HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 02 2020 Northside Crossing PlanState of Idaho County of Bannock PROOF OF PUBLICATION Idaho State Journal I, Collins Crapo first being duly sworn, depose and say: That I am the -C%?s fted- Meffagsrrer Processing Clerk employed by Adams Publishing Group of the Rockies LLC, publishers of Idaho State journal, a newspaper of general circulation, published 4 days, Tues -Wed -Friday and Sunday, at Pocatello, Idaho. That the notice, of which a copy is hereto attached and made a part of this affidavit, was pub- lished in said Idaho State Journal for 2, first publication having been made on 10/02/2020 last publica- tion having been made on I0/16/2020, and that the said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper on the respective dates of publication, and that such notice was published in the newspaper and not in a supplement. / 7 v w Subscribed and sworn to before me, on this 16th day of October, 2020^ BAMBI L. FERGUSON NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF IDAHO COMMISSION NUMBER 70216 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 6-28.2023 attached jurat STATE OF IDAHO ss. COUNTY OF BANNOCK Notary Public Ivry commission expires: On this 16th day of October, 2020 before me, the undersigned, a [Notary public for said state, person- ally appeared r Collins Crapo, known or identified to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument, and being by me first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. 8AMBIL.FERGU50N NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF IDAHO COMMISSION NUMBER 70216 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 6-28-2023 35703 Notary Public for APG of the Rockies Residing: Idaho Falls, Idaho Commission expires: AD# 357O3AD9 NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING AND PUBUC HEARING 6YTRE CRY COUNCIL OF THE cr" OF CHURRUCK, IBAHO,TO CONSIDER THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR THE NORTHSIUE CROSSING URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT OF THE CHUDOUCK OEVELOPMENTAUTHORRY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thal do Warksestlay, November 4, 2826, al 6-,60 pm, in Iso Clly Caume Chambers. Chubbapk City Hall, 5160 s1.6I-Anne Avenue, Chubhuor, Idaho. -Cly Council el the city of Chnntan 1, Idaho 1I all Isdd, dudng its 19"11 M11119, a pubic roaring l cans de, for abption Ane proposed Urban Renewal Plan Inn Ins Nadhsidv Cmssing Urban Renewal Ptae gho'Plarrl, Or the U-Renavvel Aga,"of the Cly of Chubhuck. Mono, also WMwn as CM1uthu M UeuelopmP 4 /wlhorMy 1'Y19a'iL1'1-The urban otim-I and revenue allocation oma bvuntlary i5 hmeinanar deathbed. Tho Pla^pmPvsoa that the Agency undilram urban rgoewal ,"ocir, includingidenlilying public tacdd�es for turtling, pursuant 1. sm JdA,N Us .n Renewal Law of 1965. Title 56. CnapInr 20, Idaho Cable, as afrandod.The Plan heksg considered Ivr adoption dlnfalnc a,- msa allorakon Onancbg p aralson punwanl Io lea Locai Economic Dlnmlo -! Act, TiHd 50, Chapter 29, Idaho Code. as amerced. Brat *III muse pmpedy Ides re5ulling s_ any increase En equoI ass.aH-d-1-INTo In erreoss.I the egralizatl assessetl .alralion vs shown an 1110 hese assessmanS ran as d January 1.2020.140 dllocalotl to Iha Agency Ivr urban renerrdl pump -s -s. The Agency nes etlopEad and rmommendetl approval of We Rdn. DSM In CWIIJ-19 and CPC boll pes radk}of social dsia-ing, flM III meeting will occur N2 webiordmence and! IIIDel2d5 on how to stand the manI and parlwtpalo are Inrmd Im- Public ns ­,Win on hold v, n msp rb In the E11-9 items: The general scope and oblesrlwss of Tho Plan are: a. T orsginsonne, dosign, installation, conslmclion.d sol eacanssdscdon of abrin wAm n anagamonl irdrasouqum Io supped cvmplboce with federal, stele and instal regult-, lar storm water dI-haq{a antl In -I pd.le davelapmant. SIP'mwpm marleels mon.paletl ,Ilhid m0 PMjam Anal are s.ludstl wTb pmyect5 I. pubec pars, or open spate. as wni as Bse roadway impm amenl5 501 fort in All.hr n! 5: b.mo P_.., for