HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 14 1961 CM20 .
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
Village of Chu~buck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village
on February lb, 1961.
Prese~- Davis,'Ward, Hillman and Frasure.
Absent- Mitchell and McDevitt, out of town.
Called to order 8:03 P.M.
Minutes of the last regular meeting then read and approved
as read.
Bills for the month presented to Board. Motion. to approve
payment made by Ward, seconded by Frasure. Ail in favor. ~ills
as follows:C. Hensley-403.02,G.Valenty-l14.28, R.Halverson-l~.50,
Idaho ?ower-286.01,Brennan's-2.39,Vangas-12.7~,Crane Co.-lie.R1,
~0.00,Utah 0il-4~9.00,Clark Tank Co.-198.20,Well No2 - 1,~31.60,
County Comm.-~0.~0, Chubbuck Service-102.9~,Water Dept-2~.50,
Phone C~.-~2.06,
Financial report for month presented to Board.
Review of progress of Village in the past year presented to
Board in. detail by Davis.
Sewer System- Letter from Ballif r~ad i~ full by Clerk. I.etter
is on file. Discussion followed. The question of whether the
Federal Government will give a grant for this survey was brought
out by Ward. Decision will be reached later, after further study.
Park- Hillman suggested that the Board turn over the care of
the Park to the Lion's Club. He stated that they are looking for
a project for this year. Decision on this matter will be made
Well and Water situation- Water level is down i~ both wells.
After discussion it was the dec~.sion of all the Board members
to pull Well No l, check and see what the trouble is, and also
to pull Well No 2 and add 20 feet of pipe to it. Well No 2 is to
be fixed f~.rst, then it can be turned on while Well No I is being
fixed. Motion to authorize Brennan to proceed with fixing the
wells was made by Ward, seconded by Frasure. All in favor.
Pump Insuran;ce- -Ward stated that he is in favor of getting
fire, t~eft, lightening and storm insurance on the pumps now,
and all the Board agreed with him. Then they want to talk to
Dyke's Electric and see if he will carry a service insurance
on the pumps.
Hart Property on East Bench- ~ard stated that Harry Hart wants
80 acres taken out og the Village. Board all agreed that it could
be done, and all gave their consent so that it will be less expert.
sive this way. The Attorney i~: to take care of this ma~e~.
Terteling & Co of Boise- Letter from Terteling was read in full
by Clerk. Letter was in reference to water and sewer for developing
tract on East Bench. Letter is to be rafered to Engineer Eallif.
Street Signs-Requests for street signs for Neider Addition and
for Alton street were presented to Board. Also requests for house
numbers for the Neider Addition were presented. Board all agreed
that this matter should be taken care of now. Clerk is to notify
Ballif to number the houses and Clerk and Police Officer will see
about the Street signs. East Cbub~:uck Road is to be included in
the house n~bering. Duri%g this discussio~ it was brought out
that Chu~,buck is included in the Poc'~tello City Directory this year.
Trailer Mouse on Briscoe Lane- Clinton Leer the owner of the
property where the Tra~ler house is parked was present and explained
to the Board that he was paying a double flat rate for water ever
since tha Trailer House has been parked there, but that he did not
feel like paying for a separate hook-up for this Trailer House
as it was moving out in the next few days and he was not letting
anyone else move in there and he owned all the property and he
has already paid for his own hook-up. After a discussion thetBoard
alt agreed that he would not have to pay for another hook-up
providing the Trailer House moved out in the next few days.
New Sub-division- Dom Hammond was present and stated that his
Real Estate Co. is interested in developing a sub-division of
80 acres directly west of the Neider Addition. He wanted to know.
if the Village could provide water for this sub-division. The
Board all agreed that water could be provided for this. He also
asWed if Gravel road would be permissible, and thm Board stated
that they have accepted gravel roads. Discussion followed, in
which it was brought out that in putting in the water line it
should form a circle rather than run to a ~ead end.
Mingo Sub-division- Letter from Mingo again read in full
by the Clerk. After discussion it was decided that we would settle
this matter at another meeting to be called as soon as the Attorney
ret~.rns to town.
Leland Stuart asked if he could move a Trailer House on to some
property he is ~uying just north of the City Park, and could he
live in the Trailer House while he is building a home. Davis
answered that Ordinance # ~ will not a~ow this to ?e done.
SanitAtl¢,n- Frazier of the Health Department explained the duties
of sanitarians in the State. This service would ~e available for
Chu~buck on a .12~ per capita basis or about ~200.00 per year.
They would meet with the Beard and work out any problems. The
question was asked about how much authority do they have? Frazier
answered that they have to work through proper channels and with
the Village Attorney. Some problems do not have an immediate
solution, and those that can b~ solved have to be worked through
local ordinances or through State Law. It is a matter of the
Attorney's interpat~tion of the Law. Tueller explained legal
proceedure in de~ling with problems of sanita~ on. Board will
give a decision when their Attorney is present.
Meeting recessed at 9:~0 P.M. till further notice if necessary.
¥illage Clerk