HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 14 1972 CM Minutes of regular meeting of the Mayor and Council held at the city building March 1972. 21 Present: Mayor Cotant, Councilmen Kinghorn, Menard, Romriell and Taylor. Attorney $';ise and Clerk Vera Armstrong. Meeting called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Cotant. Minutes of regular meeting of February 2~, 1972 read and approved as read. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT PETITION - Mr. A. F. Mc~nber presented signatures of property owners (option to buy only for all but one) on Burley Drive and requested the Council approve an LID for hard surfaced street, curb and gutter and water line. McCmber not acquired the additional 25 feet needed for this street from Joe Brennan.has Code states that 60% of resident owners must sign petition. There is only one resident living in area at this time. M~. McOnber stated if necessary he would a , ' o~f way if council will allow ~ - P. y Brennan the $2500.00 for the , · Irom Brennan and grade the st~'[,r-s ~o~b~u~ld. Mc?n~ber asked if he secured25 rl~hfteet issued. Council to h~ ~^ +~-~ wou~u ~n.e counci± approve for bui d' th.e 2 ld __~ ,,~ ~y could not. 1 ~ng permits to b~ Councilman Taylor said he felt the city has no right to Condemn Brennan,s property and the street should be finished and then the ground be sub-divided by McOmber. Councilman Menard Suggested getting estimates of the work to be done and the required signatures. Mr. McCmber said he would meet with his attorney and the prooosed buyers and will come back to meet with the council later. Mr. McOmber also stated he would buy the LID bonds if necessary. DURFEE PROPOSED SUB-DIVISION _ A pre-application penciled drawing of a proposed sub- division to be buil~ on East Chubbuck Rd just west of interstate was presented to council by Mr. Durfee. Council wants to talk to city engineer about proposed street~ development in this particular area before Mayor signs pre-application. DIS'ANNEXATION REQUEST - John E. Motheral told council that approximately ten years agc~ he requested being annexed to the city of Chubbuck because he had an interested buyer for some of his property on east side of interstate where Chubbuck water was available. At pres'~nt time he has interested buyer for property across from Highland High School and has need for sewer and water; Since Chubbuck cannot furnish water and sewer to this property at this time Mr. Motheral requests all of his property be dis-annexed, or at least the 20 acres in the Southeast corner bordering Bench Road. This business association interested in the property has money to be allocated the first quarter of 1972. l, Lr. Motheral stated he also has a party interes~in buying his property on the west side of interestate. This would entail the development of a sub-division extending from Pocatello. Council will present request to the Planning and Zoning commission this Friday and then advise Mr. Motheral. ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE #105 was read in full by clerk. Councilman Taylor made ' motion to dispense with rule of reading on three separate days and was seconded by Romriell. Roll call vote; Kinghorn, yes; Menard, yes; Romriell, yes and Taylor, yes. Motion to adopt Annual appropriation ordinance of 1972 made by Councilman Menard, Seconded by Kinghorn. Roll call vote; Kinghorn, yes; henard, yes; Romriell, yes and Taylor, yes. CLAIM - A claim for $15.00 has been presented to the City from Yellow Cab Co. to recover costs of wrecker bill. Cab settled in hole in broken street on Parrish Drive. Council acknowledged claim and advised clerk to submit to insurance company. 