HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 12 1966 CM~nutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck,
held in the Municipal Buildin~ of the Village of Chubbuck on April 12, 1966.
Present- Ward, Buchanan, Henry, Hillman and McDevitt.
Absent- Underwood, excused for previous committment.
Called to order 8:00 P.M.
Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved as read.
Bills for month presented to Board. Motion to approve payment made by Hillman,
seconded by Buchanan. Ail in favor. After a discussion on the bill from Empire
Construction Co., Motion was made to have Buchanan give the check to them in person,
and ta~_k to them about the high rates they charge, and see if, in the future we would
~ave to call them could they give the Vi!~a~e a break and lower their rates. Motion
made by Hillman, seconded by Henry. Ail in favor.
Financial report-for month presented to Board.
Report on Meetings attended- Buchanan reported on Civil Defense Meeting and Idaho
Municipal League meetings he attended. After discussion the Board decided to study
further Buchanan's suggestions of looking i~ to False Arrest Insurance, and
Federa~ Financial Aid Projects.
Mail was read and letter from Safeco Insurance concerning damage to Fire Plug just
south of Chubbuck Interchange was taken by Attorney to be answered. State Hiway
Dept. damaged the Fire Plug, but all the parts for repair are not here yet.
Building Inspector- Applications from Kent ?arrish, Bob Gray and Rex Christensen
were read. Parrish was ~resent and explained what his services would do and his
fee would be half t~e cost of the Permit. Christensen was present and stated he
would work for reimbursement of traveling expenses. Bob Gray was not present but his
charges were in h~s application, namely, ~12.00 for 1st & 2nd Inspection and
checking of plans. If a 3rd Inspection would be required that fee would be $5.00.
McDevitt explained that Permits should be issued on specified hours only, and they
should be issued by the Inspector. Long discussion followed. No action at this time.
Ordinance # ~8 that was ~assed in February, 1966 was read by McDevitt.
Extra Police - Hillman suggested that if extra Police would be required for Sunday,
now that the Bars are open on Sunday, then the Bar O~ers would pay the ~i~!age the
money for wages for the extra Police, and asked if this could be done? Mc~evitt
e~lained that they only way this could be done would be by raising the License Fee.
After a discussion it was decided this service is not needed yet and action will be
taken when, and if, the service is required.
Police Car- Board decided to call for bids for purchase of a new Police Car. Specs
to be dra~n up By Buchanan and Police Officers. Bids to be in by May 10, 1966.
Bids to be on basis of purchase of new car every year. Present lease expires 6-~0-66.
Village Offices- After discussion Board decided to check Quonset at 11~ Hiway Ave.,
and see how much work would be required to ready this for Village Offices. Board
~ ~ ~ 1966 at 5:00 P.M. Clerk requested that ~his
will check this on ~ednesday April 15,
building be air-conditioned and all Board agreed to this.
Cleaning Court Room in Fire Station- Different Clubs are using the Court ~oom for
meetings and not cleaning it afterwards. Motion was made that in the future all
clubs using the Court Room must put up a $5.00 deposit before their meeting, and if
they do not clean up afterwards, they forfeit the $5.00 and next time they come for
a meeting they must put up another $5.oo deposit. Mrs. Hensley can keep the $5.00
if she has to clean the Court Room after any Club meeting. Motion was made by
Hillman, seconded by Buchanan. Ail in favor.
Dr~ipes for Court Room - After discussion motion was made to have Mrs. Hensley
price Drapery material and see if we can get some made for aro~mnd $100.00. Mrs.
Hensley will do the work. After she gets a price she is to contact some Board
member and he will authorize the project. Motion was made by Buchanan, seconded
by Henry. Ail in favor.
Fire Hydrants- Buchanan stated that all fire hydrants should be on the street and
not in back of the houses, like they are in Country Acres being devoleped by Chase.
~tion that there must be a Fire Hydrant every 600 feet, and if the Fire Hydrants
are not on the Street the:i Village will not furnish water to the project , made by
Hil~nan, second~d by Buchanan. Ail in favor. Board all agreed that they would not
accapt any water line that ~id not comply with this motion.
Meeting recessed at 10:30 P.M. till further notice if necessary.
Chairman of Board
Vi]_lage Clerk