par5cipanon by properly-.. and devOMpnm within ire Pmpcl Anal l achi-ve in, obi -tiles 01 tlds Plan. c. Tie engin-aring, des on, hnena0on, cor4l ITIIion, sacro, mconsnuenvn -I sImels and ctm-licapes. EnoudiN but nal llmlred in Hilina RAW, the -nngumtion of Tyra Read. Itl flew Ems uodion el Tyhaa Read and RIO- Raid, mndimmflonsl eosting Tyhee Brad once malignad, and impmvam5-IS M Iha inlerseclien wine N. Ddy Parkway (brmady Siphon Ready, M b ket Road, Aurora Boalemrd II N-Idi- Clien gy, Morndng De, Dawn Daylighl, and Yet lobe mad mads asd-lopmenl occurs, and rotated pedastdan McInnes, numb and gutter. mla,Se cn and miE cresveg rep a mmenrc. and III sEgrafs; tl. The engine -i -I design, insioNgon. Lbncloavion, &,War meafshuclion dl 0,jiges (wltrn arc-Loolo.I tis. PmpLk Areal Mcludi-9 but -1 Broiled to EmprmyemenR and upgrades lolhe -1,n dtstdbutlsn ,Vile.,, walrcap2Lby gmiloa mends. w¢lrslraga uirgindes's-I system inrpmremsll5 arra up9ud^a, Tia sla0on, end knprpvemants, and vppmdesl power. g&s, 6bar optµ,, commsnkadons antl -that sub Mulilies. Corstruc[ion-I anHtles mnsida d Iha Pmlr�l Area are d.r-clly c aletl M Iha growth antl danbriad and within the Projeo Rroa. d.4 Cannot a ,fled within tlso ncibn l Afea: a. Removal. burying, or Land dm tl-vmisead utilities; 111 ,als: or rel0aasion o1 Pull? reuM Nis: aS:94Mnf De l e[IJ1 dlslribufwnlme5 and o ncps ors; Improvement vl Iran th end drainage ditches and Ia1Y415', cmtlerg i thaw fi Pull? 11 Merits: addfi.n of ysm op0c Imes or an dr L .1scapcation sysEems;P&lic padling lacil6los, and other pup .Ioprmemetds, itMi . hgh but -1 Wild to, Hm cres. aonapslems, roadways. earns, ndnn, and slmeill tilt which Wr pe boo of Wb Plan, Iha term slreelscdpas Imiutlos sidewalks, righting. Mntlsceping. bontlres, signage, ase racks, podµ ad, arm similar amonills betWev41rho turn ate right-dr"Y Iine;am "I, public irnpmvemslrl. imlu�ng podia open spaces that maybe dl -r d eppmI by the Board. I.me acgwshln of reef Papli for pWfic ngnl.al-way Imprevommis, p.bic garbs, pedeaed.n ladlllies, pathways and Ira95, lecmadmM accses points antl Io encourage dit.opme.1 vpp I -ti 5 Lonsisl-nl with Ire Plan, b¢Wtling WI rMI Timil-d b fiAure tlisposi9dn IP qualifietl tlave[-pars: g TM1e ugosidon vl real prop-rh' er Nnily urclorgrountling end s[reeLY pa impraremenM M cradle development oPparlvniaos cansisledl wbn the Pen, EncWr}ng hn nmlimned b }u9rm dispositiwr Io quai'r5ad dwniopers antl mr gselified tlC+elorynenls. inclWi� econwmif. tlB'+elapmant; h_Tho dI,pWjpw el mal pmperly In-gha c-mpe6dve process in a-carddme with This Plan, Idaho Idw, irstlutling Etlaha Coble § 50.2011. antl any di5ppsiii-n pollcles ad.ptaoi bythe AgenI .The d"'luton or mistral al -111.,, haldi1g5 aI impmurne"ls II Pubic nghtsal-Way. padestflan Mollies, Ludy u0d,o,m-dirg amt shera elspa an Pm .d, to enc .... go and enhanpe ganspmtad-n and n ,Uy opilns. dMork"I undendllanA Parcels, M slimitul nmheallhful, -basally, or unsafe cwrd'ni-ns eliminate vhsdel.,011101 uses tl-Idmenlal ioIn. puhnc-11-vrolhomiso to.,mane or M plWom Iha spread of deled,ballg or diAtTl ml5d mn11m-rrs; I. The management d any properly acquired ey and .-T, the ownmship and -Iml of thO AG -II µ, The bvalpmem ar rsda,ampment al land by pdvata onterpnee or Nigic ageneie5 krus-e in -We- Ah Ibis Plan: I.Tha canslruction sstl Hn.r 1suppon -f Inlaslmclm fsecassaly Ivr Iha pmNsion o! lmparv¢d tmrelt and alternative tormasp "Don. m.Tha p-IsTan N ntwnda3 and .hien assislanee 1- encourage proal -r density En order to Lm.e greater land use atbciemiss and gMm-r social oppodunl0es Ihrugh land design. logelhvn which will null in decreased tae and utility Imislib-fen Tho Cib%s.,,lama and wbil.L4ee: n. Therehadnha0on sl slmetbft ree aimpmvamenee dl' p_.W owners, Their suaossom and Bra FBIo. The prepam90n and assembly of en adi quAl ides I., IM a.M.Pml ark on- c-nstruadf faCtlldect-r mmmerdal, -face,.,tail. mlidolfiA. arc govommesmL l pslmm�ah , ISwithpmpedy-vMattark N}Mr slahelhA workingwith and manwnd zand nen'Pue nsik necessary)arc sla hire o� Able 11 for 910 dosign -I Slraalsrapo, festival steels, p!