23 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FO~ATION ORDINANCE - The city presently has an ordinance covering the planning.and zoning commission but needs amended so suggestion was made by Mayor Cotant to draw up a new ordinance. It was proposed the con~nission consist of 7 members, 1 councilman, 1 non-resident within i mile of city boundary, and 5 resident members, three - two year terr~% alternating. Attorney Wise is to prepare ordinance. Mayor proposed to appoint two new members, Wilbur Beall and Lawrence Rawlins. Councilman Menard moved to approve these members. Taylor seconded with full council in favor. PROPOSED STANDARDS FOR STREETS discussed. Alternate of 3/~" for all 6" base suggested, also Councilman Taylor felt crown on streets too high but suggested discussing with engineer. Suggestion was also made that sidewalks extend to curb. Councilman Menard is to present standards to zoning commission at their next meeting. DOG CATCH~q APPLICATIONS - Mayor read names of twelve applicants. Council reviewed applications. Mayor Cotant mentioned that one volunteer fireman, Darrell Burrows, had applied and since he serves the city and the job would be part time only the Mayor suggests tae services of Mr. Burrows be acquired. Fee of $2.00 per dog was agreed upon by the council. Counc'~Romriell made motion council ratify the appointment of Darrell Burrows. Taylor seconded with all councilmen in favor. Councilman Kinghorn suggests sign be attached to both sides of the pick-up truck used for the animal control. CUTTER RACING ASSN. REQUEST - A letter from James ~. Lupher, secretary-manager,~sking consideration of Chubbuck Council to allow bars to open on the two Sundays, March 19 and 26, during the World Championship cutter races. Attorney Wise advised it would legally require the present ordinance be repealed. Mayor and Council decided not to repeal the ordinance. ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE STANDARDS AND TRAINING OF PEACE OFFICERS - Attorney Wise in- formed Council the City needs an ordinance accepting requirem~ts of Title 19, Chapter 51, Idaho Code to be reimbursed for Police Officers Post Academy training. Attorney to check this out and prepare ordinance if necessary. EASEMENT FOR WALKWAY - Attorney suggested City acquire from Boise Cascade Corp. an easement to allow school children to cross from Country Acres to Neider Addition from Chubbuck Rd. Easement to be in line with Teton Street. Mayor Cotant and Councilman Mer~rd to follow through on this. FINANCIAL STATEMENT presented to Mayor and Council. CLAIMS for month of March presented to Mayor and Council. Councilman Romriell made motion to pay bills. Councilman Taylor seconded with all in favor. Meeting recessed until further notice if necessary. n O. Co, ant Jr., Mayor Vera C. Armstrong, City Clerk EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS - GE14ERAL FUND - 1972 410 GENERAL GOVERNI.LENT Mayor salary 411 Legislative 2. 1. Salaries - Council 2,400.00 2. AIC Dues 350.00 3. Bldg Conf. Dues 50.00 4. Civil Defense 100.00 5. Med -Alert 1,200.00 6. SEICAA 600,rr 7. S.E. Health 1,599.00 8. P & Z General 500.00 9. Other expense 701.00 413 Executive 1. Mayor salary 1,200.00 2. Other expense 500.00 415 Financial & Administration Arnold 415.1 Salary - clerk 3,000.00 7,410.00 Office supplies 1,000.00 415.3 Election - bond 250.00 416 Legal 421.5 Records & Supplies 1. Attorney salary 2,400.00 2. Sewer publication 650.00 3. Other legal 4,950.00 419 Other General Government Care & Custody of Prisoners 419.1 Personal Benefits Communications Retirement 4,000.00 1,200.00 FICA 3,000.00 419.2 Printing 750.00 419.3 Insurance Radar 15200.00 State 1,500.00 500.00 Gen. City Coverage 3,000.00 Medical 1,200.00 1,800.00 Other 300.00 419.4 Utilities New Car 2,500,00 Phone 850.00 Lights 650.00 Fuel 650.00 Water 1,200.00 419.8 City Building Chairs 10050.00 500.00 Chairs - folding 150.00 Table 2x0.00 Remodel office 725.00 Outside yard 500.00 Other expense 