HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 13 1961 CM Minutes of the regular meeting of the Village of Chubbuck
Board of Trustees, held in the Municipal Building of the Village
of Chubbuck, on June 13, I961
Present- Davis, Ward, Hillman, Trost, Frasure and McDevitt.
Absent- none.
Ca~led to order 8:0~ P.M.
Minutes of the last regular and two recessed meetings then read
and approved as read.
First order of Business- Public Hearing on the proposed Annual
Appropriation Bill necessitating levying taxes in an amount not t~~
exceed 2~ mills for General Purposes for the fiscal year of 1961-
1962. No protest. Motion that the Annual Appropriation Bill stand ~
as fixed by Board made by Ward, seconded by Hillman. Roll call vot~
Ward-yes, Hillman-yes, Trost-yes, Davis-yes.
Bills for month presented to Board. Motion to approve payment of
bills made by Hillman, seconded by Trost..~ll in favor.
Financial and Police reports for month presented to Board.
Beer License at Farigroun~s- Two applications have been received
for this license. Pocate]lo Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Loyal
Order of Moose. Both had representatives present and after a long
discussion it was the decision of the Board of Chubbuck that the
Fairground Board controls the premises and issue the permits for
concessions there and whoever they issue the concession to will
receive the Beer License from Chubbuck. All agreed to abide by the
decision of the Fair Association.
Whitaker Road Extension- Pipe is here. Fittings and flanges have
to be made and work will be done as soon as possible.
Pump Insurance- no answer from the Company at t~iis time.
State Insurance Fund- no court decision reached yet.
Switches on pumps to control water level in tank- Approximate cost
of 400.00 to control pumps so when tank is full pumps will shut off.
Brennan and Hensley are to see about this. Davis wants the agreement
in writing. All Board members agreed to have t~is done so~n as
Audit- Dale Jones and Willard Bowen both ~xplained the proceedure
in detail and stated that the CPA Association discourages a flat rate
becuase that might hinder them from doing their best work. Decision
on this will be at a later meeting.
Lawn Mower for Park- Ross Steed, the company representative that
sold the mower to the Village was present and recommended a heavier
type unit for use at the Park. The heavier unit is a 7 h.p. Briggs &
Stratton motor with a rotary type mower. Cost 827.00 Difference for
Village to pay is 197.00. All agreed to have this new mower sent to,
Village as soon as possible.
New Business- Evergreen Trailer Park- Letter from E.R.Parker read
in full by Davis. L~tter asked Village for a reimbursement of money~
paid by Parker for his Hook-up to the Village water system. Discussion
followed and Clerk is to check and bring information to Board and
they will make their decision at a later meeting.
Stuart Ave- Hensley reported that some of the residents have bee n
having a.~little trouble w~th dogs. It was only a misunderstanding of
the truth but Hensley wanted the Board to know what it was all about
in case t)-ey received any complaints about it.
Paving Stuart Ave.-Davis explained that if the residents can put
up the money ~.t will cost about 1/3 of what a L.I.R. Bond Issue will
cost. No decision was reached at this time.
Mobile Home Owners Association- A long discussion on Ordinance ~4
was held but the Board would like to discuss it among themselves with
out interference so no decision was made,.on aBy amendments at this time
~Meet~ng recess~ed at 10:~0 P.M. till fu~the$ notice ~ necessary.