HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 10 1966 CMMinutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Villa? of Chubbuck, held~ in the Municipal Bu~!ding on May 10, 1966. Present~[rC~rd, Underwood, Hillman, Henry, Buchanan and McDevitt. Called to order 7:55 P.M. Interstate Hiway 15 extension- Norman Crossley and Orion Grunerud of State H~.way Dept. were present ans explained the under-over pass to be constructed on Hawthorne Road~ ans asked if we wanted to put in a water line under the new hiway now. The line would be for future use. After a long ~i~cussion a motion was .made by Hillman, that we let them show us on the blue print just where the water line should go, and the Village can decide later if they want to put in the line now during construction, or wait until the line would be necessary for Village use. Either way the Village would have to contract and pay for the line. Motion was seconded by Henry. Ail in favor. Resolution of Agree.~?.ent with State Hiway Dept. for construction of new Hiway was studied by Board and some changes have to ~e made bofore the Village will act on it. Minutes of the last regular meeting then read and approved as read. Complaints- Myles Doty complained that unlicensed dogs from the east side of Whitaker Road are causing dc~.age to h~s property. East side of ~?,$.itaker Road is not in the Village, the residents do not pay Village taxes, yet, enjoy all the benefits of Village utilities. Residents carry their garbage cans to west side of road and leave all their mess in the Vil]a~ and cause plugging of irrigation ditches. Residents on east side of road have ~aused closing of drain ditches by putting in their driveways without a culvert mnderneath. .After discussion the Board directed Hillman to co~'~tact the county commissioners about the drainditches and ~riveways, and ~ensley is to contact the resffdents and inform them they are tc put their garbage cans on their own property. Burley Drive- Richard Newbold, o~ the 200 block, asked if he could get Vil].age water to his property. After a~long discussion of easements and existing water lines, a motion was made by Underwood that we have Ballif survey the !.ine and get all correct easements before proceeding with e~tension of the water line. Village will pay for the survey. Motion was seconded by }}illman. Ail ih favor. Bil3s for the month presented to Board. Motion to approve payment made byHenry, seconded by Buchanan. Ail in favor. Financial and Police reports for month presented. Police Car Bids- C. ED Flandro bid-$2,997.00 and Paul'sa~ont_.~c-~ ~o 821.79. Motion to accept Flandro's bid made by Buchanan, seconded by Underwood. All in favor. Office at C~uonset- Buchanan still has some bids to get for work there. Bank Accomnts- Motion made by Underwood, seconded by Henry, that all Village Bank accounts be transferred to Idaho Bank & Trust Co. Co~try Acres Sub-diw~sion- ~ard reported to Board that Wendell Marshall says he will do what ever the Village wants about hydrants. Now they are 1250 ft. apart. Decision of Board was that they demand 2 more hydrants to be ~laced on W. Chubbuck ~d. Stuart Ave.- Needs a seal coat. Board authc, rized Hens!ey to ~et bids .for th~.s. 2later Charges- Buchanan suggested changes in water rates to discourage watering large lots and acerages with Village water. This will be decided on at a recessed meeting to be held on May 17, 1966 at 6:00 P.M. R.R.Crossing- Village can cc.~trcl speed of trains through Village by passing an Ordinance setting the speed li~t. Attorney will look into this. Fire Truck- Question was asked about delivery of Truck. Board decided to wait and see how they deliver it before we do anything about it.