¢zas, mulnibB pathways, parks and open Space and other tike pmbmlk spaces appnLagla to Iso ProjeclAma as needed! !o supp00 bnplomenlanon of this Plop. q.ln corps," n all, mo CITY 100 ecmhllsha^anl and EmpiemeniANI, bf Pd. -n- cdterial assure Ngn SIM design stamlyds and onvir¢nmantgl quality and o0 , design elements wnkh provide unity end irdegrnY M Iha amim FmI Ama. Indu,16N commlhnenl e1 funds ler ptemlrg Studies, ecnEeving high As dams al developman, and le,aleging such da olopmon! Io.,rievu puck ueje ve5 and oMNand use of &came ms.uo- rTo the estei alWwetl by law, tend orir Vastfadeoll W. I¢ ecidAs doves ipment amgu rad-IcP-T: s. The provision fw relrcation ass' fence M displaced PrOleCt Area ^crupanls, as mgriretl bylaw, or wtihin the ddcrelion of Nollgen0y Roar fir dart acebl -I and 1- Olhor related impnowM, menl5l IIe'at leas above as }uMu so[ fer911. Anachmml 5, Am/stldm land uses a5 descrlhed In the Plan -11 ho in c -nib mance wigs z bin, for the City and The City of Ghnhbutli Campmm._ Plan, Out Valley, at Vision, as-..ad{rh0-C-mpmhmmsise Plafi), adopld by Iha Dhab buck City Council, as may be amontlod Imre lime to dmo_ Land .,able available lilt ha devMoped by private vntmpnsea 19111"0. prc ag-idas authadIed by 1W. The Plan Worries, vanms public and p,I Improv -menta which play ba m.d. within Tho R ,.d Ama. Tho Urian Renewal Prq¢cl Area and Re- Padfi Anr d..d n ea l -,.in starred M is dost bed uld an An ame cansi5ting -F appmxlmalety 230 acres generally hountlad by Wine Road on Iha Basl, the Union PaclHc Railroad on tls0 w00L the mnlrline of Tyhoe Rued on the dens, amt the New Pay ParswoY on the Seulh, and as more padkuhl y descdbed os topIVNS', ATRACT OF LAND LOCATED INTHE EAST MOF SECTION 34 ANOTHE WEST 112 OF SECTION 35,TOWNSHIPS SDI HANGE34 EAST BOISE MERIDIAN. BANNOCK COUNTY, IDAHO, OLSGRIBEU AS FpLLOW9' REGI NNING ATTHE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 35, BEING MONUMENTEO BY ARAILROAD SPIKE AS DESCRIBED IN CORNER PERPETUATION FILED FOR RECORD UNDER INSTRUMENT NO.20520343IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BANNOCK COUNTY; THENCE SOUTH 69°4649" EAST(BASIS OF BEARINGS PER THE CENTRAL MERIDIAN OF THE EAST ZONE OF IDAHO STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM). ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF SELTION 35. A DISTANCE OF 1465.7] FEETTO A POINT ON THE CENTER OF THE HIUNE CANAL: THENCE FOLLOWING ALONG THE CENTERL NE OF THE HILINE CANAL. OVER THE FOLLOWING EIGHT (BI CODRSES: 1. SOUTH 13°11'56' WEST A DISTANCE OF 241.08 FEET. 2. SOUTH 26°1TIG- W EST A DISTANCE OF 314 45 FEET; 3 - SOUTH 18'21'19 "WEST A DISTANCE OF Dimes FEET; 4. SOUTH 9°31'31 -WEST AOISTANCE OF 808.63 FEET; - 5. SOUTH 0°35'05" WEST DISTANCE OF 1029 ]3 FEET. 6. SO'JSl-I 1 °13'20' EASTA DISTANCE OF 35200 FEET; , 7. SOUTH 8°OP48' EAST A DISTANCE OF 396.63 FEET. ou SOUTH 5°46'1C' EAST A DISTANCE OF 583.29 FEET TOA POINT ON TRE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF A PARCEL OF LAND BELONGING TO RANDY MERICA AND TERES0. MERIDA AS DESCRIBED iN WARRANTY OEED RECORUEDAS INSTRUMENTNO-a%747 IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BANNOCK COUNTY. THENCE FOLLOWING ALONG THE NORTH AND WEST BOUNDARY LINES OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND OVER THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES: 1. NORTH 89.41742" WEST A DISTANCE OF 118449 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 35. 