HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 13 1951 CM8
The Board of Tm~stees for the Village of Chubbuck met in reqular session
in t~e offices of W. R. Ward in the Village of ChubiT:uck, Idaho, Tuesday, L[arc~
13th at 8 p. m. ~.[eeting was called to order by Chai~sn J. O. Cotamt.
Councilmen present - J. O. Cotant
Willis R. Ward
Enoch Cox
John Valenty
!,lotion made by John Valenty and seconded by Epoch Cox that the trustees
dfispense with certain rules in connection with creatir:g one e!ct[on ward for
the Vil!a~? of Chubbuck. Hotion carried unanimcus.
Acting Village Attorney Be~: Peterson stated that the ?6th da~.~ of L[arc~
would be the earliest that voters wouid be able to regis~r for ~he eJ~ection.
months and in the Vi!laze three months nrior to ~.eril 2~, to91~ be a citizen of
the United States and ever 21 2'ears of age. Registration :rill close the list of
AprJl, J:951 at 9 p. m.
~ +- rO
Lo~n. on made b~ u .bn Va!entv~ and seconded ~.~. ..... ...... >c-h Cox %hst the Ck~r~' be
authorized to pest no{ice o~ ,~ ~ +ion"
,~ ~_~c~ ~,.arc.~ 26th. ~ose in favor:
J. C. Cctant -Aye
W. R. ¥;ard - Aye
Enoc?! Coz.: - Aye
John Va].enty - Aye
.V. otion carried and it was so ordered.
There will be five trvstees elected and t}~ey will have to draw lots
to see who will serve the ~ year term., and -~¥ho wzll se?;e ~m~ tYa-' ~;,~ tern.
Three will serve the 8 year term and two will serve the 2 year %arm. The Board
will ar_point three judges, five clerks and one constable for tNe election. Can-
didates to be eligible to ~t;Fe~r on the bellot will have to have pet-~tions si~-ned
b}~ ten registered voters. Canaidates who are running for cotmciimen must '.'.ave
their petit'ons in 12 days before election on April 28th.
It was agreed that either I~.~r. or LIrs. Ken~edy of the/Cold Storage Company
would be appointed to act as Register on t,~'arch 26. ~iotion made by Wi?Ils Ward
seconded by John Valenty to anpoint either Y~r. or ~,irs. Kennedy as register.
Those in favor:
J. O. Cotant - Aye
W. R. Ward - Aye
Enoch Cox - Aye
John Va!enty - ~ye
Mot. ion carried.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned until l~arch 26, 19[1.
Adjourned meeting called to order by.J.O. Cotant, Chairman of the
Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, Idaho, at 8~30 p.mm. Wednesday
March 28, lO~1~ in t~e offices of Willis R. Ward in the Village of ChubYuck.
Trustees present - J. O. Cotant
Willis R. Ward
Enoch Cox
John Valenty
Motion was made by John Valenty and seconded by Enoch Cox that the
Clerk of the Board swear in Mrs. Charlotte Kennedy as Deputy Registrar
for the coming election in the Village of Chubbuch. Those in favor:
J. O. Cotant - Aye
W. R. Ward - Aye
John Valenty - Aye
Enoch Cox - ~ye
Motion carried. Clerk of the Village of Chubbuck, Roy L. Getty, administered
the oath of Deputy Registrar to ~rs. Charlotte Kennedy, for registering voters
in the Village of Chubbuck.