HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 24 2022 Ord. 847State of Idaho County of Bannock PROOF OF PUBLICATION Idaho State Journal I, ,14wmrr�i+tiror Collins Crapo first being duly sworn, depose and say: That I ani the EEassi€eet+ NlengeiN car Processing Clerk employed by Adams Publishing Group of the Rockies LLC, publishers of Idaho State Journal, a newspaper of general circulation, published 4 days, Tues -Wed -Friday and Sunday, at Pocatello, Idaho. That the notice, of which a copy is hereto attached and made a part of this affidavit, was pub- lished in said Idaho State Journal for 1, first publication having been made on 05/24/2022 last publica- tion having been made on 0512412022, and that the said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper on the respective dates of publication, and that such notice w published in the newspaper and not in a supplement. d f r '� Subscribed and sworn to before me, on this 26th day of May, 2022 BETH CROSSLEY NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF IDAHO COMMISSION NUMBER 68167 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 7-28-2022 ___j attached jurat STATE OF IDAHO ss. COUNTY OF BANNOCK ,r Notary Public Public My commission expires: On this 26th day of May, 2022 before me, the undersigned, a Notary public for said state, personally ap- peared DaGialrir Collins Crapo, known or identified to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument, and being by me first duly sworn, declared that the state- ments therein are true, and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. BETH CROSSLEY NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF IDAHO COMMISSION NUMBER65167 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 7-28-2022 239286 Notary Public for APG of the Rockies Residing: Idaho Falls, Idaho Commission expires: AD# 239286AD# CITY OF CHDH6OCK, IDAHO OFINNANCE III 9x7 An wdrnsmol MoCIV of Cfim F, Idaln, atlopGng Chaptgr 1A, IB ChubW*village -illw tong forth tw pmposo and farad nl t1e Chubhmck Vlllago; mm9rg two enumarakd inning dis- ficis:RighweyCa" to 1HC1 and village IV) dabie and 1aNrnng In, gm,,, nal anea'ntnn- passed try said mnng dildmIs; seting IoM epactal mmi Woos as relate In other bsW use cool rots. It I'm-alm. mm sbrmwm, relvnton:-loblishing W regukling plan for pe turas: askblish. irg a sbavts are nghlsal-way plan:oWablishirg tlesign and! lmnlege srantlads; proVWing Ivr3antl ane Imrd, Buses: eskdishirg lentlscaping mardar9a; e5lahlisNrg panning skMerda;esWglsn- irg "gr ge'Iteimrds; repmhng prier cOniiitdrrg .abnan : p,,Mieg t,rte aemimely, or the prpvisI naof is oMlnance; and predtlfng whop Iles tudirucce is eflecove_ The lancing srefbetl depmpany eecmnpamns Ow Highway Comdor Zone: A pilI of land netted ln-hein Nmfheast 114 of SocLon 10, T ship 5 South. Range 34 East. Boise Mentl, an. Bannock C3mry, triable. tfoscnbcd as follows: Comrnmhtirg el tl10 North 174 Carrier of 5Wd &01. m, being marked by a boss cap monu- ment insides survey veal. Said point "119 Me POINT OF BEGINNING: TtWarte Bci"' 09°2592" East. Wtmrg Ann Noon lino of sem setae. IC, adlsra.te of 329 A3te'L T--$wrth 00'.S6'W�rm, a distanceal M,00 feel, M No rnrfheas!mrrerof RiseAd f Key hank Commordal Sm,,ee ion; There South 00'04'35 Weel. Wong Ih. _W y boundary Ilne of Rite Aid 11(ey bank Com - ml Subd'..-. a doW.