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03 14 1967 CM
P[i_m~Les of tNe Resn[.a.r ~"~o *' ~,-~ of' +b~ Sea, rd of 'fr~:~,m~s nf +h,= ~'~ ..... ~ of ,'Sh~b~ ...... Present-Nfl Ii.man, Renry, ...... ::'uc~'~anan: h'cDevitt. Absent-l. fard and 'Und. erwood.. Bills f~m t. le mo?f, :7 r¥:~:er,t.sd to Zeard. l[ot. ic, n to approve pa'jv;zext n? bills made Greener Past, uFes !,,i'e!i PuPc';::ase- hot:lo? to autio:~ize Pu_rcbase Agreemer'L and i]scrow /t,~reements for t:'?cl ass of ~:,Se]..i in 'l<'eener Pas%utes :sa,d.e bsr }2,3.c]:~a}'an~ Seconded !37- }{entEr. Rhoi.! 3~! i l:'ole-Sucb, a.nan-2,res ~ HeRry-yes ~ '~2qd. Hi.!!man-yes. '{?eli {,o be lcneYn as i?e!! Lo. }~ and iFil!ese %0 Lake over coiiec'hions ........ tln~.~ wafer ..................... c.~s on A?rii 1 ~ I /o7. ................... , n,~ . nx,~,~, ~,~,.~ addresses of ~!-~e =~-'o-~-~ o. ~,~a~,-~ or-"ect~ ~s to be furnished +,ha v.4~ ~,,:,- thc, se!]ers. :~.,..1 o u,-LRc5 ,, , , .... 0 .............. ....... ~.a~ waue,, line down :::~oz'reli Drive~ pi}i, +~ ~ ~ ~ . - .....e .... }q7 .,. :l..C J.).aN ~, i ~ ~ .... -'"l~d by Henry. '%oii "' ' ~ -" :, ,.~,z_ Vote- e~,~', ....... ~-:erm~r-ves. and Nil hmsn-}res. for property' !ocat, ed }00 feet frcm %he :raj.? line 3k.d !iol cr~ 221 e~!_s%i.r:S s'breet future el.e.n.s fop %his pr'oi::erty before acLinS on such e. c('.nnechion. ,.2~oenn~- ...... i:'.~,-t,,-~.~..:o ,.,,,~...: Txzr,':'.~ . = :: ,','~e.~ ]):~ ,_q t. rencb ~: ft. deep '-:nd .s.lxz, roximate!7 ?,500 .~+~, Ion:z, R ~'2:'5 Cens'b, rucLiozz- su.btp-_!t +:..,::,., ....r?ol !oT,;inq_ ,:,~-, o~.,,-, .... ,, .......... .As ont :'1ned b~ ,-ro,,r,~n~:--¢qOQ, ~ , ,.,. ln,., ~ Rood CoPper&ti.ch-'N4,' ~ 03 Not. ff-:m Lo award c.~,~o ..... u t.o Ccc;:er ~:: i':oc:er~ ~- ~n,,r~=-~- ~,~44er ect to ~iphen .?oad and Tt in {ireeneP Pcs%utes for future fire Street Orade for !'fee5 Chubbuclc load- i{otion to adopt and apNrove -':,he street grade !{enry, 21! in .fttvcr. :"c];cvit,t, will notif7 %he Tel:~dton3:30 of this n~eso!ut, io~, so %','.:e2:~ can proceed !r'ri ?,tion ?,/at, er +~ F:Lre ':-:-,::-~ q c~, i.,o-h tx'5. "sSI .~"~ ........ ? Lob- ;'{otio~' bo '~,.,o~_rmze' the ~-~ ~n{~ of !?,eo~]est= Pr-," ':l:,:d.jr:,:,,.:!sht:tex% of-:'~!ser Ri=}vb~ and ~',,, ~' .... ?~ (.)77 Leins Lo +:co~e ic, L~ made }~-~ '-"~' ~ ~ . ..... .,~x } ..... Henry. '"~] JN i's. voP V-ii-: %~/e ,3] erk