HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 09 1963 CM27 Village of Chubbuck, ' a _~. the i>a! ne]a ~ FiunJc .. ~h~.!ldinx of t.~e ViJ.-~/_~e of Chubbuck on Ju]y 9~ 1963 Present- Davis, Worsen. croft, Hi!!man~ ~ v, ara and Nc~evitt. Absent- Underwood,e-~,.c.~oed,~- ~ out of town. Called to order 8~:10 ?.(inutes of the a ast ~es~-I ~r meeti~: then ~e~ and apsroved as read. ~il~ seer ..... ~.,e month x~resented ~c ~oaPd. 7,'~ot~on to approve ..... rd, sec,~n~.ed by 2~illman. All in favcr. ~e b2 ~1 ro~ Power to the Eoo~:ter Etm~p is nc.t t.: te Faid till further acreer?ent is reached with IrSaho )cwar Co. on the am(umt ~e ~e S~ore L}ce~ses ~}~st due- se~e~ ea~abL~sbr}en~s ao ~c,~ ]sa~e ~he~ make a list of t~e~e x~!a and ~ivc it to nensiev an~ he will ckeck with these ~.zacas They ore-Bell '''' ' ' ~ ..... it,lL!er Court, Cozr Corset Tra~!er Court, Tastee Freez, D [: N Custom Outt~'.~c:., Lver~'reen ~'r~er- ...... Park, ColoniC! motel and Denn7's Service. marshall Bros. Sub-division on Hawthorne Road- Villa,se water is Taxes on Stora~o'e Bui!dins- L~c,~ tc ~_a7 taxes to Plat 7, 1963 Village is exempt on fu~:uPe taxes c:n tkfs ,,~,, Sent.- reulacing our water _,.~e_,.~ on South at Interchange. l,,fe will .?,~9y our share :then job is done. Our share is I(ain W'ste~~ .... ~-ine-~ i:iq!~:~an .... ~:~s tber, e _,,-;~ a ]_e~'~ in the ~af.n line somew%.ere on Soy. t:' ':{e}!o~rstone. Dcard in cf the oe!_n~on tb.e ~,} !-~e found when State mu. ts in c, uP N~e!r !!ne oN %his street, !t {s danq'erous to t]-'e ci:i!dren. F~oard 8al. vised residents to qet ~:~a !~cense num~e~ of the ~',,i~t~ c take it to ....... · .... - , :: .... ,; aP S ~ the Police Jud.~e, sn~n' ,?. cc,,,s_~_~t,~, ~, , . ...... ~r,d ~-:~:~lev will_ arrest the ?uilt~r parties and ~he7 will ke fined, t?orsencroft suqr'ested ir'at the7 ~ttt signs i.N the middle ~-r' the street at both enas sr,d · , ~ t.:_,.at vre ~'ign be posted for 1~ I,iH and bare a picture of ,% ckild on it. 2]_1 L~oard ac'reed cn this ~:sa,,~,er r::.,(: ')/orsencroft ~.~,as aut~::~-:,rzzed to ?:o ~dqe~a with L.i.D. for ::.~t.,~?rt Ave.- exnl,nined._ ......... in fn~l ~-~, NcD:svit~. Tke Survey. is not coxa'~)}_eted !re~ sc no prices ccu!:i ire clamored, i{esi&eN~s were advised that t:~ere ~c~?d. ':e a ::Pc. test ~reetin. g before anlr final plans ape put into e_, ,~ct Water.f:.r-":~-ir~'~n~m-S,..~ .,:. *.. ,: at ¥1ac' ~n,.or t- z)avis exx:2ained that 'o.e has talked with t!e ~azr l~oard of 161ackfoct $~}d th. elf told b_im that they e~,.,~ t',,~,.....,, Cit,~ of Y:isckfcct }300.00 ~ ~-ear for ~rater. . Vhe,~_ .. ,. s]~o,_ FoP all Policf~ on the mo~ Greunds Rc. prd a~t~'Peed that we see if a similar, ~:~-,_ ....... ............... --~=n~ eRn b,e made ]cetween Ohubbuck' ' ' a~d North .T, anmoc'k CountX 'P~_ir P. oard. o.ter on St!l:t-.rt i~ve- Ds.vis reverted t.)::st Veom]e ape waterinc tLeir ].awns and not wat, cb. inq %be~ el omo encvch and t'h:lrefoPe -Vil!s2e ................ .~ - ......... ~,~;,,n Stuart Ave. ]".'})etinq recaased ,st 9:20 P.!'.i. till ?,:rt'ber notice if necess~,r~r.