HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 08 1963 CM 9
N!inutes of the '~'~ ~ q N~ee ....... -
.~:'~e?u__aP i tin~ of the l}oaPd {if 'f~stees of the
Vil].aRe of Ch. ubt)uok~ held in ~he '?h~n']cips] Rui~-~,: n~ c,f ~he VJl!ap'e
of Chn~r. lN~ck on January 8, 1963.
Pre-sen~- .Davis.~ 'rill]men, Underwood~
C~!led %n. cPd_eP ~..8:00 P.}f.
qn~ one Pe ......... ed meetin~ then read
First Order of .Z?siness- Pnh].ic Nlesringl on the .dnnuat A?lz'roDristion
ni]l of 1963.gPere ~ra~3 no ?rotes~.
0rdin~ee~ ~ C2~ ...... TP, e Annua]~ AeDropriation.~ . }~ill of ~e63 was then ,read
iN full by Davis. }lotion to suspend the rules, Pesd once in full amd
twice by Title, made h~ Ward, seconded h~ ~i!!man. Roll call
Ward-~fes,~ , Hil!man-ve~. ~., Underwood-ve~.~ ~, amd Davis-vest, · Ordinance
then read twice by Title b~f Davis. Roll call vote for passaEe of
Ordinance ~ pu. ~Mrd-yes, Hillman-yes, U~erwood-yes a~,d Davis-yes.
Rills for the month x~resented to Board. Motion te avprove pa?~ent
of bills ~aaem ~ by .... Hillman, seconded by 'Jard. Ai~ in favor. T~e state
Hiway Dept. is to be billed far ::}6.00 of Joe BPennan's bill, for th~
capping of the C]srb Apartment o].5 water line.
Financial remort for the ~
~c ....... presented to ~;oard.
Financial and ~)ud~et Reports for the 'past fiscal year presented
to Board.
New ~bo. zvzs~oms- Hershall Bros. -~resented a PRat on Country Acres
for the ]:~,oard to st~d~ and ap~rcve~_ . ~ft.e~_ discus2ion ~.~ motion to
ap~rov~ttLe ~lat was ~aae ]:q~ Hillmsn, secc~aea ]~ :.~ard. All in favor.
ott~amt 2nd aSoition Plat ~s ~e~emted tc Board and after suudv~
............. ., c~.nct
disauss~on l:'-loY~on Yc rove Play
UndePwood. A].l Jn favcP.
N'ew W~tep T-}ook-up- GeoPgeo Sohios~we w,sn~s hook-up top his home
a~ !}~.330 Ye)!ows~one~ plus one house fop !~boPeps on h~s pPoDeP~y.
~,oaPd eli_ 8FPeed Ye put Yhe hook-~:~ i:q fop him. i~ wi]_i he ~ 1% inob
hook-ue and t~:e 'pPioe will be ~:~12~'00 rep the hook-up and t!'~e
will be :~:jl. 0.00 pep NIc:n~h as b~e is ou~ of the Vi!ia?:e Limit~.
Sc~:t}'~c,~n idaho i~,s~ .... e -~ l ....
................... n% Co- :-~m ...... ,~ tc t{now what plans we have in
~he neap futt~re for ~}urol}asing a Road 0-?-~{er. hoard all ag{reed that
we have no Sll. Oh "~'] i N
' ---. h ..... sns __ th.e ~mm. ed~ate R~t, ure.
~zavel- Davis Pc-:r:c:Pcee %~_.~.t we can :et Gravel i'Pcm the coz:nty pit
on Phi~ben Road as ~oon ~ they ~aPt oPllshin? ~,{e can also nsc
County equipment if we u,a,r their men. ?fe ~{ill cut ,crave1 on the roads
first and then steak pile it.
East Chuh%.uck Ro qd- Ro 8.rd · o
~ ]_,_, to me, et with the ,State Nli~ray Dept.
and see A~. they won't resnrface Bast OhuYfi:~lck Road like t=:ey promised
they would when theN took it ever to use it fen an intePchanse to
the Interstate Hiway.
