HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 15 2021 CMCITY OF CHUBBUCK COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 2021 ā€” 6:00PM LOCATED AT CHUBBUCK CITY HALL 290 EAST LINDEN AVE. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor England. PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: Councilmember Evans COUNCIL PRESENT: Ryan Lewis, Dan Heiner, Melanie Evans, and Roger Hernandez. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kevin England, City Attorney Tom Holmes, Public Works Director Rodney Burch, City Engineer Bridger Morrison, Planning & Development Director Devin Hillam, Police Chief Bill Guiberson, Fire Chief Merlin Miller, Development Services Manager Sean Harris, Human Resource Director Scott Gummersall, City Treasurer Rich Morgan, and City Clerk Joey Bowers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 1, 2021. Councilmember Evans motioned for approval of the Study Session and Council Meeting minutes. Councilmember Hernandez seconded motion for approval of minutes. Roll Call: Lewis -yes, Evans -yes, Heiner -yes, Hernandez -yes, motion passed. PROCLAMATIONS: 1. Kind Community Week Mayor England read aloud a proclamation. 2. Constitution Week Mayor England read aloud a proclamation. PUBLIC HEARING: A public hearing, pursuant to Idaho code 63-1311A, will be held for consideration of the proposed fee increases in excess of five percent (5%) of the amount of the fee last collected or regarding proposed new fees with respect to Sanitation, Water, and Wastewater fees. All interested persons are invited to appear and show cause, if any, why such fees should or should not be adopted. Public Works Director Rodney Burch went over the proposed fees from the sanitation department. Mr. Burch stated that the proposed increases are due to an increase from the Bannock County Landfill that was passed by the County Commissioners. Angie Virnoche and Paul Quinn represented FCS Group and presented the results and finding from their water and wastewater rate study for the City of Chubbuck. Mr. Quinn went over a 20 year financial plan and a capital improvement plan. Mr. Quinn stated that FY22 forecasts the City starting at an operating deficiency for water and in FY24 for wastewater. Mr. Quinn also stated that the City of Chubbuck has not had an increase in its water and wastewater rates since 2010. Mayor England declared the public hearing open for public comment. Jason Mendenhall at 4983 Pleasant View Dr., was Neutral. Mr. Mendenhall understood that the costs associated to do business where increasing. Mr. Mendenhall wanted to make sure that the City was verifying the information for those fees outside of the control of the City. Boyd Byrd at 5036 Kevin Ave., was Neutral. Mr. Byrd asked why Chubbuck residents paid a higher rate for wastewater than Pocatello residents. Mr. Byrd was concerned how these increases would financially impact his ability to water his yard and garden during the summer months. David Hall at 4893 Hiram Ave, was Neutral. Mr. Hall stated that the City of Chubbuck does a great job providing services to the citizens, and felt like that all the city departments use these monies effectively and efficiently. Mr. Hall just wanted to make sure that the City was mindful of those members in the community that live off a fixed income. Kenneth Funk at 441 Chesapeake Ave, was Neutral. Mr. Funk asked about capacity fees. Tom Nield at 5060 Constitution Ave, was Opposed. Mr. Nield asked about the Northwest Sewer Interceptor and was under the understanding that would be paid for through connection fees and not by the current residents. Mr. Nield also asked about capacity fees, and felt like growth should pay for its self and not the current residents. Kenneth Funk at 441 Chesapeake Ave, was Opposed. Mr. Funk felt like growth should pay for its self and not the current residents. Glenn Cranor at 617 Dell Ave, was Opposed. Mr. Cranor asked about the Northwest Sewer Interceptor and felt like growth should pay for its self and not the current residents. Public Works Director Rodney Burch went over the capacity fees and the study that was adopted by the Council associated with those fees. Mr. Burch also went over the Northwest Sewer Interceptor and the financial structure that was put in place in 2008 to pay for that capital investment. Due to no more public comment Mayor England closed the public hearing. GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. Adoption of Resolution 2021-09 City Fees. (Council will discuss all public and department fees for the City). Councilmember Heiner motioned for adoption of Resolution 2021-09, conditional upon final approval by the Pocatello Council for the pass through fees associated with the City of Pocatello. Councilmember Evans seconded motion for adoption. Roll Call: Evans -yes, Heiner -yes, Hernandez -yes, Lewis -yes, motion passed. 