HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 06 2021 CM & Study SessionCITY OF CHUBBUCK COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES OCTOBER 6, 2021— 4:00PM The Council Study Session Was Canceled. CITY OF CHUBBUCK COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 6, 2021— 6:OOPM LOCATED AT CHUBBUCK CITY HALL 290 EAST LINDEN AVE. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor England. PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: Councilmember Lewis COUNCIL PRESENT: Dan Heiner, Melanie Evans, Roger Hernandez, and Ryan Lewis. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kevin England, Planning & Development Director Devin Hillam, Police Chief Bill Guiberson, Planning Manager Don Matson, Development Services Manager Sean Harris, Human Resource Director Scott Gummersall, City Treasurer Rich Morgan, and City Clerk Joey Bowers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 15, 2021. Councilmember Heiner motioned for approval of the Council Meeting minutes. Councilmember Hernandez seconded motion for approval of minutes. Roll Call: Heiner -yes, Evans -yes, Hernandez -yes, Lewis -yes, motion passed. GENERAL BUSINESS: Appeal the Denial of a Day Care License for Leesa Burmester. (Council will discuss the denial of a day care license by the Chubbuck Police Department). Chief Bill Guiberson presented the reasoning for the denial of the application. Leesa Burmester explained her situation and that she was wanting to volunteer 16 hours a month at her grandson's daycare. Mrs. Burmester stated that she was still on probation and was required to do random drug testing through her parole officer. If one of those tests ever came back positive the Chubbuck Police Department would be the first organization to be notified. Telena Hall owner of Little Learners Preschool stated that Mrs. Burmester was completely upfront and honest with her. Daycares are allowed to have people volunteer up to 12 hours a month without applying for a license. Mrs. Hall also stated that volunteers are never left in the classroom alone they always have a licensed teacher in the classroom with them at all times. Mrs. Burmester's daughter Lisa stated that she had seen the changes that her mom had made to improve her life. It was her children that Mrs. Burmester took care of on a daily basis. She also stated that she had no safety concerns for her own children or the other children in the class room. The random drug testing that Mrs. Burmester is required to do gives her an added level of reassurance. The City Council wanted Mrs. Burmester to know that their number one priority was the children, and that Chief Guiberson was following the city ordinance by denying this application which then allowed her to appeal to the Council. Councilmember Evans motioned for a 3 month provisional approval of a day care license for Leesa Burmester, conditional upon at the end of the 3 months the Council will receive an update letter from Mrs. Burmester's probation officer and the owner of Little Learners Preschool to discuss this matter again at a future Council Meeting. Also conditional upon that the Chubbuck Police to be notified if any of Mrs. Burmester's random drug test comes back positive, which will be an immediate termination of a daycare license for Leesa Burmester. Councilmember Lewis seconded motion for a provisional approval. Roll Call: Evans -yes, Hernandez -yes, Lewis -yes, Heiner -yes, motion passed. 2. Approval of Copperfield Landing Div. 6 Preliminary Plat, (Council will discuss the application and if it meets City code). Brady Smith from Rocky Mountain Engineering represented the applicant. Mr. Smith presented a 55 lot preliminary plat. Mr. Smith also stated that the applicant had met with the surrounding neighbors and was able to address most of their concerns. Summit Building Group is also working with City Staff to help create the envisioned park around the City's well site as part of this development. Mr. Smith stated that the applicant plans to complete the secondary irrigation facilities which will also include a pump station with Copperfield Landing Div. 7. Development Services Manager Sean Harris stated that this application had been reviewed by City Staff and appears to meet the standards of Titles 16, 17 and 18 of City Code, and recommended approval. Mr. Harris also stated that City Staff was supportive of the completion of the secondary irrigation facilities with division 7. The Land Use and Development Commission recommended approval. Planning & Development Director Devin Hillam stated that the Public Works Director had reviewed this application against the previously approved PUD by Mr. Darris Ellis, and felt like this application complied with the guidelines of the PUD and also recommended approval. Councilmember Lewis motioned for approval of the Preliminary Plat for Copperfield Landing Div. 6 as presented, conditional upon secondary irrigation facilities be required to be designed and constructed in accordance with city code and completed with Div. 7, and park impact fees be required in accordance with city code. Councilmember Heiner seconded motion for approval. Roll Call: Hernandez -yes, Lewis -yes, Heiner -yes, Evans -yes, motion passed. 