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Our long awaited spring is here. We have been experiencing some warmer weather and that is always a welcome
event. The renewal of life and things turning green makes life more hopeful. We need to allow that hopeful spirit to
enliven us especially after the last year we have experienced. Soon the leaves will burst open and the flowers will bloom.
My hope is that at the same time we will experience a bursting and blooming in our own lives. Make some plans to
achieve good things in your lives and then go forward determined to make those good things happen. Nobody can stop
us but ourselves. Even through the challenges of life, maybe especially through the challenges in life, it is important to
be reaching for and achieving well thought-out and worked for goals.
We at the city are planning to have our fun events this spring and summer; Baseball, Movies in the Park, Chubbuck
Days and more. Let us gather and put our fun on. Make it a point to invite your friends, neighbors, and relatives to join
you. It is always more fun with those we know and love. Some may not come and participate if we do not invite them,
so we are inviting one and all to come and enjoy. In a special way we all need to make sure that the youth of our
community know that we are there for them. Let’s make sure to make it a point to speak with them, welcome them, and
see that they are well cared for. Given the opportunity they can be the life of the party.
It is my sincere hope that this letter finds all is well with you and yours. If you are experiencing challenges, reach out to
others for encouragement and help. We are blessed to live in a community where there are many willing to go the extra
mile to see that all are taken care of. Keep smiling and know that you are loved and cared for.
With warm regards,
Mayor Kevin England
Quarterly Newsletter
April 2021
Message from the Mayor:
Volume 6, Issue 2
The free branch chipping service offered by the Chubbuck Sanitation Department will no longer be
provided to individual residential homes and will no longer require a sign -up/schedule process.
Starting in April 2021, Chubbuck residents can bring their branches to the parking lot at the
current City Hall location (5160 Yellowstone) from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the following 6
April 3rd
April 17th
May 1st
May 15th
May 29th
June 5th
If you plan to participate in this free service, we ask that you abide by these guidelines:
This service is for tree branch/brush maintenance and cannot be used as a tree
removal service.
Branches must be no more than 6 inches in diameter at the base of the cut.
Also, visit our website at https://cityofchubbuck.us for more information on more free services offered by the
City of Chubbuck Sanitation Department
April 2021
Important Dates to Remember
Apr. 4-Happy Easter!
Apr. 7-City Council Work Study/4PM
Apr. 7-City Council Meeting/6PM
Apr. 13-LUDC Meeting/7PM
Apr. 16-Utility Bill Past Due
Apr. 20-CDA Meeting/5:30PM
Apr. 21-City Council Meeting/6PM
Some Friendly Reminders from the Sanitation Department
Please leave at least 3 feet of clearance around your cart/carts.
Remember to keep clear of parked cars, fences, mailboxes, basketball
hoops & overhead obstructions.
Please remember to always have your garbage and recycle can out
by 7:00 a.m.
Please remember we no longer pick up recycle carts on the schedule
of 1st & 3rd and 2nd & 4th, skipping the 5th week of the month. The
recycle carts are now emptied every other Tuesday each month. For
a calendar of the 2021 Schedule A and Schedule B recycle pickup
dates, visit our website at https://cityofchubbuck.us or stop in at the
Utility Billing counter.
Please remember for health, sanitary and litter control reasons, all
garbage and recycling items must be in the cart with the lid
completely closed.
June 2021
Important Dates to Remember
June 2–City Council Work Study/4PM
June 2-City Council Meeting/6PM
June 9-LUDC Meeting/7PM
June 15-CDA Meeting/5:30PM
June 16-Utility Bill Past Due
Chubbuck Movies in the Park coming to STUART PARK in 2021!
Plan to grab your family, friends, and neighbors this summer and join us for family-friendly Chubbuck
Movies in the Park! Friday Nights from July 9-August 20, we will set up a huge movie screen in STUART
PARK (5161 Stuart Ave.) and the best part - IT’S FREE! So bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and
favorite movie pals and enjoy a summer of outdoor fun.
For more information on movie titles, look for the July Newsletter, visit our website and Facebook page.
Please join us in saying “Thank You” to the following local businesses who generously sponsor these movies;
RE/MAX, Citizens Community Bank, Idaho Central Credit Union, Health West, Inc., Simplot, Allstate and
City of Chubbuck.
May 2021
Important Dates to Remember
*May 1-City Wide Cleanup & Branch Chipping !
May 5–City Council Work Study/4PM
May 5-City Council Meeting/6PM
May 11-LUDC Meeting/7PM
May 16-Utility Bill Past Due
May 18-CDA Meeting/5:30PM
May 19-City Council Meeting/6PM
*May 31-Memorial Day *Holiday & Garbage Service Notes
The City Offices will be closed on Monday, May 31st, 2021 in
honor of Memorial Day.
Garbage Services will not be delayed for this holiday.
2021 Bannock County (208-236-0607) Fort Hall Mine Landfill:
Free Days– May 8 & October 9 from 7am-5pm
Household Hazardous Waste Days– 1st Saturday of April thru October
from 9am-3pm.
Great Opportunity to get your yard ready to enjoy!
**Free Day!
Chubbuck City Wide Cleanup and Branch Chipping
Saturday, May 1, 2021 from 7am-6pm
at City Office(5160 Yellowstone Ave.)
**Items that WILL NOT be accepted are tires, paint, oil, chemicals, food, kitchen garbage,
refrigerators, air conditioners and freezers.