HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 14 1961 CMV~ll age Clerk Minutes of the Reg~:lar Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chub~uck, held in the Municipal Fuilding of the Village of Chubbuck, om March l~, 1961 Pra~sent- Davis, Mi. tchell, Hillman amd Mc~evltt. Absent- Ward and Frasure. Called to order 8:05 P.M. MinYtes of the last regular meeting, then read amd approved as read. Pills for the month then prtsented to Board. Motion to approve payment of bills made by Hillman, seconded by Mitchell. All in favor. Bills as follows:W.0.Doman-25.00, Murl McNabb-20.CO, C. Hensley-403.02, G. Valenty-l14.28, C.Kennedy-50.26,H.McDevitt-40.00,Well N0.2 Fund- 73.8~,Dyke's-7.50,Chubbuck Lumber-34.36,Gene Rhodeh~ouse-30.00, Humble 0il-3.30,County Comm.-25.50,Pocatello Police-75.00, Water Dpet.-25.50, Phone Co.-19.95, Idaho Power-88.02,L.Davis-20.73,0ffice Tax Collector- 124.99,Intern-~l Revenue-275.60,State Income Tax-hi.41, R.Halverson- 14.50,Idaho Power-126.71,J.Brennan-291.28,B&D Excavating-35.00. Financial and ~olice reports for the month presented to Board. Davis reported that the budget should have over 40,000.00 to expend this comfng fiscal year. Income should be, taxes-17,418.49, waterworks-16,200.00, Road & Bridge-701.00,Liquor Refunds,-1,450.00, Store Licenses& Liquor Licenses-2,145.00, and Police Fines 2,000.00. Park- Mitchell suggested that it ~s now time to get a lawn mower for the park. Hillman stated that the Chubbuck Lion's Club had voted to take care of the Park this summer as a project of their's. Motion was made by Hillman, seconded by Mitchell to Authorize Davis to see about buying a mower. All were in favor of the motion. Sewer System D~scussion- Davis suggested that all Board members 'get to gether and go to Wendell, Heyburn and Aberdeen and check and study their systems. McDevitt said they must have a feasibility .study first, before and action can be taken. Water Line- Davis sa~d we need a 6 fnch water line under thecanal on West Chubbuck Road before the county fininhes oiling that road. Board all agreed that this should be done now. Garbage Haul by Corm~ercial Hauler- In the discussion on Garbage Haul, McDevitt said the Village could provide the Franchise and set the fee and the Commer~ial Hauler will Haul and collect himself. The Village needs the control over thc Garbage Hauling. Residential garbage should be removed once a week and busi~ess places as needed. Suggested charge was 2.00 per month for residence. Hillman stated that all details be worked out before pass~ng any 0rdfr. ance. McDevitt suggested drafting a proposed Ordinance so we can have something concrete to work with. Hill Investment Co. Subdivision- A study of the blueprints was made by the Board and they suggested that the prints be submitted to McDevitt and let him study them first before they aign any paps~s;. They can approve the Plat now and accept the sub-division when completed. Motion to authorize Davis to sign approval of the Plat was made by Hillman, secord~d by Mitchell, All in favor if agreeable with the Attorney and Ballif the surveyor. Whitaker Road Water Line-Kunz said all residents still want the water and asked if it could be budgeted for i~ the upcc~ng fiscal year. Board ail agreed to consider this project in the new budget. It was also brou. ht out that 1,200 feet of l~ne need to be replaced on East Idnden Road. Mobile Home Owners- asked if a decision had been reac~ed on amending Ord~ance ~. No action has been taken >~et on this matter. Dog Licenses- M~tchell sugFested we License dogs. Discussion follow- this suggestion. Study Ordinance first and see if situation can be remedied. Meeting recessed at 9:40 P.M. till further notice if necessar, Chairman of 2~,~ Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Beard c~f Tr~slees of the .~07 Village cf Chubbuck, held in the Municipal p~i]ding of the Village of Chubbuck on April 11, 1961. Present- Davis, Ward, Hillman, Frasure and McDevitt. Absent- Mitchell. Called to Order 8:10 P.M. Minutes of the last regular meeting then read and approved as read. Bills for month presentcd to Board. Motion to appnove payment made by Hillman, seconded by Frasure. Ail in favor. ~ills ~s follows: C.He~sley- 403.~0, G. Valenty-~l~.~0,H.McDevitt-40.00, Well No.2-~3.36,County Com~.- 55.50,CaxtonPrinters-16.31,Chubbuck Service-ll7.05, Yhone Co.-2~.31, Water Dpet.-25.50,Idaho Power-88.40 &lg0.10,Indian Affairs-22.96, Ron Hatve~son-14.50,Stamps-30.00,Joe Brennan-97.52,Valley Supplyw 13.00, B&D-15.00,Partner's Steel-66.00,and W.W.Equip.-160.96. Financial report for the month then presented to the Board. Water D~pt.- Joe Brennan State~ that Thompson on south Yellowstone would like the Village water. It was brought to the attention of the Board that this property is not in the Village and the Board decided that water should be given to residents of the Village first. Pump Insurance- Ward stated that he has contact with an Insurance co. that will insure tha Village pumps to cover any accident but not any natural waar. Estimate of cost is approximately 300.00 for 3 years ~premium on 2 pumps. One stipulation is that the pumps be pulled every ~ years ~nd have them checked clear through. They will check the pumps themselves as they have their own engineers. Ail Board members agreed to have Ward contact this Company and give an accurate price before a final decision is made. Proposed Sanitary Ordinance- McDevitt read t~is Ordinance in full in two forms, namely, voluntary or compulsary. D~scuaalon followed in which Ward stated that it weuld have to be compulsary to work in the Village. Hillman made a motion that the Board let the people express their opinion on this Garbage Haul Ordinance by running a referendum non-official ballot at the Municipal Election on April 2~, 1961. This motion was seconded by Frasure. Ail were in favor. McDevitt will write the referendum batlot and the Clerk is to have them printed along with the official ballots. Gun Plant- Davis ~ave a report of a meeting he attended pretaining to the future of the Gun Plant. After the report it was mentioned that it might be possible for Chubbuck to acquire some fire equipment from there Hillman s~ggested that they should look into this and all Board agree~. Park. Lee Ward cf the Chubbuck Lion's Club was present and told the Board that the Lion's have decided to do something for the Park in Chubbuck as one of their projects for this year. Tt~ey would like to install a sprinkling system, but if they can't do that this year then they will do fencing and playground equipment. Motion was made by Hillman to accept the fine offer of the Lion's Club to take ~are of the m~intenanee of the Park this stummer and the Board will do all they can to help them. This Motion was seconded by Frasure. Ail were in favor. Mingo Subdivision- McDevitt stated that t~,ere are still errors in the plat and easements a~d as soon as these ere straightened out he and Ballif will study it for final approval. Baum- would like his property taken back iDto the Vi!]age. Road Grader- D. Tyler said he has available a road grader suitable for Village use for a cost cf 1,000.00. It is l0 years old a~d has about 1000 hours time or it. It is an Allis Chalmers A W Yatro]_, ~ wheels, 2 drives. Ward said we should look iDto this. Mobile Home Owners Association- Asked about 0rd~nance # ~. No action has bemn taken on this matter yet. The atterneys are to d~scuss this before any Board action will be taken. City- County Planting Board- Davis stated that they should have an area planning report for the Couhty and Chubbuck in about 30 days.