2.SOJT14'99' WESTA IN STANCE OF 1293.63 FEET TOA POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY IJNE OF NEW DAV PARKWAY{FORMERLY SIPHON ROAD); 8' THENCE NORTH 89'36'44" WEST A DISTANCE OF 9641.32 FEET TOA POINT ON THE FAST RIGHTDF-WAY LINE FOO THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD; THENCE FOLLpNI NG ALONG SAID RIO HT OF LINE OVER THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COO RS ES: 1. NORTH 1°12'43" WEST A UISTANCE OF 4643A7 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY WITH A2950.118 HADIU9 CURVF WHOSE CENTER BEARS NORTH a5-°47'1]"EAST; 2. FOLLOWING ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH ACENTRAL ANI OF-10.0716'FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 517LT FEET (THE CHORE) OF SAID CURVE BEARS NORTH 3°4955" EAST DISTANCE OF 51]A1 FEET). MORE OR LESS, TOA POINT OFTANGENCY; 3. NORTH 9'50'35" E45T A DISTANCE OF 91.42 FEET. MORE OR LESS. TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHTOF WAY LME OF TYHEE R00.0: THENCE SOUTr1I)°47'16" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY UNIROAD, A DISTANCE OF 1057.19 FEETTO A POENTON TME WEST LINE OF SECTION 35: THENCE NORTH 0'12'45- EAST. ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 35. A DISTANCE OF 25AD FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGiNNrNG. EXCEPTING THEREFROI A PARCEL OF LAND BELONGINGTOSTEVEN ALLEN WILSON AS PFSCFIOED IN WARRANTY DEFO RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT NO.21404143 MTHE OFFICIAL RECOBOSOF BANNOCK COUNTY DESCHISEO AS FOLLOWS: rrrxsar mu C9mmeming el Ste NW aenwf-t S,d0o 35, TSG, R 34 EDIVE >tiaslrw!4>• nw _ TImZ: S 36 dagise501'E l4SDfmt Intima PA.e. ems N 01 dogmas 25' E m 241.0 Met: Is I'Mocrs S a7 degrees 36' E 220.56 til (menrnad es 211 feel): u � F T, - _ .. s r• •�+ r •n r - x Thence 5 12 degrees 91' W 269-49 Mot Imcorrletl as 2591v8: w r suit c r .. - a s srr x Teems N 64 dOG= 59' W 173.21 feel (recamad as Uoi b0 fI m u I I _ M TT6aca NO I cat ME 6.9] lId1 Lim P.O. B. Y ATotalof 1.14 sues (mcetled as 1,04 Acess) :I TOTAL PROJECT AREA IS 2999 ACRES, MORE OR LE56 }ill umao ,mrb The ) "on A.... .1s.depided In be map. I'. fogies al the pmpmad Plan a2 on Ile tar pudic Inspection and -gong dl BM -Ince of the City Clens. Chubnuck City Han, and 5160 YOIl-rre Avenue, Cnubhurl, Ftl¢Iw. 63202 hatwean the hours of 8:00 a m_ In 12:99 p.m.. ono IT Om p,_-5:06p.m., Montlay Mrvugh Fdtld%eacWstvs o}1w[Itlays.The Plan can al5e be accessed onlin¢at hllps:ll I a„ r,•°, + c1}mkhubtmck.uslwpcvnlenVvPoad42020y09Modhsltlo-Gmssmg Plnn862 54D5-0T6Dx.1 IAL For oddMonat sslslnca in it vDsaWnl a�opyWthe Waninthe eVanl Of ion mabc afire interruptions. coiled Tho ce-t Ne City Clerk W 208-237-24118. EaL291. Casts of OPpYing Am oAj,ad in IGho Code Seclion 74.102. Al the hearing dal, Lima, app plain nI above (Novombor 4. 2020, &16:00 PI Al persons Ent-Stsd in No - abwa mm�ors may ap, and ba heaaL Bslause sock) mstadain9 -caro maybe .nett at 11ra 11 me o1 Bse hearing. waren ls5medy IS trot-uart.. Oral laslimonY may no Hmbed to virtual imefns!} or lelepiwnic means. Inlormallrs on ac .... I g the meat g romolely and padlclpadng En Iha viduM ma9ing can he Wvrtl al hnp5YNa02wahzoom.usrog727I748547pwd=VlMwNkNHh XdKb25NNUgyC N1U17Ei1T09. Addili-I r �I Entormajit n, ae wall as. Inkrfna0on Mg.aI P -ding teslimomy io campiunca with anysocrardisla.ing orders En aflecl may be abtairad by calling 209.237¢49. Ed.201 arty email ¢I Ibasv0rs®chy-IrJwbbuck.us. 1 I5 A compWl d ,p on -E each item G available 1 Ut. putlk ars requast In lhowerswclyoithJ-Busk ts_ Council f packet wil b0 avoil.H. upon mr all In the Same bmall by October 2B. 262G.Any did all parsons may sSIAv -1 = cOmmama.protests, on egr¢emenl5 an the headigsubpets being canratlemd.Orat MsnmoM concorMng tlmesapre- -I posels may W one.e0 at Ino public heating. Council may limit omltaslane^y yrimen tesnnwny mu51 b0 recelvetl by y _ _ _ _ - _ " _ - _ -. - - jbowors®aily0khshhuck.usaUeaslTtlays pdvrlelhO nearing, shallcompEy with stantlerd5asuhllshad inOnyCmlr' - ll' : ar •ar sssw 18 28.02Dand shall by cansiI Psoic .,coil. 1; ,e 1• Chubbuck DI, Mell is accessible In Iranians wsh do.e bus, Ati M}om ration Inesenled En Iha naming stall also a bo _11 Us upan Irdvance request., a form usable by persons with hrat'ng or vissm1lmpa-cr b. indhlduets wdr, Nner tlisahiinles rosy mceiw ossiStanCS ny conUcling the City perk. Joey 84we5 aI jh-wembicltyvkhuhhvckss "'T"'- _ srwvu s m ss at lees! 2,1 hours odor l the maedng_ WohcordemnCe Ino wbcasary l par0opate) �+ - nl{pslNs02wobioran Ws1p8972TITd6547pwd Vn.IwMW NbXtlNh25HNU9yc2N1U1ZElIT09 � i Meme, 10: 897 2717 4854 Pa-lF96E594 sr xte - J GenerM liartmen Irre IN 9 Z meal ng can be luntl al hgpslfsupport.TfHamuslhrJBn us! I' - - I - (� ,I 4 � , r a.