-. of 4W.E3 lent to . point on M. amMvdy boundary Inv of Loi 3. Banton braeA .s Subdivision: Thence S-Ih 82"01'08' East, anng saitl mrahery IwG-dry tile, a dreorrta x18926 }89140 NW nodneasl corner of d p -I of -antl described in Dead Instrument No 20212165; The— Swan M-03'49- WOW, along the eamink bo.dary 9- of said parcel a div W 19600 th""' Ih-ciAlmad -roar of said parcel; Thema N"M 59°2734' West, Wong Ina soutlmay bObnaary line of said parcel, a dials - of 246.39 feel. In the noMwesl wmer of a parcel of land &.ift,nd in Deed Irslrmnont No. 21307566: , Sleuth 00'03149" West, along me _..,IV boundary line 6f sate Ma I. a dislancW of 274.35 kef, W a peln err the sonthOdydgMf-VI heal UII Ammo; Thence Borth H9°3t'1T Eest, WI said sarMgh erlyrl nl way line,, dstance a155.7y feel to the noMwesl comer Lot 1, Block t.xf 5GK SubdiviWon; Thence Sa4h 60'01'51' Wast. Wong No odea ay boundary tine of said SA,d ision. a d ­ of 202.39 met, Ix the s bon est mrrrer of salt subriwsim: Then- tonanuirg South 00"01151" EAsI. along Na sametyorNtla bry tln9 of a "d,w of Gnd tlescnheO In Da9d InSirumenl Na 20500396, a tliskrra u 8613 feel, to Ire apdnl m 1hOreM- erly h%dr IIB,1 OI ChMbmh MSI SAdivison; Them South 89'20511' Ease along said nodhery boWnlary Ilse, a tlisfance al 2.81 feel, tit the nodheasl comer o}gold svhtlivison: Thence In a sxulhetly tlirocaon alwg the easory boundary lire u sae a"ivison for the neat 131 Met.mursys: 1. Soulih 00'04'02- West a dimmme o! e8A0 feel 2, S.Ah 89°20'56' East a Q tante of 6.291eet; 3. South 00.39'02"Wesl a dimanm of 20000teal, t91nB mrMaaal cwnor M said suhdlyiW-; Tnmce Smdh M 33'38- Wast a tlisfanca of 52.36 fee4 In the nonname t mrrer al a petrel of lad tlascrlbed in Dead Inslrl ml Na 21413131; Thence Swhh 00"92'09' Wes4 along 010 easterly Inco te, Ina of sae paI a dimiarxe of 9528 fief. to a point on Ino rerthmy bound�rryY line of lUrg Cantor '%W Aatlaion Hubdmsi-: Thelxe South 89'22'55" East. akng Ih0 rdo Neat bobndery lute of said 6ubdlvtuon, a tlis; a1 M kat. o In¢ 0377 W.W. am Stock f,o1 KIg Conlin 1stiddL. P S di. Jin: Thence ,In. 00°03.1 Wssl. Weng me ,y It- 1 L t 1, ry line of said Lm 2. a aistA.m M 9304 fool, to apunE -the rwdherty b-ntlary line of Lot 1, Blork 1, of as oLdwLtion; The Sm9h 89"4719" IE Wong Nv no dmoy hnandi Me of said Lot 1. ¢ tlislen- u 22.00 leu, to the II tame, of said L011. Thence &IM 00602'08" W.m, Wong IhW easienty bnondary ane of Sa;tl Lot I. a diswnce of ,so pt ,at, n a point on the-dherty bounhmylino of WhI'Ma rNa 1 SubtlivM-1 Thrace Sorts Bfl°4]'18"Flat, Wong the noMedy bomdary line of said subtlivisi-, a disknm o} 122,,0 ke-.. -h' rerlheaat corner Of sea n bdidsi ei; Thence NOM 69°43'19" East a dislanco of 50.24 lam, to a pond on the eeetefy nghl of way ,e al Cental Way: Thmee in. swahedy daI along Ilte easledy IgM of way line of Central Way tdr fie nen 1s1 si4 cddrs35: 1, Snu1R 01°16'41• EASI a distance .f 262,36 feel: 2. Small 00°00'36' wast a 961ante u 49-994en1: 3. NOM B9°19'23' Wnst a dist,, of 0.94 keg 4. S.tah 00°03'51"Wast a drstarcO of 22130 001, o a purl of tangency will, a 25 W 001 mous harm .1-Psbarns 5onth 69°5609" Earl; 5. F.ffnM q said curve to the 1.11 MI cankel a,m of ]5°25'27 an art length of 32.91 maL (The t odd of said curve hears S -IM 37°38'S2'EWst adsla a, of 30,58 kelt d a Post oI "Iwith a 55.00 loot and m moon,' curve whose ..." bears South 14'38'24" Wast, 6, FOIRnng stdd revxr5e .