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04 09 1963 CM
19 .n_.,.~g of the ~:oard of '?Pustees oc tNe Vi-ln, sa'e ~,f Chubbuck, b.e~d in the I',.'flnnSc~na] Nu!]d~n~ of tbe Vi~la~e_~ of. Oh~b~uck on April 9, !963 Present-Davis, ~,'ia. rd, Ni!lman, .Jorsencroft, Underwood & I.'icDevitt . Called to order $:00 P~I'{. , Nineties of the ..la,at Pes?~lar ~nd ,~na recessed meet~n~ t~n ..... re~d and Gravel fnp {Po streets Pe~ocp~ ~:reser'%,ed ~{: to the ~:oqrd ~n~o Cbans'e Order NO: ] rd C;h~no'e ~ oro.{,P No: P ~oresented of cnn~rsct~_ ~ made %~r~., W'ard . seconded },,~ Hi~ .... 'x, en. Roll cr~ll voteo s fei lows :i,'~s.rd-,res.,, %,{e~'seD. oroft~yes., !TNdePwood-'~es, Ri'_, .... !men-yes., and ~,~]n 1cc:( of contract i~ to ce r:sid after a certificate Ds_vis-yes. o ...... for ..... .... ~ of partial comn]etion is ~:r. esen~ed to NoaPd by ~rchP tact, end al. so an affidavit fPoN t':h~ ~ and lsI?or furnish, ed on thi.% }project will i:e naid ?¥ tlo~em and shall / ?~,~ve the Villa,se free 'P~ .... any c!%gms cP !e~ R ou~lffned ~nd reauiPed in. the Contract of t!Te said Deeds to i,{est ~.,~rnside Bead ~iven to Attcpnedf for sbudy t:efore 5card can ncr on t} ~, matter. Tral_].er fop Vi!_] an:e ~,oaaer~, 'Valley Supply .r?.as ~en 7:,a~d 2~0.00 fop their work on ibis Tra~leP~ and now Talbot B!aeks-r~'ith Shod bar the Trailer and ~.;~!! f~n~h abe job. Buildings..:, Ordfnance reo~}irins_~ . a _~es~Senoe_ _ to have at ]east P.. door to the C,l~tside was discussed, i.]cDe, vi~t ~,i_ll look ir:to this and we will d~so~!ss -~t f~rt!-!ep at %lie next meet!r,?. Lacy ?:uildir~' at of l'e_ ., ~ corner l lowstone and Ni.v.xa~r Ave- lacy wa~t.~ to know ~e t}:.~e ";7i]]a~ e ]:oo .~nv use fnr th. is ~]s~n~- lie will a:it, l)er ge]_], or ~esse -~t tc %1':e ',fijT~E:e. Tb.i~ r~tter will ~::,e dJ sc~.,~sed ].step when NloPe infc:Praatien i,? available. .i'~inSo 2nd Addition.- iilinn:o wi?Ln.~s tc siva the Villa,se al:c,u~ 2 acres ~oP a Park. The onlF wa7 the VillaGe will acoep~ ~his is by a Clear Title arid n.o% with andf imm~Pove~nen~s conditions in ~he Title. also wends to 0il Adams s~Pee~ on ~he north side oS h~s house. ali. asreed t},~t he c ~,ns ........ c ....... do ~t ti:at he ,,,'~,~ ~-~ , ................ · ~..ve to ~av for it himsel, f. · PiPe .... o~_ren- s ~m on the Euildirs; but not heok~d ue ,~et Notion to authorize Carl XensneTr ~,- ' .... L,,_ _nave it wired made }:F Xil!P_an~ seconded by Underwood. Al! in favor. ~dhe cost ~c be 15'0.00 to cy'c!e the siren fPem high speed to !ow speed, then PeSUNe hish seeed to !ow speed alternately. ~rke~s Pe]_e I,ine Electric to dc, the Narshall Sut~-divisiop-i.lqes studied %:: n~'ard. They want to run the water mainline in b~c~- cf t~s,,' ~ s ets facin~ discu-°sion fol}c!,¢ed. They c~Pe to dPe. w l].e RN: }?cPeement !,~i. th the attorney and t.h~ r:ns~S will study ~t !a~er. Dogs- ca~sies d. ama~se in Ne!~ep Addition. }iFs. iii. 2. 