-A!2013G2193-strong Or to Join by Phone: j l �•-�mw " ,1669 966 6833 U5 "^ +1 34624e 7789 UG DATED: SaPlmber 25. 2020 Joey Rowem, Cly Clads i, I. #T p' "•� - Publlsh¢d:1902.1W16,2029(3578}846} AD# 357O3AD# NOTICED REGULAR MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING BYTHE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO, TO CONSIDER THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR THE NORTHSIDE CROSSING URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT OFTHE CHUBBUCK DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Chubbuck City Hall, 5160 Yellowstone Avenue, Chubbuck, Idaho, the City Council of the city of Chubbuck, Idaho ("City') will hold, during its regular meeting, a public hearing to consider for adoption the proposed Urban Renewal Plan for the Northside Crossing Urban Renewal Project (the "Plan), of the Urban Renewal Agency of the City Of Chubbuck, Idaho, also known as Chubbuck Development Authority ('Agency'). The urban renewal and revenue allocation area boundary is hereinafter described. The Plan proposes that the Agency undertake urban renewal projects, including identifying public facilities for funding, pursuant to the Idaho Urban Renewal Law of 1965, Title 50, Chapter 20, Idaho Code, as amended. The Plan being considered for adoption contains a revenue allocation financing provision pursuant to the Local Economic Development Act, Title 50, Chapter 29, Idaho Code, as amended, that will cause property taxes resulting from any increase in equalized assessed valuation in excess of the equalized assessed valuation as shown on the now assessment roll as of January 1, 2020, to be allocated to the Agency for urban renewal purposes. The Agency has adopted and recommended approval of Me Plan. Due to COVID-19and CDC beat practices for social distancing, the public meeting will occur via web -conference and telephone. Details on how to attend the meeting and participate are found below. Public hearings will be held with respect to the following items: The geneml scope and objectives of the Plan are: a. The engineering, design, Installation, construction, and/or reconstruction of storm water management infrastructure to support compliance with federal, state and local regulations for storm water discharge and to support private development. Stormwater projects anticipated within the Project Area are included with projects for public parks or open space, as well as the roadway improvements set forth in Attachment 5; It. The provision for participation by property owners and developers within the Project Area to achieve the objectives of this Plan; c. The engineering, design, installation, construction, and/or reconstruction of streets and street,mpes, including but not limited to Hiline Road, the inconfiguration of Tyhee Road, the new intersection at Tyree Road and Hiline Road, modifications to existing Tyhee Road once aligned, and improvements to the inre tersection withNew Day Parkway (formerly Siphon Road), Whitaker Road, Aurora Boulevard (now Northside Crossing), Morning Dew, Dawn Daylight, and yet to be rued roads as development occurs, and related pedestrian facilities, curb and gutter, intersection and rail crossing improvements, and traffic signals; it. The engineering, design, installation, construction, and/or reconstruction of utilities (within and outside of the Project Area) including but not limited to improvements and upgrades to the water distribution system, water capacity improvements, water storage upgrades, sewer system improvements and upgrades, lift station, and improvements, and upgrades to power, gas, fiber optics, communications and other such facilities. Construction of utilities outside of the ProjectArea are directly related to the growth and development within the Project Area, but cannot be sited within the Project Area; e. Removal, burying, or