HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 13 1966 CM153
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck,
held in the Municipal Building of the Village of Chubbuck on Sept. 13, 1966.
Present- Underwood, Henry, Buchanan, Hillman and McDevitt.
Absent- Ward, out of town.
Called to order 8:05 P.M.
Buchanan acting as Chairman in Ward's absence.
Minutes of the last regular and one recessed meeting then read and approfted as read.
Bills for month presented to Board. motion to approve payment of bills made by
Underwood, seconded by Henry. All in favor.
Financial report for month presented to Board.
Resolution resetting the mill levy to adjust it to New State requirements then
explained to Board. Roll call vote for passage of adjusted levy as follows:
Hillman -yes, Underwood -yes, Henry -yes, and Buchanan -yes.
Burley Drive- water line and road. After discussion the Board decided to have
McDevitt and Ballif get the easements straightened out before any water will be
turned on in the new line, and also before the Village will maintain the street. '
The street must be brought up to specifications before the Village will accept it.
Motion to enter into a Rent - Purchase Agreement with Starline Equipment Company
for the purchase of the new Fire Truck made by Hillman, seconded by Henry. Roll call
vote for passage of motion as follows: Hill.manTyes, Underwood -yes, Henry -.yes, and
Buchanan-yes. Payments are to be made yearly, at the rate quoted in letter from
Starline Equipment Company dated September 1, 1966. Copy of this letter is attached
herewith to these minutes.
Police Dept- Motion to give Lessert full authority to take Hensley's place and see
to the street work necessary, police work, fire dept. work etc., made by Hillman,
seconded by Henry. All in favor.
Meeting recessed 9:20 P.M. till further notice if necessary.
any"X of Grfoh� n� lglol�
Acting Chairman of Board
Village Clerk
P. S. Buchanan is to ckeck the meter at the Quonset 'Building and talk to Idaho Power
about it. The Clerk checked with Idaho Power and they said someone is using power
at that meter.
P.ugust 17, 1966
Mr. jk. F. •IcUomber
543 North Hayes
Pocatello, Idaho
hear Ar. PIcCo,%ber:
1 should like to refer to a letter that was written tq\Wou on
day 16, 1966 concerning; tne nuisaace prob7,, .d the haza r 'dl ' raw
semiage, behind the 'olonial. ;Aotei in
i reco�,L.ended that within two period s '
�mething be done to
eliminate this iiazard. i have chec - it se times since and find
that nothing hay; yet been done as of 1 reinspected the
premises and 4-c-und t at the condition --- Ltion i same as it was in gay, and
i have had new cillmplaints f ,r�7-�t�eaa�n ho live in these units
in this Alfitel.
-iere on inspe
,Ale there oaay,f � oted tat there were illions
0 t
of larvae floating around this ei �L ento I brought a sample of
0 �den
these to the laborator %
y f 'dentif ion and found Vaat these are
mos.-luito larvae Thi-s,�'is an t r2 sc
"I son that the problei-i needs
i,,wwdiate a-ltte' Aon.
.If no a,-i'on is taken by you to eliminate this hazardous situation,
I shall recoi»a 4 to tie Village attorney,, Herman ivicievitt, tiiat an
injunction be\litqught ap ]nst your premises and that the units be
closed down until'-stteh'-t1irie as this problem i;3 eliminated.
Very truly yours.,
Aulon 6. Tuellers R. P. S.
H6 Tlmm
Through the office of:
Ivan J. Frazier., Administrator
cc: Mr. Carl Hensleyp �'-'iei of - dice
Herman KcLevitt,