HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 08 1966 CM ~' '~e~ o~ the P~:z]a~ .fleeting ,~+~ +Ne uoq d of T~,o+~-, ..... ~ %he of
........... r ............. Vi lla~p Chubbuck~
held iL t ~-~ Tqm-~C~n,~:,] Nuildin~z of ~he !;fiqla~.~:~ or n ..... , .... N~vember 8, 1966.
Present-?;ard~ Undem,~ood,. . ~-~ 1~,,,~ Henrv,~ Buchanan, and !cDevitt,
Cai,led to order 8:0()
Minutes of the last regular meetin{~ read and approved as read.
e~n-~ ~or the ~no~"+h p~ ..... -~e,~,q to Board..
,.,,, ,mrna' seconded by Henr~ Ail
r ~ .... h~a lBoard.
Financial report for ~a~ month , ........ +~' to
Phone Co- B~ied Cable. =~Uo~~_,~:
cable ~t Yellowstone & ::' ~ ' -
,State Health D~F,t - ~'-~ .... --'n oo are to bo
Ne:~der iddition.- Street m::~.rovements. HcDevitt o a:s~z,~te,,,~, ~ ..-,-:os tk:at they talk te
mai_imf ~:~ w~ need a cost a~t~+~, o~ the ,:t~-~v~'~ ...... s reonired t,n do the
Ballif ~ ready ~ socn as tke red, dents are r,::~adv. $~-~ w~-~! o.,,~, .... ti-,~ once
at vil~ ~ ~e cost !f mcre ...... ~ pay
o-~v ..... ~e ~' the ~-~ J~-o~ will for
Motion wa~ then :u:ade to ~ ~'~ = ' ,-~ :~ ~tq.e ' '
gutter and the Viq':a~e,: ~.r~n~.,_~__~ pay }he Ensineer., ':~-;-:~'~+~,~:,,_,~,~ ~o n~y.~,~, +~:~ cost for rest of
engineering for t:av~,-,~ otc to be installed~,~,~o.~ -~_=:_,'~ .... to Enzinz~ers :~:~cz~zc~.t~ons'~ ~ -' ~'-' ~ ~ '
4o~1o~ by Buchanan. Ail in ~
"~our,t~Y Acres Fiat ~'-'d-" ~$ P_qain. - S ~--~ ......... ~": '
.... ,, s~u_.~_~ ton/: S~oc~==-~,-,~- ~u~_.:ov~ed. Roard did not live approval
to P]_a~ a~ this time. t"lende!l ~[a:;shal! ~en,:e~tad tkP~t %}'~S do no% ..... ~ Country Acres
a% %h:i.s time. Board agreed they' would honor this re?~es% and no% ~nxex them now.
hayne }tier Connection- ~ust wes% of Fei_der addition~ %0 come off of Countr}~ Acres
w~Ler line. Board o"~ ~ agreed that ~' TM ~ ' ~ w~ ?
..... ,'~ ....=e .... pay for 6 inch line from ~o~try Acres
main line to south side of West Chubbuck Road~ and theN will then make a ~ae-off for
La'she frora this point. Chase is to put in tko Nydran~ at %his point.
Annexation- Th~ ...... only,, annexation at this ti ............ .... ,411 be E--o+ o~,.~ of Whitaker ~O:~oad- and
the '!,{%lford Briscoe property at the corner of Syphon and Hav~horne Road.
}{cDevitt su.z!Eested to }oecd ths,t in the fu't,~e they char,se the sub-divider $25.00 each
time they ~ ~ .... t a ....
,. ' ...... ~ Plat for study or anercval. No action at this time.
~arkin,$ :"o~-n-'~q ~,~ : ~ ~_~.~- Jaci- ?Jo-card stated that he ?:as reouested · o=mce~' assmstance' in
~emov- ...... ns: cs~rs ~DaPzked OE ........ ~ qZS%~ Road located in %}:~..~ !}i_l!a,ie on the sonq],_~ .~ side of the
"~e' ' ,.~o~rd su~j'j'f:esZed that he in:tall a No i~P. rk~ng ~'~
;.,~.,ewoo~ Garden. e o - olan and then the
Police c,~n enforce it.
Heetin~? recessed at lO:CC l::.;!, till =urtaer rn+ico ~'~' -~ce .......
',hai_rman of Board
Vi! :'.a~e Clerk