relocation of overhead utilities; removal or relocation of underground utilities; extension of electrical distribution lines and transformers; improvement of irrigation and drainage ditches and laterals; undergrounding or piping of laterals; addition of fiber optic lines or other communication systems; public parking facilities, and other public improvements, including but not limited to, fire protection systems, roadways, curbs, gutters, and streetscapes, which for purposes of this Plan, the term streetscapes includes sidewalks, lighting, landscaping, benches, signage, bike racks, public art, and similar amenities between the curb and right-of-way line; and other public improvements, including public open spaces that may be deemed appropriate by the Board; I . The acquisition of real property for public right-of-way improvements, public parks, pedestrian facilities, pathways and trails, recreational access points and to urage development opportunities consistent with the Plan, including but not limited to future disposition to qualified developers; g. acquisition of real property for utility undergrouni ing and streetscape improvements to create development opportunities consistent with the Plan, including but not limited to future disposition to qualified developers and for qualified developments, including economic development; h. The disposition of real property through a competitive process in accordance with this Plan, Idaho law, including Idaho Code § 50-2011, and any disposition policies adopted by the Agency; i. The demolition or removal of certain buildings and/or improvements for public rights-of-way, pedestrian facilities, utility undergrounding and streetscape im provements to encourage and enhance transportation and mobility options, decrease undeMilized parcels, to eliminate unhealthful, unsanitary, or unsafe conditions, eliminate obsolete or other uses detrimental to the public we Hare or otherwise to remove or to prevent the spread of deteriorating or deteriorated conditions; j. The management of any property acquired by and under the ownership and control of the Agency; k. The development or redevelopment of land by private enterprise or public agencies for uses in accordance with this Plan; I. The construction and financial support of infrastructure necessary for the provision of improved transit and alternative transportation; M. The provision of financial and other assistance to encourage greater density In order to create greater land use efficiencies and greater social opportunities through good design, together which will result in decreased tax and utility liabilities for the City's residents and businesses; n. The rehabilitation of structures and improvements by present owners, their successors, and the Agency; o. The preparation and assembly of adequate sites for the development and construction of facilities for commercial, office, retail, residential, and governmental use; P. In collaboration with property owners and other stakeholders, working with the City to amend zoning regulations (if necessary) and standards and guidelines for the design of streetscape, festival streets, plazas, multi -use pathways, parks and open space and other like public spaces applicable to the Project Area as needed to support implementation of this Plan; q. In conjunction with the City, Me establishment and implementation of performance criteria to assure high site design standards and environmental quality and other design elements which provide unity and integrity to the entire Project Area, including commitment of funds for planning studies, achieving high standards of development, and leveraging such development to achieve public objectives and efficient use of scarce resources; nTO the extent allowed by law, lend or Invest federal funds to facilitate development and/or redevelopment; s. The provision for relocation assistance to displaced Project Area occupants, as required by law, or within the discretion of the Agency Board for displaced businesses; and I. Other