HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 28 1951 CM SPMTG opeczal mectinS ,of one ne,.;ty elected so::._~'o, of Trustees for -one Vi!l~'~se_.~ of C]m'bbuck nas ca~]_,.~c, to order in the office of ,m=_~:~s R. Ward in tshe Vi~lr~Ge of Cnuuouck at 7'~ ~.N., Saturday April 20, . A motion vzas made by ~toch Cox an0 seconded b.- Gee ~-zanzn.nza to appoint Jolmt ~. Valenty as temporary Cnazzman of the Board.. Notion Carried. Acting Chairtuan Val ..... enuy a]m~ounced ths. t the zzrst order of business to come before tire nevziy elected Dos. rd v:as the election of ~ae p .~} .... ~_e,st Chairman of tz~e Board of TP~xstees of ';she Viil~,~oe of ~hubouck, Idahos. Geo. Gianinni~,,. :,uoved ~iu~...u- ~ Jo~ ~,.~ Va!enty be elected permane~at ~n~,z~.man of the Bo~qrd. ~och ,,'~ox seconded the m ,u__oa. F[otion carrzed. The next orde,~ of business ,,,'aa to deter:,:ine~u.,~e' ~ob~' " ~ ~ t .~ o~ ire e./O ~1,~ ~.O'dl '~03_P il0Plods OL~ sePvloe 0~ e{le ,,~ ,~. ,~a~ _~ moved u,~.~u a!l '5]le llSii!es be pl~ced in a las '~}~(1 be dP:~_wn o]~t to detep~i~le ~;!le 'h,;~i'ms of office. 2l:~e first t}~ree &Pawn v/ou~ld be for the four y~ar berm and the last two wottld 0e for h~lo ~wo ye;:~r term. ~locil Co:.: seco~zeQ 'bile n~o~zoll. Moe.~o~ caPrzed. Nme ~" ~ -- · lrat t}lroo ~s]-qes to be dravaL were ~,. ;C~. ~"~- ~-~,¥~ John Va]_ellt3~ i~ orde~ )l~ned T}~ese u,~ce men are to serve on the 3otrd of Trustees of the Vi]_to. oe of Clll~.bbuo]{ fop ']']:~e__ mell dP,Rv,ll to serve ~'u;~:.e two }reap periods v/6re ~l.oc.l' ,~o~ -' nd 0ee .... ~,,'lP ....... Wiq I is 1:{ i',;ard Roved tilah l,lrs . C}r_..','~lo l.'4e Ke~leay ~' be ne~ed C_isrk of ~n.." e Bo::.rd. l{-.~ ,irt ~ .~ · ~ e~wlc_~ seco!l(.te{i '6:le -,'io'61[o11, 11o{3 '_Oll c arri e d Mr S l{eil}le ~" ~ sl. Val en-hB~. !_t Yeas moved b7 Art TM ~' ~.en,'~_ck and seconded b-? Gc~o ...... ~a to retain ~,~. Jo~l ~leck te¥.~v~orari~v.~ ~ as ~{~,~orne)~ ~or ~o i~]l'~e of ~%~._~ . Geo. ,=~'.~aninnia ~;oved to re'bain t]~e ~ccou~. Tuesda'~r of e~ch month ,~s the re';Tal~ meeting] ni:;ht for t;:e ~3o..~a of ~ ~ :,~". );. V;ard seconded the ',:orion. ;,[orion carried. · . ce ;a~::ud as t?~e te~;:porary :.t~ ,;tin,j Dlace for Board. ~,'[ot 2on ,,~?. :¢manm~ma ~:~ovcd, ~,~r. W~ .W~d seconded, that 5ne mca'ting be adjourned m~til ;,[ay Sth, the ?regular ;~ae,;ting nisht. ;;otion carried. i,';e o t in~; adjourned