HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 13 1964 CM ~nutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village of Chubbuck on October 13, 196~. Present-Worsencroft, Underwood, ~'~ard, HilLman, Christensen, and McDevitt. Absent- None. Called to order 8:00 P.M. ~nutes of the last regular meeting then read and approved as read. Bills for the month presented to Board. Motion to approve payment of bills made by Underwood, seconded by ~'~orsencroft. All in favor. Financial and Police reports for month presented to Board. w~tension of ~ater Line - Eli Taysom, Contractor, asked if he co~2d get Village ~ater to a sub-division he woul~ like to develop. Property is outside the Village Lin~ts, north of Church Canal and west side of Hawthorne Road. He requested that the Village put in approximately dO0 feet of 6 inch Cast Iron pipe, at ~illage expense. He was advised by Village Board t~at the Sub-divider puts in the water line, at his own expense, ~ not at the expense of the Village. Idaho Power Co. P~ate Changes- ~%lt Sargent of Idaho Power Co. was present and presented the Board with the good news that the Village will receive a reduction in rates on the City Wells. It will amount to an approximate 20.7% reduction. He also informed tha Board that there is a reduction in rates for Street Lights, which will be affective as of October 1, 1964. After a discussion, the Board decided to make a survey now and see where additional Street Lights are most needed, and if possible they will be included in the Budget for 1965. Slag for Private Driveways - Wes Maupin of 241 ~.~. Linden was present and asked if the Village would put 2 loads of Slag on his driveway and he would pay for it, but asked to make payments of $5.00 per month, instead of paying the total bill at one time, as he is on a pension and it would cause a hardship if the entire amount had to be paid at once. Total cost of the Slag would be $15.00. Board all agreed that they would accept his offer of payments~ and would authorize the Slag to be hauled and placea for them. (Cost of Slag is $7.50 per load delivered.) Maupin also asked to have the Sanitation charge removed from his water bill as he hauls his own and has no use for the service. Board all agreed and advised him that this request was denied, as they cannot make exceptions to the Ordinance for some and not for others, as this would defeat the purpose of the Ordinance. Police Car - Board all agreed that this car is not preforming properly, and Dee Bogert of Intermountain Chevrolet has been advised of their findings, and has agreed to consult wit~ them on this matter tomorrow.(October 14, 1964) Fire Dept.-Report from the Volunteer Firemen~s meeting of September 24, ~96A expressed the need for more chemical fire extinguishers .for the Fire Truck. Hensley reported that he had bought one at mn Auction Sale for $17.50 and that the retail price would have been approximately $39.00. Motion to pay Hensley ~17.50 for the extinguisher made by Underwood, seconded by Hillman. All in favor. This extino~isher is to be installed at the Storage B~silding at 114 Hiway Ave. After a discussion the Board decided to purchase 4 15 pounders to carry- on the Fire Truck and one 5 pounder to carry in the Dump Truck. Motion to authorize Hensley to order the other 5 extingusihers made by Hillma, seconded by Christensen. All in favor. Future Zonings- Letter from John Valenty requesting a favorable opinion for reserving of the property adjoining both the East and West sides of the Union Pacific Railroad Tracks, through the entire width of Chubbuck, for Industrial purposes, read in full by Worsencroft. Copy of letter is herewith attached to these minutes. Board all expressed a favorable opinion to agree with this request~ when Zoning does come to Chubbuck. B~dlding Codes - After a discussion on Building Codes, the Board decided to