related improvements to those set forth above as further set forth in Attachment 5. Any such land uses as described in the Plan will be in conformance with zoning for the City and the City of Chubbuck Comprehensive Plan, Our Valley, Our Vision, as amended (the "Comprehensive Plan), adopted by the Chub - buck City Council, as may be amended from time to time. Land made available will be developed by private enterprises or public agencies as authorized by law. The Plan identifies various public and private improvements which may be made within the Project Area. The Urban Renewal Protect Area and Revenue Allocation Area herein referred to is described as follows: An area eonslstlng of approximately 230 acres generally bounded by Hiline Road on the east, the Union Pacific Railroad on the west, the centerline of Tyhee Road on the north, and the New Day Parkway on the south, and as more particularly described as follows: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE EAST 1/2 OF SECTION 34 AND THE WEST 1/2 OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 34 EAST, BOISE MERIDIAN, BANNOCK COUNTY, IDAHO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ATTHE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 35, BEING MONUMENTED BYA RAILROAD SPIKE AS DESCRIBED IN CORNER PERPETUATION FILED FOR RECORD UNDER INSTRUMENT NO. 20520343 IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BANNOCK COUNTY; THENCE SOUTH 89°46'49" EAST (BASIS OF BEARINGS PER THE CENTRAL MERIDIAN OF THE EAST ZONE OF IDAHO STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM), ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 35, A DISTANCE OF 1485.77 FEETTO A POINT ON THE CENTER OF THE HILINE CANAL; THENCE FOLLOWING ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF THE HILINE CANAL OVER THE FOLLOWING EIGHT (8) COURSES: 1. SOUTH 13°11'58" WEST DISTANCE OF 241.08 FEET; 2. SOUTH 26°1T16" WEST A DISTANCE OF 314.45 FEET; 3. SOUTH 18°2119" WEST DISTANCE OF 318.85 FEET; 4. SOUTH 9°31'31"WESTA DISTANCE OF 808.83 FEET; 5. SOUTH 0°35'06" WESTA DISTANCE OF 1029.73 FEET; 6. SOUTH 1°13'28" EAST DISTANCE OF 352.00 FEET; 7 SOUTH 8°00'48" EAST A DISTANCE OF 396.63 FEET; e. SOUTH 5°46'10" EAST A DISTANCE OF 583.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF A PARCEL OF LAND BELONGING TO RANDY MERICA AND TERESA MERICA AS DESCRIBED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT NO. 896747 IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BANNOCK COUNTY; THENCE FOLLOWING ALONG THE NORTH AND WEST BOUNDARY LINES OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND OVER THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES: 1.NORTH 89°46'42" WEST A DISTANCE OF 1184.49 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 35; 2. SOUTH 0°14'09" WEST A DISTANCE OF 1293.83 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAV LINE OF NEW DAY PARKWAY (FORMERLY SIPHON ROAD); THENCE NORTH 89°36'44" WEST DISTANCE OF 984.32 FEET TOA POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAV LINE FOR THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD; THENCE FOLLOWING ALONG SAID RIGHT -OF -WAV LINE OVER THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES: 1. NORTH 1°12'43" WEST A DISTANCE OF 4643.47 FEET TOA POINT OF TANGENCY WITH A 2950.00' RADIUS CURVE WHOSE CENTER BEARS NORTH 88°47'17' EAST; 2. FOLLOWING ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10°03'16" FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 51767 FEET (THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARS NORTH 3°48'55" EAST DISTANCE OF 517.01 FEET), MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; 3. NORTH 8°50'33" EAST DISTANCE OF 81.42 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT -OF -WAV LINE OF TYHEE ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 89°4715" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF TYHEE ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 1057.19 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 35; THENCE NORTH 