HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 09 1972 CMMinutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor s~ld Council held in the municipal building May 9, 1972. Present: Mayor Cotant, CounciLmen Kinghorn, Menard, ~omriell and Taylor. Attorney ?~ise and clerk Vera Armstrong ~.leeting called to order by Mayor Cotant at 8:00 o'clock p.m. MINGO ~AT~ LI~ - Councilman Kinghorn reported he had talked to residents on Mingo Ln. a~d suggested sending a letter to each resident informing them of councils decision for them to pay costs in advance of construction and the amo~:~£ due. FENCE - Rueben Robello, 556 Victor reported that he had heard the city had complaints on his fence and he wanted to know why. Discussion followed as to whether fence is against city ordinance. Requireme~'~t in zoning o~inance is a three foot fence along front of property. However, fence was installed the last of August sad zoning ordinance published October 17, 1971. Council suggested i;~ the future residents wanti~g fence in front yard be required to put in sidewalks. No action taken. SIGNS - Police Chief Frasure stated speed limit signs needed on Tahoe ~d Targhee. it was questioned if every residential street needed Slm~ed signs, l~ay'or suggested trailer parks have stop signs on streets entering a public road. City to inquire as to legality of placing stop signs on private property and also whose responsibility it should be. FENCE - Bid has been received by city for fence around ?~ell ~3. CounciLman Kinghorn suggested looking the area over before making a decision ~ on whether to fence or to what ex"tent. Kinghorn and Romriell to check this out. SCOUT P,~[OJECT - Councilman Romriell requested Jordon arrange work for scouts to do at Stuart Park Saturday May 13th. Stua~t said he would do this. DOG I2L~SH & CONTROL LAW - Several in audience were in favor of leash law and one resident present was against dog control. Opinion poll survey was 75 in favor and 22 against. Mayor stated a new o~inance would need. to be drawm up for council consideration and attorney was advised to do so with council's consent. Suggested te be in ordinance was noise and nuisance control and odor and cleanliness control. SPEED CHECK - Jack Landon asked if council had considered speed checks on Teton. Council discourages speed checks. Mr. L.madon asked if street could be radared. Chief Frasure stated they would be glad to and added that a citizen can report speeding and reck- lessness to police department and a misdemeanor can be charged against them. Party reporting must have license nm~ber and be able to identify driver. LID ON BLRLEY - A. F. McCmber informed council he had been told that only residents living within 125 feet of construction need sign petition. He presented a petition with twenty signatures and stated he had the zf~jority signatures required of proper~y owners. Mr. Mc0mber reported estimated cost of street const~ction was a~pro×imately ~ ~.00 per foot or $13.00 to $12.00 per fro~foot with one side o~2[y paying. Mayor told McOmber city counsel ~ould check out legality of approving an LID on this street before council adopt a resolution to this effect. COUNTRY ACRES ~th ADDITION - Fred Chase representing Blue Kibbon Homes presented an addend~ to their addition. Mr. Chase proposed a plan whereby he will install sewer lines along with construction. He has contacted and has approval of Federal Housing and State Health. State Health has approved a plan for a septic tank and sewage pit for eash 10 homes. Council in favor of this addendum if Engineer Perkins approves. city Fred Chase quoted a price of $2500.00 for the lot theTproposed to buy. Blue l~ibbon Homes is giving Lot ~ Block 10 to city for a well and city asked for option to buy this additional lot. After discussion the mayor and council decided not to buy the additional lot. Mr. Chase reeuested a letter from Mayor stating the city will maintain the lot presented to them for a well. STUART ADDiTION O0NSTRUCTION- Fred Chase proposes to purchase b~ance of lots on Henry street and he plans to run permanent sewer lines on this street also and asked city approval. Mr. Chase is to contact Engineer Perkins and work out a solution for sewer plans and have it approved by Health Dept. James Street from Stuart Avenue to the property Mr. Chase is developing will need to be paved. Mr. Chase asked the city if they would help pave this street. Mayor and Council felt property owners should participate and city agreed to contact ~lr. Behling and Mm. ~[ubirfl~ s~d request participation on paying. Councilman Romriell to follow up on this. SCHOOL PROPERTY - Mayor info~aed council he had talked to school district about cooperating with them on cleaning off the 18 acres the school owns west of Teton Street for a park or playground until the school builds. Discussion followed. 1,iayor to contact school district and work out an agreement. YELLgffSTO~£ HIG~JAY DEV~OP~,i_-.I~.-T - Comacilman ~lenard suggests contacting highway department and request state widen and curb the state hig~ay through the business area of Chubbuck." Ma~or reported contact has been made to highway departme;~.t and that he and the engineer have been trying to set up a meeting with them for this purpose. PARK AREA - Franklin Briscoe has approximately K acres between k~itaker Kd and Hiline the city has been considering buying for park area. He would like an answer as he has had an offer for the ground. Councilman Taylor suggested looking the area over and giving an answer at next meeting. This was agreed upon. POLICE AD~KNINSTRATION SCHOOL-- Chief Frasure has requested attending a police school at Boise J-~ne 5, 6, 7 and 8. After some discussion ~aycr agreed to talk to Frasure to find out more details before council decision. DISANNEX~TION ORDINANCE f~106 regarding property of John E. Motheral read by title for second reading. Menard made motion to accept this as the second reading. O~DINANCE #:108 Amending OrSinance #:77 , changing the texas of office of planning con~v~ssion and allowing one member to be a non-resident, read in full by kttorneF- [~ise. Councilman Menard made motion to dispense with rule of reading on three separate days. Taylor seconded, i[oll call vote: Kingho~'n, yes; ~.