3. Approval of Arbor Court Preliminary Plat. (Council will discuss the application and if it meets City code). Stuart Ward, DIOPTRA, represented the applicant. Mr. Ward presented an 11 lot preliminary plat. The Sanitation and Fire departments had some concerns during design review. The sanitation department stated that "The Sanitation Department had reviewed the applicant's proposal for compliance. The turning radius does not accommodate Chubbuck garbage service vehicles without using multiple point turns and backing. Sanitation believes they can service the site with their trucks and a very careful driver." The Fire Department stated that The Fire Department had reviewed the applicant's proposal for compliance. The turning radius does not accommodate Chubbuck Fire Department vehicles without using multiple point turns and backing. With the current layout, the Fire Department only has one fire truck that could make the turn. All other trucks will have to make multiple point turns to make the corner." Development Services Manager Sean Harris stated that both departments had stated that they would be able to service this development as presented. The applicant has provided additional space in this development to allow for the sanitation, and fire departments to more easily service this development. The Land Use and Development Commission recommended approval. Planning & Development Director Devin Hillam stated that the applicant did provide a concept that would remove the center island and allow easier access for both the sanitation and fire departments. Both City Staff and the applicant would prefer to maintain the center island and would recommend approval as presented. The City Council wanted to make sure there would be no parking signs posted and stripping to prevent tenants from parking around the center island. The Council also asked City Staff to work with the applicant on the best curbing to assist the sanitation and fire departments with their turning radius. Councilmember Lewis motioned for approval of the Preliminary Plat for Arbor Court as presented, conditional upon secondary irrigation facilities be required to be designed and constructed in accordance with city code, stripping around the center island be required and include no parking signs, and final approval of the curbing around the center island by city staff. Councilmember Evans seconded motion for approval. Roll Call: Lewis -yes, Heiner -yes, Evans -yes, Hernandez -yes, motion passed. 4. Approval of the Annexation of 40 Acres of Land on the East Side of Yellowstone Avenue, North of Adams Street and South of New Day Parkway. (Council will discuss the annexation of 40 acres into the City limits). Joel Dixon, Knudsen Engineering, represented the applicant. Mr. Dixon presented an application for 40 acres to annexed into the Chubbuck City limits. Planning Manager Don Matson stated that this application had been reviewed by City Staff and appears to meet the standards of Titles 16, 17 and 18 of City Code, and recommended approval. Councilmember Heiner motioned for approval of the annexation of 40 acres of land on the East Side of Yellowstone Avenue, North of Adams Street and South of New Day Parkway, as presented. Councilmember Heiner seconded motion for approval. Roll Call: Evans -yes, Hernandez -yes, Heiner -yes, Lewis -yes, motion passed. Approval to Amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation on 40 Acres of Land on the East Side of Yellowstone Avenue, North of Adams Street and South of New Day Parkway. (Council will discuss the application and if it meets City code). Joel Dixon, Knudsen Engineering, represented the applicant. Mr. Dixon stated that the applicant feels like these changes will better fit within the surrounding areas and allow for a more gradual transition from residential to high density residential, and then to commercial. The current comprehensive plan designates this area as Industrial which would allow 70ft buildings to be built in this area. Mr. Dixon feels like this change would be in the best interest for the community. Planning Manager Don Matson stated that this application had been reviewed by City Staff and appears to meet the standards of Titles 16, 17 and 18 of City Code, and recommended approval. After a public hearing the Land Use and Development Commission recommended approval. Councilmember Heiner motioned for approval to amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation on 40 Acres of Land on the East Side of Yellowstone Avenue, North of Adams Street and South of New Day Parkway, as presented. Councilmember Evans seconded motion for approval. Roll Call: Hernandez -yes, Heiner -yes, Lewis -yes, Evans -yes, motion passed. 6. Approval of Initial Zoning on 21.07 Acres of Land as Commercial (C-2) and 18.43 Acres of Land as Dense Residential (R-4) on the East Side of Yellowstone Avenue, North of Adams Street and South of New Day Parkway. (Council will discuss the application and if it meets City code). Joel Dixon, Knudsen Engineering, represented the applicant. Mr. Dixon stated that the applicant feels like these changes will better fit within the surrounding areas and allow for a more gradual transition from residential to high density residential, and then to commercial. Mr. Dixon feels like this change would be in the best interest for the community. Mr. Dixon also stated that the applicant would like to eventually bring Industry Way South from New Day Parkway and connect to the northern border of this property as commercial development. Planning Manager Don Matson stated that this application had been reviewed by City Staff and appears to meet the standards of Titles 16, 17 and 18 of City Code, and recommended approval. After a public hearing the Land Use and Development Commission recommended approval. Councilmember Heiner motioned for of Initial Zoning on 21.07 Acres of Land as Commercial (C-2) and 18.43 Acres of Land as Dense Residential (R-4) on the East Side of Yellowstone Avenue, North of Adams Street and South of New Day Parkway, as presented. Councilmember Hernandez seconded motion for approval. Roll Call: Heiner -yes, Lewis -yes, Evans -yes, Hernandez -yes, motion passed. 