HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 12 1963 CM13
Ninntes of the regular meetin~ of the Board of Trustees of the
Village of Chubbuck, held in the Hunicipal Bui]_ding of the Village
of Chubbuck on February 12, 1963.
Present- Davis, Underwood, Ward and Hil]man.
Absent- Mc Devitt.
Called to order ~:~0 P.R.
N~.nutes of the 3.~, ~e~t~la_P - ~' ~.p~:roved as re~d.
~ . meet .... : then read and a ~
Bills for the momlb x.~tesented tc 3oard. Not, on to ~}nprove paymest
~nr~c~.a]_ renort for the :.o~b :resenteO to Board.
Audit of Vi~ ~ ~,ooks AIl Board members sEreed to have Dale Jon~s
do the audit a~a~ a~o~ year.
2ids on Watert~.nk- ~',ara' su~:~ested ~hat aa ~he Rid O~a~ h~e~ Board
specify that Kem~ Pa~rf~b do s~o2 o~ecks on the job to see that the
womk is ~m to ~mec~f~.c~2~ons All ~n~ mem~e~ ~eed ~c, ~)n~s m~o~osal
About movin: the ta~ks b~o'her ~.~? n~ ~he >:~ill, ~t, ,:as d:~c~ded that it
is not feasible st this t~me as tba cost ~rou]d be mrchibitive.
Gravel- Dav~.s Pe~vc:rted tb:~t '~ , ' ~ ,
' __ t:~ Ceun't~? will r,e ready to ~tart
cr ...... in~ :ravel t~s and tee Vi~a~e can ~et some t~.n
N'e~.~ ~oe_rS_ Nember- 2o~rd all felt. that this vacsnc: sh. cu!d filled
as seen as nossible, i.'.,'srd nominated Tebe Wersencmoft. Hil]man seconded
Xkthe nominat'ion, Underwood moved that non!natioNs cease. Tebe Worse~-
-'Croft was sDpoint, ed by acc!~nation.
FiNe Alarm SireD.- Nensley reported thRt it should be here this
week. Approxiamte cost is ',~34a.00 plus frei:bt and insta!lation.
Stuart Ave. ~.nd a local Improvement Dis%r'ict- ~'os. rd dieided to
discuss this at the next meeting when the Attorney ".,rill he present.
}.']eetin~'~. recessed ,qt.,, 9'10. P.N. till further notice if necass,~y~_._,
or u. ntil Nonday, Pe~:r,~ary 2~, at 2:00 P.~{. fop ~i4 Opening.
Chairmafi o¢ Roard
v'jl?a:e Clerk f/
Minutes of:~i,: 0poring Neetin.~ of Pebruary, 2)~, 1963
Present- Davis, Clerk and Architect Pettish.
Absent- , ~
~8rd, HillNan ~nd [Tnderwood
~ids opened s.t 2:00 P.N. by Clerk and read hv PaPPish as foltow~.
_, :~,rlQ.,~e & iron Co. {~115, 700 .00 and 90 days.
indus tris 1 St'-
e! Construction - ~pll, 379 .00 sNd ~d-~ days.
.... O~
No~is Construction Co. ~}11, /20.00 and 7~ days.
Phillips Constuction Co. - (}10,71[~.00 and 60 days.
:.ids will ~,e s~..,:..~ed and cc::trs, ct awarded at Re::ular N[eeting
on Notch 12, 1963. ~:-
Vil~ a~e C].erk
~'~ ~'~vua COUNt, IDAHO
Z, do sole~ly swear (0r affix) ~ha~ I
will suppor~ the Cons t~tution of the Un, ted
States, and the Const~tutlon and ~ws of the
State' of Idac: that I w~ll fatt~ully
discharge all the duties of the office
Trustee of the Village cf Chutbuck, Idaho
according to th~ best of ~ ability,
So help me God~,~
Subscribed and swo~n to before me this
~ :"Y or _~~~z__ l? ~'
Clerk - Village of Chubbuck