeting v~_en all the trustees ~ve~re ,present. ~' ~- ' ~.oo2on ca_~?ried. The ne;:t order of business was the ap~}rov,,l of licenses for the follo~.ving operators of Slot [Lachines: It was moved by Art Fen~ick :'~nd seconded~o0,-- Willis Ward that -the application of Le~.~a Giani}~i be approved. L~iotion carried. It was moved by Art Fen;vick ,~ ~' ~* · ,.ne seconded by ~o. gmanizm~i t-."~at E. p. Brenns~'s ap]~!ic~_tion i)e a??roved, i,;otion ca:uriod. It was moved b,',*Geo G-iani;~_-,~i .7.nd seconded ~ -- Az-,t ..... Oj . bhe apT~!ication of ~' · ,ree-.ont Valenty be a':-) roved. It was moved by Art. Fen,.,,~ck and seconded by Geo. Gianin~i 'bh.e ap~:~lication of Stanley ~-~ ,~- ,~ . ~o croon carried.