2. Approval of Alleyway Extension with Northside Crossing Div. 4 Final Plat. (Council will discuss the application and if it meets City code). Brady Smith from Rocky Mountain Engineering represented the applicant. Mr. Smith presented a change that would allow the applicant to add alleys into the subdivision as an easement, until they would be platted over as part of the next phase. Planning & Development Director Devin Hillam stated that this application had been reviewed by City Staff and appears to meet the standards of Titles 16, 17 and 18 of City Code, and recommended approval condition upon lot 1 block 7 be restricted to its current plat or be restricted from development until it is replatted in the future. Attorney Tom Holmes recommended replatting lot 1 block 7 as a short plat. Councilmember Lewis motioned for approval of the alleyway extension for Northside Crossing Div. 4 Final Plat, conditional upon restricting development on lot 1 block 7 until replatted as a short plat and approved by the City Council. Councilmember Hernandez seconded motion for approval. Roll Call: Heiner -yes, Hernandez -yes, Lewis -yes, Evans -yes, motion passed. 3. Approval of Yellowstone Village Final Plat. (Council will discuss the application and if it meets City code). Crystal Shanda represented the applicant. Mrs. Shanda presented an application to build 13 4plex multifamily residential buildings with access off of Briscoe Road. This development will also include a privacy fence surrounding the perimeter of the development. Development Services Manager Sean Harris stated that this application had been reviewed by City Staff and appears to meet the standards of Titles 16, 17 and 18 of City Code, and recommended approval. Councilmember Heiner motioned for approval of Yellowstone Village Final Plat, conditional upon construction plans/drawings to be accepted by development services. Councilmember Evans seconded motion for approval. Roll Call: Hernandez -yes, Lewis -yes, Evans -yes, Heiner -yes, motion passed. 4. Approval of Linden Townhomes Final Plat. (Council will discuss the application and if it meets City code). Connor Erb, HLE Construction, represented the applicant. Mr. Erb presented an application to build 4-plex apartments on approximately 2.05 acres of land that is currently zoned as General Commercial (C-2). Planning Manager Don Matson stated that this application had been reviewed by City Staff and appears to meet the standards of Titles 16, 17 and 18 of City Code, and recommended approval. Councilmember Lewis motioned for approval of Linden Townhomes Final Plat, conditional upon construction plans/drawings to be accepted by development services, and the irrigation easements to included on the final platted map. Councilmember Hernandez seconded motion for approval. Roll Call: Evans -yes, Heiner -yes, Lewis -yes, Hernandez -yes, motion passed. 5. Approval of Intergovernmental Transfer of Property. (Council will discuss the transfer of water to service the North Bannock Fire District). This item of business was moved to a future Council Study Session. 6. Update on Mooney -Weiland Opioid Agreement. (Council will get an update on an agreement for opioid litigation services). CLAIMS: Mayor England gave an update from Mooney -Weiland for opioid litigation. City of Chubbuck claims for September 15, 2021 as presented to Mayor England and Council. Councilmember Lewis motioned to approve the City of Chubbuck Claims as presented. Councilmember Heiner seconded motion for approval. Roll Call: Lewis -yes, Hernandez -yes, Evans -yes, Heiner -yes, motion passed. ADJOURN: Council President Lewis adjourned at 7:54. This meeting was available to the public electronically and by phone. Via Zoom Teleconferencing: Meeting ID: 851 3208 2101 ;Jā€” ers- ity Clerk Kevin England- yor