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November 13'h, 2001
Minutes of a regular meeting held at the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, November 13'h,
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Steven M. England, Marvin
C. Gunter, B. Kent Kearns, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven
M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin.
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Cotant.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or additions to the Regular
Meeting Minutes of October 23rd, 2001 and Special Meeting Minutes of November 12t1i,
Councilman Kearns moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of October 23rd,
2001 and the Special Meeting Minutes of November 12'h, 2001 as read. Councilman
Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
PUBLIC HEARING - A petition by Con Jensen, 8294 W. Buckskin, Pocatello, Idaho to vacate
the portion of Lariat Lane in Paradise Acres Subdivision.
Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open, there being no comment Mayor Cotant
declared the public hearing closed.
Councilman Kearns moved to vacate the portion of Lariat Street in Paradise Acres
Subdivision as requested, Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in
favor of motion.
PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Crystal Bay Corporation for a preliminary plat for Lariat
Lane Re -plat in Paradise Acres. Property is located at about 5890 Eve. Land Use
Development Commission recommended approval of the Lariat Lane re -plat.
Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open.
Kathleen Hogan, 400 Lariat Lane expressed concern the posting of a sign at the property
r' was not done. Mrs. Hogan stated residents and property owners in the area were not
aware of the re -plat proposal. Attorney Holmes suggested Council table the proposal until
he can research to see if a sign is required on a preliminary plat.
November 13'', 2001
Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed until Attorney Holmes can do the
MASSAGE PARLOR APPLICATION - John L. Smith, 828 Oakley Ave, Burley, Idaho has
applied for a Massage Parlor Business License to operate at 265 East Chubbuck Road,
Suite A.
Councilman Gunter moved to grant a massage parlor license to John L. Smith, 828 Ave,
Burley, Idaho to operate at 265 E. Chubbuck Road, Suite C, Councilman England
seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION - Lawrence D. Jenkins, 1014 Elmira Rd, Sandpoint,
Idaho has applied for a business license to sell Christmas trees on the Green Triangle
Parking Lot at Quinn Road and Yellowstone Ave. (east of Green Triangle Building).
Councilman England moved to grant a business license to Lawrence D. Jenkins, Jenkins
and Son Christmas Trees, Inc. to sell Christmas trees at the Green Triangle parking lot,
Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
IASCD/DEQ - Lance Holloway to discuss development of a source water protection plan for the
City of Chubbuck.
David Risley, IDEQ -State was present to to present the City of Chubbuck's Source Water
Assessment Final Report. discussion about the following:
Benefits of Source Water Assessment
Source Water assessment Components
Source Water Area Delineation
Contaminant Source Identification
Potential Contaminant Sources
Perform a Susceptibility Analysis
Susceptibility related to Potential Contaminant Sources
Source Water Assessment report
Drinking Water Protection
Purpose of a Drinking Water Protection Plan
Benefits of a Drinking Water Protection Plan
Community Drinking Water Protection Plans
November 13th, 2001
Formation of a community drinking water protection team.
Delineation of protection area and Identify potential contaminate sources.
Development & Implementation of management plan.
Plan for the future: Drinking water protection.
Drinking water protection plan certification.
Council tabled the report until completion of Public Hearing on Re -plat of Lariat Lane in
Paradise Subdivision.
(cont.) -
Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open.
Attorney Holmes reported there are just a few things that Idaho Code requires notice of
residents within 300' and a posting on the property. A preliminary plat is not one required
to be posted on the property.
Kathleen Hogan, 400 Lariat Lane stated she is in opposition to the re -plat of Lariat Lane
and the 8' sidewalk required in between Paradise Acres and Greener Acres. Mrs. Hogan
said Lariat lane has seven homes on it and none of these homes have sidewalks. Mrs.
Hogan felt the re -plat would cause more people to walk in Greener Acres Subdivision,
without sidewalks this would create a safety hazard. Mrs. Hogan felt the seven homes
would lose security.
There being no further comments, Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed.
Councilman Kearns moved to accept the Land Use & Development Commission's
recommendation to approve a preliminary plat for Lariat Lane re -plat in Paradise Acres,
Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
IASCD/DEQ REPORT - (cont.) - Lance Holloway, IASCD stated the planning process is
voluntary and the Plan contains mostly educational measures designed to empower
homeowners, businesses, and state and federal agencies to protect water quality by
implementing voluntary best management practices. the IDEQ and the Idaho Rural Water
Association will certify the final written plan.
Step 1: Form the Citizens Planning Team.