Fire Dept.- ~nase River ~,:,=bual Insurance Co. want,.~ the Volunteer
Firemen to o~t -
~ ,-~:~ acquainted with the ?i.P~ Truck l~enslev has a]~e~dlf
made arran~'ements for this. Ze also need a No Parking sign on the'
doer in f~ent of t?,e v~.~
- ren~,~.~ s also inquired i~ oa.l~ ~' '
Lake City ...cbc:ut aN i Alarm or Siren for Fire Dart. All agreed tha. t~ what
we need is an I%i~ ikaid_ Alarm ?rlt~.~ a ~!-., on ~t }:ans..ay will check
further intc %his matter.
......... e Tank- ~/aro wants to see if we can set it this winteP~.
so it will be ready when we need it. All RRPeed fop '[{ard to see abo~t
it now. -
NcOmber Well- NcOmber want~ to ?gve
~ . ........ .~,5 a 6 inch well ].ocated
at C,~]omi. al Notet. Could possibly produce 100 gals per m~nute, l?ard
is inffavor of bul;i, nc well so we ape under no oblisations.
ResigNation_ , of S~--~n P~asure ..... ~'es~ ~-~,:~ Davi~,. !,lotion tc acceet, made
:~:by ~Jard, ;~con,ded h-? l[i!lman. All ir favor. Clerk is tc send letter
of apprec~_ation to Frasure.
Ors~n Watson New HoNe- Watson has still not -oaid the Vi].la~e ~or
pipe and other supplies he bought from the VilR~age for a water line
to ~ ' ~. ,
u~zs new b_o~.~se I-le was bill. ed for it in ;'~ovember,
a['::reed that Clerk should bill 13im aEain, aha if he doesn't pay then
se:cd hi,ss anotl:.er ~ill ;¢;v Res1 stered I[ail. The a:.~o~.:nt due the Villap-e
M&lZ :: Le~ ': for 196~:d~S~Ussed~y the Board. Final decision was to
~edu~e~;;the mill levy b% 1 mill. The ~_ill !ev7 for 1963 will be as
follows, General Fu~d ~,zvenses 2~ mills, Fire ~ept. ex;~enses 2 r~ills,
and General Obli,~ation Bonds, sinking a~d interest fund 7 mills, for
an overall total of 34 mills. Resolutio~ setting the mill levy read
in ful~ by Dav&s. Roll call vote. ;~'ard-yes, ~illman-%es, Underwood -
yes, and Davis-yes. A copy cf Resolution is attacl~,ed herewith to
these miz3utes.
~qeet~n; recessed at 10:1~ P.~,;. subjcct to call if necessary.
Village Clerk. ~/
Sealed proposals will be received by the Mayor and
e Board of the Village of Chubbuck, c/o Larry Davis,Chubbuck
Idaho, until 2:00 p.m., February 25, 1963, at which time bids will
be publicly opened and read for the furnishing of all labor,
als, equipment and management as may be required to erect
a water storage tank in accordance with the drawings and specifi-
cations on file in the office of the Village Clerk, Chubbuck,
Idaho. Special reference thereto herein being had and in accord-
ance with the terms of a written contract as indicated in the
contract form attached thereto, each proposal shall be in a form
and substance, specifically, each and every term and requirement
of the said contract, and shall be accompanied by a certified
check or an acceptable proposal guarantee in the sum of five per
cent (5%) of the total amount bi~ as a guarantee that the bidder
, if successful, enter into a contract and furnish a corporate
surety bond in a form approved by the Village Board in the amount
of One Hundred per cent (100%) of the contract price. Plans and
specifications may be examined at the office of the Village Clerk
and a set of such documents may be obtained from the office of
the said Village Clerk on the payment of a fee of Ten Dollars
($10). No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled time for the
public opening of the bids. The Village of Chubbuck reserves the
right to reject any or all proposals, or to accept the proposal
deemed to be in the best interest of the Village.