- In m2 r,;N through s ceuml angle M 9511'02" an arc I11 11115 11151-1, (The chord Pf said LG NB boars 8-Ih 27°31'05' East a dim - nl 9154 Met) to a pund ver tin notlMdy dglt of way In. of otoramse 96; TMaca in a w mry diretnan along the northerly dghl al wey line M Inter tate 06 for Ma neat 141 }Our courses: 1. Nor -h 76°34'23' West. distance OI 109.951.12. 5-Ih 0010714" Eml a die of 43.94 InaL 3. NoM 68'44'5T West a die 01348.91 Iou: 4. North 89'08'33' W 1 e sisoncto.179.16 }eel. to ¢,point on the hm dl...I ttl4 e'of Section t0. Tow tip 6 Borah, Range 34 EE51, Bdm Meriden; Thelon Nodh 00'22'22" Eam. along mid mehdin- ce.ledin', a distend 42438.45 feet -Mb POINT OF BEGINNIf♦O- ThO mowing tlescdbetl pmparty encompasses"' rAI'g' ]a'no: A pineal Oland orated In Me In Nodheam 114 of Section 10, Tommcshlp 6 Sou91, Range 34 Ease Boise Mefivan, BennmihCwnty, lrkho. doscrbed as folies GommOrcirg ai the North 1!4 Carrier of saitl S¢cem 10, burg i,ed by a brass cep miner mens inside a survey..It: Thence 8-1, 99°2902' East, along the Narlh one of said 8.0on 10, a 6.1,- .' Mg.a3 imt d Me POINT OF 0 EG INNING; Thane South 00'36'59' West, a distance x134.00 feet, In the nomineeIt carer Of Rite Aid I Key bank Commercial Subdvision: The ,S 13 u DO"04'3E" West, along the easody WI line of Rm, Aitl! Key bank Go. - San," Buhalvisiton, a tismnee of 436.63 ISO Io a por,tt on 8e soulhnaY boundary Ilse d L9I 3. Ramie brae Acres Won; Thd Thence 9nh 02°01-01 '0 "8"W Fast, Bong said southo+, hohudaryline, a tlisonoeof 88.26 toot n the rwrhnce Soman u e 3'49'1 of lendong Me moo Deetl Inslmmenl No. 20212165; Thence Sarah e'ma49' West along the easletly bountlary Ifne al sem parte, a tllsianrs of 196.00 kat, d the soulh0asl cvrmr of sant parcW: Thvnco NOM 89'2734" Wall, o'n Into Svo8leay t i1nd d lirho of saitl pmcel, a tlislance tl 07x9 feet le lila nenhrweat corner of a per9N .I lend described b DBetl I Slram'nl ND 21367566: Thmm Somh pant o49" West afmg the r eddy Il bomtlary lion a saitl porml, a tlisunre of 214en kat, . a punt on the sou -bray right vl way line al Life. Avenue; Thaste 5xme199°31'IF- East, Wong said Sumanly light of w.y line. a ®sknce o} 55.7/ feel m M. mr81wes1 corner U 1. Hlock 1..i SGK HuhrSW aim: Th mm Souh DP01'S1"Well. 31NV the easorly hmr Itin. of said svhdMsion. a m carne 01202.39 feel, la the seulh.asl mrmn of mid W hoivigign; Thence c.rlinufng $oNh 00°01'51' East along do easnry boundary line of a portal of lard descdbtd in Doled InWrmnent No, 2D501YJ96, a tl-sfenm of 60.13 feet, lO Iln a punt on tho-ldh- atl y boundary Ire of Chubbm* Mamma, Srbd-visim: FherKa SwM 99°20'59' East, along said northerly binary Ilse, a dna,me 4 2.91 feel, 0 the mrtheasl mrne -I sed auhdinsion: Thmhcos- ,u Souh 0" along the ea dm, . OF 88.00 8.Foal; said subtli 69'2 or the red (3j fn's courses: 1. Sealh 00°P -39 Wem a tlLman.a , or 2m hot Soath I9m sem Easl a oislMce of 6241eW1; 3- South 00°39'02" W.st a tllslahne of 20000 ked, t. the seaaheast mrnor of said subtlM'sim; Thane South 31eed L,- Wes- a N. 21ce 3152.36 feel, lO Ne nodheesl comer of a pemei of Imo tleunbed In Deed Inslmmenl Na 21413131; Thenen SOWN %O2'D8" West, Wong the nastOay bcannery Ir1e of said parcel. a afslenw of 9529i.a point m lie rdrthnry boundary Drs oI King C¢n[er 1st Atla4lOn subuvision: Thence Souh 89'22'55 East. akng 1h.