November 13'h, 2001
Step 2: Conduct Planning team Meetings to discuss the following items:
1. Review the Source Water Assessment and discuss the following points:
Is the delineated protections area correct
Is the potential contaminant source inventory correct
Are the sources properly located on the delineation map
Are There additional sources that should be added
2. Prioritize potential contaminant sources according to their risk to the drinking water
3. Develop strategies to manage the potential contaminant sources.
Implement information, education, and outreach campaign.
Update City and County drinking water protection ordinance /overlay district.
4. Develop an implementation schedule for protection measures.
5. Develop a Contingency Plan for Water System emergencies.
6. Identify location of future water supplies and develop SWA and include in DWP.
7. Plan kick -off of Drinking Water Protection Plan.
Councilman England volunteered to be on the planning team along with Steve Smart and
Charlie Piquet.
Councilman England moved to approve the City proceeding with the development of a
Drinking Water Protection Plan for the City of Chubbuck, Councilman Quick seconded.
All council members voted in favor of motion.
ORDINANCE #547 - Establishing Chapter 9.38 "public parks" to provide for the prohibition of
certain activities in parks; providing for definitions; providing hours parks are closed;
prohibiting dogs and animals in parks; allowing dogs if on a leash and fecal deposits are
removed; prohibiting golf, prohibiting alcoholic beverages; prohibiting the damage or
destruction of park property, real or personal, providing for enforcement and penalties.
Attorney Holmes, Councilman England, Councilman Kearns and Mayor Cotant read
Ordinance #547 in full for the third and final reading.
Councilman Gunter moved to adopt Ordinance #547 as read, Councilman Quick
seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Gunter, yes; Kearns, yes.
November 13"', 2001
ORDINANCE #548 - Adding Chapter 15.54, flood damage prevention ordinance to the
Chubbuck Municipal Code to minimize losses due to flooding; to designate the Building
Official as the administrator of the provision; to establish a permitting process with
regard to areas within a flood hazard area, to establish the areas within the City that may
be prone to flooding.
Mayor Cotant, Attorney Holmes, Council members Quick, Gunter, England, Kearns and
PWD Steve Smart read Ordinance #548 in full for the third and final reading.
Councilman Quick moved to adopt Ordinance #548 as read, Councilman Kearns
seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Gunter, yes; Kearns, yes.
RESOLUTION 47 -2001 - Flood Damage.
Mayor Cotant read Resolution #7 -2001 in full.
Councilman England moved to adopt Resolution #7 -2001 as read, Councilman Kearns
seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
ORDINANCE #549 - Amending Section 5.16.050 of the Chubbuck Municipal Code to change
the fees for wine licenses to $100.00 for a retail wine license and $100.00 for wine by the
Attorney Holmes read Ordinance #549 in full for the first and final reading.
Councilman England moved to dispense with the rule of reading Ordinance #549 on three
separate days, Councilman Quick seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes;
Gunter, yes; Kearns, yes.
Councilman Quick moved to adopt Ordinance #549 as read, Councilman Gunter
seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Gunter, yes; Kearns, yes.
DESTRUCTION OF SCANNED POLICE DOCUMENTS - Police Department presented a list
of scanned police documents to be destroyed. (attached).
Councilman Quick moved to approve destruction of scanned police documents as
presented, Councilman England seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
November 13`h, 2001
CLAIMS - Computer print -out claims presented to Mayor Cotant and Council.
Councilman Gunter moved to approve computer print -out claims as presented,
Councilman Kearns seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
At 9:30 p.m., Councilman England moved, Councilman Kearns seconded, with full council
approval to adjourn meeting.
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Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk
Chief of Police
Chubbuck City Council
Meeting November 13, 2001
5160 Yellowstone Avenue
P. O. Box 5604
Chubbuck, Idaho 83202-5604
Phone (208) 237-7172
Emergency (208) 237-0770
FAX (208) 237-0944
Dear Chubbuck City Council:
Cris Reports 961751--961800 scanned into Laser Fiche, verified by SB
Cris Reports 963001--963050 scanned into Laser Fiche, verified by SB
Cris Reports 962401--962450 scanned mtq Lasei~ Fi~he;Tverified ~,y CN
Cris Reports 962651--962700 scannedy,mt, o L~i§~iche, v~rified
Cris Reports 963201--963250-s~nn~l int0
Cris Reports 962801--9j
Cris Reports 961401--9~
Cris Reports 963101--963150
Cris Reports 963351--96
Cris Re[ :.~,,~ .....
Financial Reports: Invoices
These hard copies have
year plus one, per the
police departments approved retention ' ' -: ' all original invoices.
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Cindy Neumann
Office Manager