0°12'45" EAST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 35, A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: A PARCEL OF LAND BELONGING TO STEVEN ALLEN WILSON AS DESCRIBED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT NO. 21404143 IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BANNOCK COUNTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: I Commencing at the NW corner of Section 35, T 5S, R 34 EBM: Thence S 36 degrees OTE 1450 feet to the P.O.B. Thence N 01 degrees 26' E 241.0 feet: m n Thence S 87 degrees 36' E 220.56 feet (recorded as 210 feet): sai+ais t � Thence S 12 degrees 01' W 259.49 feet (recorded as 259 feet): N YSCU• E 9+�Y s 5 �:' Thence N 84 degrees 59'W 173.21 feet (recorded as 174.50 feet): Thence N 01 degrees 26' E 6.97 feet to the P.O.B. a]a•� A Total of 1.14 acres (recorded as 1.04 Acres) 707AL PROJECT AREA IS 229.89 ACRES, MORE OR LESS crwno. The Project Area is also depicted in the map. Copies of the proposed Plan are on file for public inspection and copying at the office of the City Clerk, Chubbuck arses City Hall, and 5160 Yellowstone Avenue, Chubbuck, Idaho, 113202 between the hours of 8:00 a. m. 012:00 p.m. and it 1 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, exclusive of holidays. The Plan can also be accessed online at https:H ® rn ' g` cityofchubbuck.us/.p-contenUuploads/2020/09/Northside-Crossing-Plan-4852-5405-0760-v.13.pdf. For additional ssistance in in obtaining a copy of the Plan in the event of business office interruptions, contact the office of the City k p; Clerk at 208-237-2400, Ext.201. Costs for copying are outlined in Idaho Code Section 74-102 At the hearing date, time, and place noted above (November 4, 2020, at 6:00 p.m.), all persons interested in the 1 ot 11 above makers may appear and be heard. Because social distancing orders may be in I` effect at the time of the hearing, written testimony is encouraged. Oral testimony may be limited to virtual (internet) Ir •. -e.. ` °' •""'" or telephonic means. Information on accessing the meeting remotely and participating in the virtual meeting can ocwra...• ` 1� be found at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89727174854?pwd=VlMwNkNHb%dKb25KNU9yc2N1UjZEUT09. Additional information, as well as, information regarding providing testimony in compliance with any social distancing orders in .I .v... effect may be obtained by calling 208-237-2400, Ext 201 or by email at jbowem@cityofchubbuck.us. A complete description of each item is available to the public on request to jbowers�cttyofchubbuck.us. Council packet will be available upon request to the same email by October 28, 2020. Any and all persons may register 1 comments, protests, or agreements on the hearing subjects being considered. Orel testimony concerning these pro- _ 1 posals may be offered at the public hearing. Council may limit oral testimony. Written testimony must be received by _ _ 34N jbowem@cityofchubbuck.us at least 7 days priorto the hearing, shall comply with standards established in City Code - I: 18.28.020.D.7, and shall be considered public record.- Chubbuck City Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. All information presented in the hearing shall also be available upon advance request In a form usable by persons with hearing or visual impairments, individuals with -,yr hr other disabilities may receive assistance by contacting the City Clerk, Joey Bowers at jbowersiOcityofchubbuck.us at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. I= k5 se wvu s ases3 Web -conference (no webcam is necessary to participate) 1` hftps://U$02web..om.us4/89727174854?pwd=VlMwNkNHbXdKb25KNU9y.2Nl UJZEUT09 t Meeting ID: 89727174854 Password: 966594 _ _i General information on joining a Zoom meeting can be found at https://support.wom.u./hc/en-us/ yl ss•esvrc sea xu articles/201362193Joining-a-Meeting. Or to Join by Phone: +1 669900 6338US - .. +1 346 240 7799 US DATED: September 25, 2020. Joey Bowers, City Clerk ""'�"'= 1• � Published: 10/2,10/16,2020(35703-848)'x' - /Y�MxwrwrMl � Iww.wwwwrw