-InBry bevndSI of mid BAdn faun. a disIe .f 32-00 oar, in the rtdh-St comer of L312, Bk k t, 0 King C .Ihtr ls1 Adtioon SWtllvisfan,, Thence South 60'03'27' West. Wong -he easterly b ndery line W said Lel 2. a d-s-anc' of 98.04 Met. -e a pone on Ino tedhorly boundary line of L.1 1, Block 1, of said mbtliv .N Thence South 88"4718" E -L along the redhody huunaary line el mW Lo[ 1, a dislanco u 22.001... OOnto -1,.9 .'net W said Lot 1: Timn'. Beath 00°02'69' won, aMng I!n -mdy boundary line of said Lot 1. a di Wr .1 150-01 mat.l. spurt -1ho northetlY h.vnII line of Wnitawatar Nq 1 Srmm hut; Then- s'uoh afl'4718' East, Gong Inn noMndy hm0dary lire Of Wald subtlk4Wm, a distance el 122.10 IaeL o -he nonheasE carrier oI said sub`1b=; Thence North 89°43'19' East a dsfo- of 50.24 teal, d a pd,- an the easterly 0914 of way line el Csutal Way: Thence N." 91"1641"Weed, Wong said easterly ugh[ of way lino, a disiare. of 319.58 fiat. Thencto Nodh 44"32'44" E -t. a dlmanea of 28,60 I2r'.110 a point on the -Uhs-y light tot my line Of Evans L-7 . Thom in sh imamrly d -hon along the mtdhay light o1 way 8ne of Evans Iano Mi the Winn (5) Rue moues: 1. South 89°3]'52' East, a dislense x140282 Mel; 2. Sarah 99°3700" East, e tlislarne al 33.77 }ee[, o a point ollangenx+y with a 325.00 tool radius 9urve whose tenter beats Nm -h 00'2300- E. W; 3. FdlvMrg sad cavo to the IS N,d agh a [321 E angle of 07°4052; en ere) In It of 49.5] lent. (The deN tll said curve hoans Nodh 86"32'32" Eest a tlistenco d 43.54 last) t' a point of tangency with 275.W Iran radius averse carve whose tank, beers Seam 97`I., In Eos',a_Febowirg sale ravers. calve to the light phnughacental algia of 0]°53'59: an a,c tango 4 3192 kol, Tran chain of said r'mtsa carr. bean NOM 96°38'08" Eam a,disWrne .} 310 eni,e Sn. th 44 29°23'5 aEas-, tang'nt to No last tloscdhao curve, the uS Oghl 19 ked; Them SOhM 44°41'17' East a tliapnte 012620 Teel, to a pain- on Ina weslery dghl u way lure o} Barley Drive; ry Tham South 00'55'34' East.along said wvsfnrly(o1 way lino, sdislatue of 59.15 001; orlco ThNorth B9'55'26'EaSG .L a tlI5ln�ce at 50.00 feel. to the soNhwesl clamor tl WilliEfs Sor- .a SubtlIVl5lon. ThonOn S -h 99°22'04' East, II the mo herly hm.dary line .f said sutrdWson. a dlslam of 398.14foot an Ile r ntomer er of mid subon dlvis; Therm In a nor-harly, direudn Wong the wester, right of way line OI Union Pew Railroad for the ned t3} three commas: 1. Ncr 0OVIZM'WAsl, a disknce of 492.04WWbapoint a118r1ge11- ry whh a 5779.59 foal radius curve whose comm been, NOM 81°47'37'EaW: 2. Following mid to tl10 ngM Ih"I"I a cmami angle of 0!'00'32; en art Into of ]07.01 leu, [fie c11.N of said curve beers North 04°42'07" West d di5lance Of 6.56 feed: 3. North 01'11'51"Weal. a dislancn e 6 So foetto W point L Sn north Ilea of $neaten 10. TOWnshlp 6 South, Rang. 34 East Boise M.ritlisn; Them Nodh a9°29'02' Weal, alarvg saitl oats Ire, a tlislanco of 1315 52leot, to IhO POINT OF BEGINNING. Th. full ted M Itis OnInam H Is avallahlW at an Gily Clerk's Once. Chubbudr C8y Offices. 290 Eas- Linden, Chubbuck, ID 83202. I haw me ownd th¢ lo,r Oing summa"and bolovo a pnwSlas a t- antl cmmu smnmery of Ordinance No. 847 ere Mi the mal -g preuides atlaguaie .Mice b lie publk el Me contents D o1ws IBM I ATUO oar ATED -3 day of May, 2022 Ryon 5. LmvB, LTN Aa3may Publlshetl May 24, 2022. IlSJ9411-2392961