HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 12 1963 CM1:
Hinutes of the NeRutar Neeting of tk, e E, oard of Trustees of the
{/il]a:e of Chuhl:]ck~ held iN the P}nnicina! ~2:uildin: of the i/illage
of Chnbh:ck on Ii{arch 12, 1963.
Present- Devi. s~ VNderwood, N~llman, Ward ~Ind Wnrsenoroft.
6bsent- KcDevi%t.
Called to order 8:Og
i',lew ~ s n~emher WorseNcroft ,_:,. . ~ .... -- ~.
}.'!inutes of ~he 1 est ~e~n]ar 8nd Nid-onenJns mee%ir'n?s then read and
anDPoved o~ reed
[~ills fop montt presented to Sos. rd. !ici[on to ~!ppPove eayment ns. de
by Ni!l:~an, seconded Ell7 %TNdoPwood. Ail iR
· -:, ' ~ the ~ .... d ~f they cou~_d
i'{. :,. Johnscn Prcverty- l{r. Jc:h~cson Rs::ea .... . .....
helm him set rid of ;in advertisins sisn i!eELr hS.s pro'oe-~ty. After e
discussion the Poe_rd decided tkst the Advert~'-'~'' _ ...... "r
~ d~ authority to intc.,rfe~e
fror~! ~he owner %~}d[ the ~ oar nos Re ·
G_a.vel on Roads- Davi° rc. nnr~ed t2~at c. un ~.,~..::Ss s~e in seed shape
t~:en cape of we will ~t. eckeile
now and as soon ss the r~..ods ape o!! ~ -
gravel at the
Street i!.shts- Netior to approve loc:tL:ns for new str~t lights
made by Hil!r~an, seccnded by i:{srd. A!] in ~'~:.vor. Locations 8s fellows:
Sast end Riwav~. Ave~ i'.Jest end $riscoe Lane, Oorner of ......... :dams & ~Nckv,, Ave .
OoPneP ef Fern $~ SS~s.r~)v Park~ GoPher NOyE & Naw~hcPne Read, move
............. ' ...... ~ioao and
one from off East ne,,~,l.,~nl~ Road to corner of i6asv Cn.u~o,~ck n,
Va]enty Rosd, Corner~n~"~R~'n~::,~_ ~ .~,~ R~,~s~ ~,,~,. ~ [:, 'dh!taker Roe. d, Corner denb!-q:ck
:c ..... L and Hili. ne:~o~° ad~ .~>'ot}t 300 h!ock on i/.:::kitaker Ro.-d, Corner of
-' ·, o ~ t end Parri sh ur :x -'!ye
Vs!enty Re,Rd 8' ..{srd DP!ye .::~n.J ,res ·
' ~ .... ~ r .... bid
a~d ~ward the Co~act t6 ~Tn.f!i~ c;o~seructi, on Co. of ~'~ ~- '~]~ Ida!
:ado by Ward secc~-~o4 i,v l(i!!nan dl~ ~n f:vo~ :+,n~r ~ra to ero~eed
we need_ e scaffold ~n tk.e sireN. ~i]). h:e ...... e
'~-,~ tc ~:-et ~ ~- installed r:.ade E',~r Ward~
i.lotion to Rive i-lens!e~ ,~_ui!-.or_.{ ....... , -
seconded t)v N.i~n~;-~n. Al.! in fgvor. {P,te 12os. rd ,SecJ.::.{:d to Lo ~.se a pnll
...... -'~ _~ tf:E; 3ired ON ~ ~.:e ..... e ._.
th,s Losrd deci.Red {70 ~-m.n~: on it at n !uncbeon xmet~N st 'the Green
Triangle on ~?,red. N:: sday i.laP~h !3~h!:)63.
l','!eetin:' ~'~a.c.::asad at 9:30 'i'.i'. till fnrtb, er no,ice if Reces. sary.
V-i! ]_a:e Clerk
, OChairman ff Pos. rd