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05 23 1972 CM
Minutes of the regular meeting o~ the Mayor and Council held in the municipal building M~ 23, 1972. ~ Meeting called to order by Mayor Cotant at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Cotant, CounciLmen Kinghorn, Menard, Romriell and. Taylor. Attorney 'Wise and clerk Vera Ara~trong. Minutes of May 9 meeting approved as.written. T~<PORA~Y ~/~ATI!~t LIN~ - ~r. Renteria has purchased a lot on ~(ingo Lane and requests per- mission to make a temporary water hook-up from his neighbor, ,~qer¥in Smith, 266 Mingo Lane. Cotmcil approved of this temporary water hook-up only until the Mingo Lane water line is installe~ or approx~ately four months. POLICE PATRCL - Several residents from the businesses were aresent to appeal to the mayor and council for any help the city mig?~t be able to~ give or suggest that might control burglary ~,~ithin the city. Mayor told the business people that changes have been made in police routine which they hope will help. Mayor also stated he felt effective law enforcement would need to have the citizens cooperation bY reporting license numbers and actions ©£ anything suspicious. Fo~lo~mng suggestmons were made: Advertising that more protection was planned. Busi~,ess men help patrol city'. Burglar alarm installation and also better lighting. Telephone alarm systems installed in stores. Mayor asked Cotmcilman = '= ~ ~omrm~ll to check out Yezlowstene ~i??~w~ for needed street lights and infomaed business o~mers the council will follow up, with possible action on other suggestions. ALLEY - Lena Ciamnini asked if city has responsibility of upkeep on the alley- behind the businesses or, the east side of Ye!!owsto~e. Mayor tol~ her they would check this out and perhaps city could grade and help ~,rith upkeep. TRAIL~Z, P~Q[,~ES~ T - Michael Bunco asked if it would be possih, le to place a trailer on ten acres he owns on East Chubbuck t~d. behind Betty Jo Fenwick's home, He also asked if he could name the easement or right-of-way to his property. City gave h~u permission to ne~ne his street and advised him to present his request for trailer placement to the Planni~g and Zonining Co~-~mission. TRAILEr, HO~i~ ON PROPERTY - l~iayor asked Attorney ?rise ;.Chat standing was on trailers on property of John R. Valenty ~ad Garland He¢,ry '~ 7~fise · ~.~torney informed council Hem~' s case was due to be heard in court and that a s~g:m~ons for trailer removal could be served on Valenty. FIRE H~ZD,~'~A['~T - Councilman Taylor - · ~ re,~:~r.~e~ a fire h~dr~t w~s needed on the ea~t end -,~ Henry Street. ~ ,,~'-~: LINE - CounciLma;~ Kinghorn asked ~%~at action the comncil w.m~ts to take +~ f~ther this construction. ~[ayor told ~ ~ · ~=ngho~.~. he felt it would be well if he ~ould visit each home and explain the pcssibility of an LID if residents can't lay in aa~vance. SIPHON ~fATEP_ LI~E - Counci~an Kinghorn asked how private construction for water lines on Siphon Kd. were progressing. Joe Brermsn to check tais out. · *~ .... · -Attcrney ['~ise stated he had a coiltr~;c% drawn up ~ich ~ounts to 1~ of total project ~ - ~_,~uo an hcurly fee of ¢~°~.00 ~, on lfitig~tions on easements ~d right-of-ways~ etc, Bonding fee will be 17 of u. ~ in contract. ~on~o vrhich is ~':~cluded Bh~LEY ROAD F~TENSION - A. F. Mc0mber ssked what he could do to get Burley Road developed. A lengthy discussion follo;.,red' Garth Pincock was present on behalf of Mc0mber. Mr. McC~ber proposed that he get ~ or 5 appraisals on Brennan,s property' and he would arrange with the home owner's to buy 25' from Brennan and would gravel the street or he requests the city honor the petition he has prepared and start LID proceedings. The council and mayor accepted the petition and advised attorney to check cut legality of resident signatures for further action by the city. Meeting recessed, at ll:3a p.m. ~z~tii further notice if necessary. City clerk Vera Ci Armstrong ~zayor John ~. Cotant Jr.