8coNe and lips. X.F.Servel 1,re:PC: ~dresen~ and. com,~,]~ined %o Poard n},n~t F, royert, F ..... ~ .... ~ ...... L~am~> e R~: do6s in tb.a~ " .... :.o. azt_~on 0o~- 0Pd~n. ance ~ ~ - ' by ~aPd. A discussion · Pea~ fo!lowed. ~,oaPd w,a. vts to enforce OPdlnaNce ,~:~ 9. inforn~s ti on on numbered and s~sisn~ted hale oPe ~ ~e~ ~le tars to b:e obtained from Scl t Lake Stamp Co. Restroons in Park- Plans for Puildir_S exD1 ained }~ NillNan mate cost to be !,~00.00. Notion to authorize i{,illman te So ahead with th.e project if it ?:eats with the 7il7,:ce Atto~ne,r's s?}eroval made by W'ard, seconded t-,Ir [7nderwoo(~. All in favor. --'" Standby generator with diesel motor for emergency use on Well No 2- Davis explained to ?card that such a generator can be obtained for 100.00. It wou~d run with a belt. We would have to have a building to house it right ~ext to the p~p house. This will be discussed at a later meeting when more inforz~:ation is available. Local Improvement District for Stuart :~ve- P~etition Izresented to ~ -~, -~ ~, ~ ~. ,i?n:~tures of all residents on that hoard Rv l~vle Smith co.~t .... .~no the s - street except 2. R~oard edvised SRitk that oep Attorney will have to study this and advise the Soard ~efoPe anN' aceion can La taken. Audit- Dale Jones ex~}~] ained the audit reeoPt in full te the Board. Notion to approve 'r:ayrlent of [L39.2~ to Jo~:,es fop audit Ns_de by Ward seconded by Ri!!nan. Ail in favor. Notion to authorize the Chairman of the Peard and the Clerk to sign the Contract for the next audit made bv Ward~ seconded by Worsenoroft. All in fevor. Jones e~iained to Eeard that the it!lane should be ~?nder contract for an audit at all t~:mes · weetin~ recessed st 10:1~ 7 TM Village C_eri_ till_ further nc~ice if necessary. Rzn~.,c, es of ti-'e P{~:ces~ed meeting of _,r. ril 9 ~cl~'-,~ cf +'~e Foard of ~r,~s~,ees cf the 'Jilt .... e ~,~ 0~ ' ~ ~.u[,lx~ck, held at the {3Peen Triangle and at Property at 1 '.~" . 1LL~lWS.x~ Ave on As~Pil lo, ig63. i, leetir?, called to order at 6:4~ P.i!. ' ~ l{o~sencroft, snd RcDevitt. Present-Davis, ~.ara, Underwood, _ Pnrpose-0iscuss and inspect ~r~erty at 11~ Niway Ave. to see if it nan he used for stora~2e of ~illa?e Enuipment. ~.oard meN]rets toured ~nd examined t.~e pro?erty. F. N. Lacy, the D~esent owrer ~.resented two ~lans of lease ~ p~_~rcno, se f~r the ard to consider. They are as ~ol~.ows: Exarmle 1. Total cost- ~16,~00.00 Down payment - ~}1,~00.00 Balsnce ~['~15',000.00 at 6~-% on deferred payments. 8 lrears-96 months { ~200.79 per N~nth. 6 years - 72 months {~ ??~2.1k eer month. ~ years - 60 months 6(. 293.~$9 per nenth. * . ~ .~ · . Example 2 Down ~avment of ~{~2,000 00 ha!anco ~{}lh~,~00.00 at ~ on deferred esy~e~ts ~ ~. - ~_ . ~ ~rears-9$ months 6: };19h, ,_.0©~ Der, month. 6 years- 12 months ? ~2[~3 73 Der month _~ vesrs-60 ~onths ' · ....... e ,~ 0"3 70 per month. After a d:iscussion i'-'lcDevitt exel_ained tc the ~oerd that they ceu!.d enter into ates, se-eurck, sse aSreement for the ?nil_ding add property if~ they_, so, desired, llcti_oN to autho, rize XcDevi. tt to drsw up a legal ~ease-}~rcn~e. ~ ~_,~P~o'~ee~ent:_ . Nade by, Ward, r2econded by., Underwood. All in favor }ieetlns recessed at 7:q0 P subject to further ~tice if necessary