HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 14 1967 CMMinutes of the regular meeting of the City of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Bu±Id- lng of the City of Chubbuck on November la, ~967. Present- Hillman, Henry, Taylor, Buchanan, Underwood, and McDevitt. Called to order 8:00 P.M.. Minutes of the last regular and one recessed meeting then read and approved as read. Bills for the month presented to Co~cil. Motion to approve payment of bills made by Henry, seconded by Underwood. Ail in favor. Financial report for the past month presented to Council. Phone Co.- Request for a permit to lay underground cable at Linden Road and Troy Lane presented to Council. Maps and permit request given to Buchanan, who will take them to Ballif for final aporoval. Motion to charge the ~hone Co. $25.00 for the necessary engineering and platting of the permit # 175335 made by Buchanan, seconded by Henry. All in favor. Phone Co. is to be billed the $25.00 before the Permit is to be seht to them. Undating of the City Plats- Proposal concerning the updating of the City Plats read in full by Clerk. Copy attached herewith to these minutes. After discussion motion to accent the proposal and add it to 1968 Budget made by Buchanan, seconded by Henry. All in favor. Cost of proposal to be $600.00. County Acres Addition- Annexation discussed. Decision was to check it out and see just how much we can annex now so we can provide Police and Fire protection to the residents. Hiway Beautification for Interchange woth Y,11owstone- No cost figures are available on maintainance at this time. No action at this time as this project needs further study. Election- Opinion of the Attorney General read in full by McDevitt. Copy is attached herewith to these minutes. Letter of instruction is in the mail tonight for the Sheriff and the Council for the proper pracedures to carry out the opinion. Max Parrish questioned the rejection of certification of Mayor just because there was a discrepancy in the count on Councilman. Hillman siad the Council could count the votes if they so desired. Parrish still maintained that there was no basis for rejection of certification of Mayor. Twiggs then asked ~hat is the difference between counting and canvassing. Answer- Counting is done by election judges and clerks and written down in the Tally Books. Canvassing is examination of the Tally Books by the Council. It was further exolained that that the two tally books must coincide with the number of ballots used plus the number of rejected ballots and the number of people listed in the poll books , and all books must come out even. Buchanan then stated that the Council follow the opinion of the Attorney General. Attorney Art Smith opposed any piece-meal canvass and agreed to follow the oponion of the Attorney General. Motion to hand the election books and ballots to the election judges and clerks, have them make the necessary corrections, and make the tally sheets balance according to the Attorney General's opinion made by Buchanan, seconded by Hanry. All in favor. All attorney's are to be given notice of when the election judges and clerks correct their records to truly reflect the results of the election. North Bannock County Fair- Doc Horton exnlained to Council that County Commisio~rs want to move the Fair to Downey. The Fairbaord and many local organizations have objected to the County Commissioners about moving the Fair to Downey. The County has a quarter million dollars invested in the Fairgrounds and Horton ~ould like for the Council to writ~ a letter to the Commissioners protesting the move. The History of the Fair was exolained by Horton. Discussion followed. Buchanan stated he is in favor of keeping the Fair here and all Council agreed with him. Council will try to meet with Commisioners on December ~, 1967. Motion to have attorney write letter to Co~isioners opposing anything leaving North Bannock County Fair grounds made by Taylor, seconded by Inderwood. All in favor. ¥~gleby Plat- Studied by Council. Decision ~.~s to have Ballif check the legal description. Taylor is to Check this with Ballif and if it is ~pproved by Taylor and Ballif then Hillman will sign it and after Hillman signs it the Clerk will bign and seal it. Meeting recessed till further notice if necessary, at 9:25 P.M. City Clerk Mayor Minutes of the recessed meeting of the Council of Chubbuck, of November 1~, 1967, held in the Municipal Building of the City of Chubbuck on November 28, 1967. Present- Hillman, Henry, Buchanan and Taylor. Absent- Underwood and McDevitt. Called to Order 9:05 P.M. Purpose- Official Canvass of Election Re~urns. Ballot Box unlocked. Returns officially checked by Mayor and Council. Books tallied. Results as follows: Mayor - Twiggs- 2~8 and Hillman - Councilman- Anderson - 21, Taylor - 227 and Thompson - 239. Motion to acceot the results as official made by Buchanan, seconded by Taylor. Ail in favor. New members are Mayor-Twiggs, and Councilman-Thompson. Meeting recessed 9:10 P.M. till further notice if necessary. City Clerk Mayor P.S. The following people were present at the recounting of the votes and the recanvassing of the Election Returns. Bob Hillman, Bob Fanning, Ted Pike, Phil Hageman, Max Parrish, Boyd Twiggs, Joe Brennan, Les Henry, Paul Shaw, Carl Hensley, A1 Buchanan, Wayne Taylor, Mildred Taylor, Geneva Valenty, Mrs. Gale Anderson, Ray Summers-KID-TV, Myrtle Frasure, Evelyn Galloway, Garth Pincock, Mrs, Jay Grayson, Jack Egbert, Dorothy Jones, Jay Grayson, Mary Brennan, Edna Bayliss, Lorraine Hensley, June Stuart, and Phyllis Armstrong. Chubbuck, Idaho November 20, 1967 Mr. Mayor and Councilmen, City of Chubbuck, Chubbuck,Idaho Gentlemen: I hereby submit the Plat of the First Addition to Magleby Manors, a subdivision in the City of Chubbuck, for your approval. In developing this tract Ii will comply with all regulations and ordinances of the City, with the understanding that the City is under no obligation for maintenance of streets until brought uR. to City specification. Yours Truly, Herbert Maglebyt,/ ./