7. Approval of Zone Change 2.0 Acres of Land from Single Family Residential (R-1) to Dense Residential (R-4) on the West Side of Philbin Rd. North of Sawtooth Street. (Council will discuss a change in land use from Residential (R-1) to Residential (R-4)). Stuart Ward, DIOPTRA, represented the applicant. Mr. Ward presented a 9 unit subdivision, which will include eight twin homes and one single family residential. Mr. Ward stated that the proposed development would meet the density standards for a Limited Residential (R-2) zoning. But due to the size and shape of the parcel, and easements on the property the applicant has requested for an (R-4) zone. Mr. Ward felt like this application would clean up a blighted part of the community. The applicant is willing to sign a zoning development agreement that would automatically revert this property back to an (R-1) zone if any changes are made or the applicant does not move forward with the proposed preliminary plat. Mr. Ward stated that in 2017 the applicant applied for General Commercial (C-1) zoning, but due to not having a preliminary plat the Land Use Board recommended denial of that zone change. Councilmember Lewis stated that this parcel of property will only ever have access off of Philbin Road because no other interior streets will be able to connect to it. Planning Manager Don Matson stated that this application had been reviewed by City Staff and appears to meet the standards of Titles 16, 17 and 18 of City Code, and recommended approval. After a public hearing the Land Use and Development Commission recommended denial of the application based on their opinion that due to traffic concerns this application would not be in the best interest for the community. Planning & Development Director Devin Hillam stated that he felt like the Land Use Commission had made their recommendation based off the concerns of a neighborhood and not what would be in the best interest for the community as a whole. Any development on this property will need to access off of Philbin and will increase traffic. Councilmember Heiner asked if the City had any planned improvements along this section of Philbin Road. Mr. Hillam stated that the City did not have any current plans for this section of Philbin. There is still a lot of land for potential development that as those properties develop will be required to widen the road at the property owners' expense and not the City's'. Mr. Hillam also stated that there is plans to install a roundabout on the corner or Chubbuck Road and Philbin Road in 2022, which would be just north of this development. The engineering firm studying that project has also stated that a roundabout at that location will help address some of the traffic concerns along that section of Philbin as well. The Council felt like an (R-2) development was an appropriate transition/ buffer between the existing single family homes and a main arterial street. Councilmember Evans motioned for approval of a zone change on 2 acres of land from Single Family Residential (R-1) to Dense Residential (R-4) on the West side of Philbin Rd. North of Sawtooth Street; conditional upon a zoning development agreement be required that would automatically revert this property back to an (R-1) zone if any changes are made or the applicant does not move forward with the proposed preliminary plat; as presented. Councilmember Hernandez seconded motion for approval. Roll Call: Lewis -yes, Evans -yes, Hernandez -yes, Heiner -yes, motion passed. Approval to Amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation on 4.18 Acres of Land on Quinn Rd. West of Ronald Rd. from Commercial and Mixed Use to Mixed Use. (Council will discuss the application and if it meets City code). Joel Dixon, Knudsen Engineering, represented the applicant. Mr. Dixon stated that the applicant is wanting to remedy this property so it has one zoning classification and not be split between commercial and mixed use. Planning Manager Don Matson stated that this application had been reviewed by City Staff and appears to meet the standards of Titles 16, 17 and 18 of City Code, and recommended approval. After a public hearing the Land Use and Development Commission recommended approval. Councilmember Lewis motioned for approval to amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation on 4.18 acres of land on Quinn Rd. West of Ronald Rd., as presented. Councilmember Hernandez seconded motion for approval. Roll Call: Hernandez -yes, Lewis -yes, Heiner -yes, Evans -yes, motion passed. 9. Approval of Zone Change 4.18 Acres of Land on Quinn Rd. West of Ronald Rd. from Limited Residential (R-2) to Dense Residential (R-4). (Council will discuss a change in land use from Residential (R-2) to Residential (R-4)). Joel Dixon, Knudsen Engineering, represented the applicant. Mr. Dixon stated that the applicant currently does not have any set plans for this property, but this zone change will allow the applicant to start that process. Planning Manager Don Matson stated that this application had been reviewed by City Staff and appears to meet the standards of Titles 16, 17 and 18 of City Code, and recommended approval. After a public hearing the Land Use and Development Commission recommended approval. Councilmember Lewis motioned for approval of a zone change on 4.18 acres of land from Limited Residential (R-2) to Dense Residential (R-4) on Quinn Rd. West of Ronald Rd., as presented. Councilmember Heiner seconded motion for approval. Roll Call: Lewis -yes, Heiner -yes, Evans -yes, Hernandez -yes, motion passed. CLAIMS: City of Chubbuck claims for October 6, 2021 as presented to Mayor England and Council. Councilmember Heiner motioned to approve the City of Chubbuck Claims as presented. Councilmember Evans seconded motion for approval. Roll Call: Heiner -yes, Evans -yes, Hernandez -yes, Lewis -yes, motion passed. ADJOURN: Mayor Kevin England adjourned at 7:52. This meeting was available to the public electronically and by phone. Via Zoom Teleconferencing: Meeting ID: 895 3419 2442 4yers-City Clerk Kevin Engla ayor