select residents from the Village, have them meet with the Board, and form committees ant appoint chairman of each, to study and make recommendations for the various Codes. Codes to be considered are: Building Code, Electrical Code, Flmmmable Liquids, Liquified Petroleum Gasas~ Oil Burning Equipment, Sign Code, Plumbing Code, and Natural Gas Co~e. This meeting was set for Wednesday, October 28, 1964, 8:00 P.M. Village Fire Hall. Meeting recessed at 10:00 P.M. till October 28, 1964 at 8:00 P.M. ,, i '~ ~'~_ ~" ~:~ Chairman of Boar~ Village CierE. :~"-/ Minutes of the recessed 'meeting of +z~ Board of ~ ~ '~' ...... rustees of the !!aze o~ Chubbuck, of October ~ 196A., held in the ~[,~micipal Building c~' the Vi!]_aze of Chubbuc~ on October 27, ~96A. (Moved up one day from October 2~, ~96~). Present-Worsencroft~ Underwood~ t. fard~ ~,[cDevitt~ and 9 residents of Chubbuck~ ~lus a representative from Pocatello, and a representative from Bannock Co~ty. Absent-Hi!lman and Christensen. Purpose~ Discuss various }J~uilding Codes, and form co~ttees to study and draft such Codes for the Village. Ca~_led ~o Order ~:00 7forsencroft explained the pure, ese of the meetin~ and stated t:-:at most of the Complaints received by Vi]~!aze Board memf~ers ~re that we lack cooperation ar.d direction for i~ndividuals~ and our most important neeci is for a serie~ of Bui]_ding Codes to conform v~th o~m surro~ding area~ suc~-' as ?ocate]..!o and the Co~:ty. ~fe need background infcrznation for Uniform B~lding Codes. ')re need the hel? of the residents and their committees to study these codes and !~e!p draft Code Ordinanc,s for our particle, ar need and still conform to Codes ir~nediately arounc us. Joel Anderson- ~ocatello Zoning Co~isssion~ expressed his approval o~ the Board~s desfi_re to start this project. He su~zested that we consider the National Code for Fire Under~iters~ as that is a Uniform Code used al! across the United ~3tates~ and that we consider the short form instead of the lon~ form of the Uniform Building Cod~ of the International Conference of ~ldin~ Officials. ?~fe sho~d check with Focatello and maybe we could use their Buf.!ding ins~ector 'mill s~ich time as the Village would be large enough to hire their own Inspector. John Korbis- ~ S U and Bannock Comnt~.~ Pian~in~ Board~ sug~ested that we wait for the Co~ty to adopt their Zoni~ Code before we ~o to far '~dth our ~l~s and that 'way a.void any conflicts in the Ordin,~nces. ?~fe need a Fl~ning and Zo~n,5 ~oard for the protection of pro?er%~y and thus develop in an orderly fashion ~d help our future progress. Kent Yarrish- Ail residents are interested in progress and we do need something standard so we know how to develop in the future. l~cDevitt- ex~/ained that we have 2 problems. First- ?u:~ldin~g codes to cover construction~ materials~ pl~nbing~ e!ectricity~ gas, etc. Second- Zoning which would define use or p~Do~ of property for safety~ health ~d r~'o?.ert~ value. The follo~n5 all a~reed ~th the need f~r these Codes and sta~:~ed they wo~d be ~lling to work on co, trees for their studj~ anO. drafting, namely, Jack Men,d, A1 Buchanan, S.A. ~.n.~o, Herbert Ma~eby~ Kent Parr~sh, Ronald Lewf_s, Bob Inman~ Kenneth Kennedy~ Joe Yrennan, Cluff Underwood, k~illis [~. ;~ard, mhd ?ebe ~[prsencroft. Anderson and Korbis stated Zhe? would be willing to help any time their services would be needed. Decision of the Board was that they ~i1 s'et a meeting to organize the different com~ttees after they obtain all the literature the~.~ need to beqin these studies. Village lice~:.sin~ ~dll superce~e State LicensinB. Chubbuck Jill honor Pocate!lo !icensin~, to avoid duplicatin~ licenses for contractors. Their main object is to 'na%e~ all surro~mng areas as near ~miform as is possible. Meetf. n~ adjoined 9:05 ~.~[. till further notice, after al! mater'~als are obtained for tis study. Chairman of Board