HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 09 1961 CM21 1 Minutes of the regular meeting of tile Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village of Chubbuck on May, 9, 1961. Present-Ward, Davis, Hillman, Frasure and McDevitt. Absent- M~tchell. Called to order 8:0~ P.M. Minutes of the last reg~lar and one recessed meeting then read and ap~:.roved as read. First erder of Business- unl¢ck the official _~allot Box of the Village, which was done by Davis in the presence of all Board member, s. Count of election returns was officially checked by Board members. A motion was made by Hillman, seconded by Ward and all were in favor, that the Board find.~ the results of the election as follows: Lee TroUt 194, R..C. Hillman 1~6,, Ken~; J. Parrish 111, Ernest Frasure 94, Jack J. Menard 89, Hillard Jones 63, and Harold Massey 1. Lee Trost and R. C. Hillman are the duly elected members of the Board. The Ballot Box was relocked in the presence of all Board members and is to be kept locked for a period of 8 months. The new Board members were then sworn in by the Clerk. Continuation of the metering. New Board m~mbers present were: Ward, Davis, Hillman, Frasure, Trost. ~Nominations for chairman of Board then followed. Trost nominated Ward, but Ward declined. Hillman nominated Davis. Ward seconded the nomination and moved that nominations cease. Roll call vote for Davis for Chairman. Ward-yes~Trost-yes~ Hiliman-~es, and Frasure-yes. Appointments to other j6bs in the Vil].a~e as follows: Police Officer- Carl L. Hensley. ~otion by Hillman, seconded by Ward. Roll callvote-Ward-yes, Trostwyes, Hillman-yes, and Frasure -yes. Clerk- Geneva D. Valenty. Motion by Frasure, seconded by Trost. Roll call vote- Ward-yes, Trost-yes, Hillman-.ves and Frasure-yes. Treasurer- Kenneth H. Kennedy. Motion by Ward, seconded by Hillman. Roll call vcte- Ward-yes, Trost-¥es, Hillman-¥es, and Frasure-yes. Attorney- Herman J. McDevitt. Motion by Hillman, seconded by Frasure. Roll call vote-Ward-yes, Trost-yes, ~ill~an-yes, a~d Frasure-yes. Watermaster & Fire Chief- Carl L. Hensiey. Motion by Hillman, seconded by Trost. Roll call-Ward-yes, Trost-yes, Hillman-yes and Frasure-yes. Assistant Wa%ermaster- Ron Halverson. Motion by Ward, seconded by Hillman Roll call vote- Ward-yes, Trost-yes, Hillman-yes and Frasure-yes. Police Judge- Charlotte T. Kennedy. Motion b7 Hillman, seconded by Ward. Roll call vote-Ward-yes, Trost-yes, Hillman-~:es, and Frasure-yes. The Board then asked the Cl~rk to write a letter to Mitchell express- ing their thanks for his fine cooperation while serving as a memberof the Board fo 2rustees. Bills fer the month then presented to the Board. Motion to approve payment of the bills as soon as the Budget is approved and the fund~ are re~eased made by Hiliman, seccnded by Ward. Ai'~ in favor. Financial and Police reports for the month presented to Board. Financial report for the past fiscal ,~ear pi. esented to Board. The Budget was discussed and it was decided to work on it right after th~s meeting. Pump Insurance- Ward reported that the Insurance Co. Encineer will be here Friday and after he has checked our pumps all figures the Com0any gives us on Insurance will be authentic. Water 3v'stem- Ward repc. rted that he -~s still old,ting complaints about Low water pressure. He suggested that we have both p,omps fixed automatic so the Tank will never go dry. A long di.scussion followed. ~2ae decision of the Board was that they should find out the cost to put in a switch. The obligation for keeping the Tank full belongs to the Village and we should not expect the County to pay for this. County Fairgrounds Water- John Valenty was Dresent and asked the Chairman of the Board what the County was paying for water. Davis replied that the County is on a meter and that the County Commissioners have requested that the meter be read and the Village bill them for water. Davis also stated that the price of water to the County is .06~ per thousand gallons. Thompson property on South Yellowstone Ave. Brennan stated that Thompson still wants Village water. Thompson will furnish everything including the pipe and labor for the 90 feet of 4 inch pipe that. will be n~¢ded on Yellowstone Ave. The Board dec~ded that he would be subject to a 79.00 hook-up fee , the same as if it were a subdivision. The Village will require a 25 foot ~asement so it can maintain the line and the line will belong to the Village. Ail of this is to be put in writing. Whitaker Road Extension- After the Budget is worked out the Village will let out a contract for the whole job. The Board will accept sea]ed b~.ds for this job. Streets- Frasure reportes that Hiwa¥ Ave. is in need of some gravel. Davis s~id that as soon as the Count~ Crusher starts working we can get some gravel. State Insurance Fund, Stuart Claim- McDevitt reported that the State Insurance Fund is contesting an~ V~llage rights to go outside their Limits to fight f~res. This is a Test Case for future use. Discussion followed. The Board dec~ded to have McDevitt call Howard Callimore or Chariie Brezee of the Snake River Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Boise, Idaho and get this matter s~raightened out for the Vi!lag~ soon. Have these gentlemen contact the State Insurance Fund and see just what the Village position is in this matter. The Board then worked on the Eudget for the coming fiscal ~, and a copy of the Budget is herewith attached to these minutes. Meeting recessed at 11:00 P.M. subject to call if necessary. ~an of Board Viii! a~e Clerk. BUDGLT FC:R FISCAi YEAR 1961 - 1962 GENERAL F~DS Estimate Sf Income Taxes ......................... Licenses Road & Bridge Liquor Refund ............................... Police Fines ............................. Water Dept. (Salaries~ Contingent (Carry-over) .... Well No.2 Fund ...... Estimate of Expenses Administration ~ Salaries Supplies Nudit ................................. Utilities ..... Phone --- ', Fuel ..... ', .:, Lights -- Water -- Legal __ Attorney --t)~ ..... ,, Advertising -,~ Street Lights .......................... Insurance .................... Fire Dept. - ................. Street Repairs PoIice Dept. Salaries - Officer .... ~ °~'~ Judge ---5~,~,,,~ Extra Police --- Prisoner's Board .......... Maintenance ...... Radio Repair ..... Poc~tello Police -- Park Maintenance ........ G.0.Bonds & Interest ....... ___ Bonds 1,500.00 Interest .... 1,182.2~ 2~6U2.25 Contingent (Emergency) WATERW0~KS FUND Estimate of Income Water Rentals Future Hook-ups Contingent (Carry-over) Estimate of Expenses Bonds &Intercst ........ Bonds 3,000.00 Interc~st -- 1,900.00 Whitaker Rd. 255.00 Bond Sinking Fund ................... Power Repairs Supplies (Office) Materials for connections Salaries Plumber's Labor -- Clerk /7 /~ '~ Asst.Watermaster - ~'~ Improvements ........... General ~itaker Rd.Ext.- General Fund (Salaries) Contingent (E~ergency) 5,155.oo 2~300.00