[enard, yes; Romriell, yes; Taylor, y'es. Motion to adopt Ordinance ~'!105 made by Kinghorn seconded by [~omriell. t~oll call vote: Kinghorn, yes; ~[enard, yes; Romriell, yes; T!.ylor, yes. Financial statement presented to Mayor and Council. Claims for month presented to Mayor and Council for approval. ~ ' ~ounc~lman liomriell quest~?~ed if expenditures are being approved before cla~s are presented at meeting. It was agreed by mayor and council that large expenditures should be and //"~)!/// most of them are being approved at present. Councilmas~ Romriell made motion to pay bill. Kinghorn seconded with all in favor. DELiNQUF~NT I ~' ~ATmh BILLS - CounciL-aah Kinghorn brought to ~aycr and coumcil's attention the Five Mile Ins, had been on delinquent list the last three months. It was agreed by all the shut-off procedures should be enforced on all. Kingho?n to notify Brennan. SPECIAL MEETING - It was decided a special meeting would be held Thursday at 5:~5 p.m. May I1 to take action on a resolution for the sewer HUD grant and also a resolution on the Hb~ loan. Meeting recessed at~ll:~O p.m. ~John ~ Cotant jr. DEf'AP, I-t,~[JHT 0[: tiOU$1I;G AI~D LIR[;AI4 DE:VELOPMENT ¥iotu: c. nJ S,"c, [,.oil[tie:. C. ront Progrum 14~me el AFphccn! tlUD-41422 (54,6) cit o~ Chh;.,buck . WS-Idaho-18 - ' E?. P,/.,_ to F ii;;! I.',;;'L~I L:.S O'F MNETI! G, Ia;ct AC,.cct .... ~ I *' OF .... " The Council · eoiaL mc-r:t;-i~ c~t the Municipal Building Cn~bkuck at 6:00 o'clod: .~__ ~., on tho l!th ¢%, of May , 1972 the place, hou~, c~nd de. re duly esh%lisi~3d for the holc;i!':3 of such rnectir:g. 'Fha May or roll call the following onswcr¢'J Fro'sc. nra Jack J. Mendard Earl kcmriel 1 ............ , called the meeting to order or:d Wa' 'ne Ta~lor_ ........ an~ ~hc following were c!bscnt: ._ None ' I ' declared a quorum present. M3yoZ ...... t __l___:Ll reported' tho! this special meeting was convened l'he . . pursuant to ~ duty dc ~ed o~d ~igncd Hot;ce of Speci.a[ Meeting which was_ deZive=ed each. Cou~c&]ma~ _in due time, form, and manner as.required by law. Tha Mayor read the original of the "Notice and Certificate forth below, a~d the s~me v,,~s ordered spread on the m~nutes, os fo,lows: NOTICE AKD CERTIFICATE 1. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ~{EEZING~of ~ city Council of the ' ~i-v Of Ct, '~kuck Notice is hereby given that o spell :l meet;ns of the cit% COuncil of the set City_ 'of up_huc~ Vera C. , ~. 2. CERTIFI'CATE OF SER\'JCE. Armst.rbhq City clerk .- City .of Chubbuck HEREBY CERTIFY shut on tJie 9th day of copyo{the [oregoin~ ~otice of ihe Special ~,%cetin~ on each on'J every. City COunci1-maTt of the City of Chubbuck foHowingmanr, er:'bY deliverinq thd-same personally, to each coUncilman Witness my hand this 12th day of May , 19 , 19 7:2 , I se,vtd · true. 72. of the the Kin~horn "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF GRANT AGREE~,ENT'' The following'R'bsolution was introduced by l,~r. ¥1HEREAS,' The City of Chu~buck" :"" · ' (CORPO,r:.A~-*TI-'i~ OF APPLICANTJ · organized a~d e(isting under and by virtue of the laws of the (State) ~e~f ~[daho · (Retain called the "Applicant"), has heretofore submitted an application to the United State~ of America, acting by end through the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (herein called she "Government"), for a grant under Section' 702 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965, for the purposes designated in the said application; and WHEREAS, the Government has approved the said application subject to certain condition's and has submitted to the Applicant o certain Grant Agreemontdotedasof. ~3 R~I Zg72 __(herelncalledthe"Grant Agreement"), fo~' approval end execution by the Applicant, whicK said Grant Agreement is sotisfa~lory~ ...... NOW, THEREFORE,.BE IT RESOLVED BY THE City Co~cil of the Applicant that the said Grant Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, be and the same is hereby approved. . The Mayor of ~e City of Chubbuck is hereby authorized and directed t0 execute the said; " a~d any ~eouzs~c].on~ or funds ' Grant Agreemenl/in the nome on'on ~e~aJ~ of ~ e Applicant, in as many ~ounle?~ads os ma~ ~e necessary, on8 the . ' ~ity Clerk_~~~_of Ch,,hbn~ is here~y authorized and directed to of[ix or i'mpress the official seal of the Applicant thereon and to attest thc same. The proper officer is directed to forward lhe said executed counterparts of the said Grant Agreement t0:the Government, together with such other documents evidencing the approval and,, · . authoriza'fion to execute the same as may be required by tlm Government. " Said Resolution was read in full and discussed and considered. Mr. ?av lor ........... introduced and read. ~r. -M~na~d ":" the following vol,id "Aye'"- Dwayne Ki ,n, 9horn, then moged the adoption of the Resolution as ' Jack J. Menard'i Earl RomXiell. Wayne ?aylo~ -.' .:. ;~. ! ; *.; ".~...".-.- seconded the motion, and, on roll call, and the following voted "Nay": _ _. The. Mayor tt, o esolution do ted as o d' ............ .'thereupc~n deck~*;;~]' the motion Carried .. i:'-: -;: :'? :::- '::-'" '