675.00 420 Law Enforcement & Protection 421.1 Administration - Salary Don 8,640.00 Arnold 1,620.00 Jerry 7,410.00 Vacation /50,00 Emergency 1,080.00 421.5 Records & Supplies Clothing Allowance 375.00 Supplies 575.00 (books, warrants,etc.) 421.7 Care & Custody of Prisoners 422.2 Communications Sheriff 1,200.00 237 -0770 450.00 City phone 250.00 Radar 15200.00 Radio & Repair 500.00 422.9 Other Repair &. Maint . Gasoline 1,800.00 Car Repairs 1,500.00 New Car 2,500,00 7,500.00 1,700.00 4,250.00 4,rOO.00 250.00 8,000.00 20,6 ^0.00 7,000.00 750.00 6,000.00 3,350.00 3,500.00 25;500.00 950.00 750.00 3,600.00 5,800.00 0.056.92 42,050.00 36,600.00 General Fund Carry over 43,631.92 General Fund Est. Rev. 156,425.00 GENERAL FUND CO NT ►D. 423 Fire Control & Prevention 14,381.00 423.1 Administration - salary 3,000.00 423.5 Fire Alarm & Communication 2,500.00 Telephone 1,200.00 Radios 1,200.00 Repair 100.00 423.6 Fire Equip. & Bldg Maintenance 3,500.00 Carpet - Apartment 500.00 Building Repairs 1,000.00 Power plant, Fire Equip., & Repair 2,000.00 (Paint water tank) 423.9 Auxillary Service & Other 5,381.00 Panel truck 3,228.65 Other 2,152.35 430 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT & TRANSPORTATION 49,292.00 431 Highway, Streets & Roadways Carry Over 7,837.47 431.1 Administration 11,200,00 Est. Rev. 41,454.53 Salary - Jordon 7,200.00 ,► clerk 1,000.00 n extra 3,000.00 431.2 H. S. & R. Construction g,2n0n0 431.21 Paved Streets 7,000.00 431.22 Unpaved 1,000.00 431.25 Signs 200 *0& 431.31 H. S. & R. Maintenance 10,667.00 431.31 Paved Streets1O'Or0.00 431.32 Unpaved '► 667.00 431.4 Snow & Ice Removal 1,500,00 431.8 Street Lighting 5.5nn.00 431.99 Equipment & Equip. Repairs 12,225.00 Street Roller 2,500.00 Sweeper 3,500.00 Snow Wing - Patrol 750.00 Sander 800.00 Small Equipment 1,000,no Equip. Repairs 1,500.00 Equip. Payments 1,550,00 Gas, Oil & Other 21175-00 438 Parks 22,377.00 438.1 Administration 1,500.00 Grant 11,677.00 Salary 500.00 City 6,500.00 Recreation Program 600.00 Other 400,00 438.2 Park Areas & Grounds- Maintenance 200.00 438.3 Park Areas & Grounds - Construction 18,177.00 (Mandatory w /grants -BOR) New Park Ground 2,500.00 490 OTHER GOVERNMENTAL PURPOSES Contingent 490.1 Audit 1,000.00 490.2 G.O. Bonds &Interest 2,725.00 490.3 Contingent 31,631.92 1972 EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS - WATERWORKS FUND 434 WATERWORKS 434.1 Administration 22 433 Sanitation 13,200.00 434.90 Other - Contingent 10,247.54 117,602.54 Salary 00.00 9 Water Supt. 8040.00 Clerk 2,000.00 Asst. clerk 2,700.00 Machine Oper.- Jordon 2,400.00 Extra Labor 2,460.00 17,900.00 Office Supplies 2,000.00 Equipment 3,000.00 434.2 Supply - Pump Maintenance 2,500.00 434.3 Pumping - Power & Utility 5,500.00 434.5 Water Line Transmission & Distribution 48,000.00 Improvements 30,000.00 Repairs 3,000.00 Connections 15,000.00 434.6 Customer Account(Dep. refund) 300.00 434.7 Bonds & Bond Interest 5,955.00 Bonds 5,000.00 Interest 200.00 Whitaker Rd. 255.00 .Bond Sinking Fund 500.00 434.8 Personal Benefits to Gen. Fund 2,500.00 (Employer share FICA, Gr. Ins., Retirement, 4orkmans Comp.) 434.99 Equipment, Equip. Pymts & Repair 6,500.00 Pick Up 3,000.00 Payment- Backhoe 1,600.00 Other Equip. & Repairs 1,900.00 433 Sanitation 13,200.00 434.90 Other - Contingent 10,247.54 117,602.54 ESTIMATED REVENUE FOR 1972 GENERAL FUND Taxes (less colt. fee) 69,513100 Highway User's Revenue 36,500.00 Road & Bridge 4,955.00 Liquor Apportion 12,.700.00 Dog License 1,000,00 Building Permits 3,500.00 City License 2,000.00 Apartment Rent 11090.00 Intermountain Gas Franchise 2,500.00 Fire Calls 500.00 Police Fine Revenue 3,000,00 Inventory Tax Phase Out 4,000.00 Interest — TCD 1,000.00 Park Grant 11,677.00 Waterworks Fund — Personal Benefits 2,500.00 156,425.00 Carry Over 43,631.92 Estimated Total Budget 200,05 .92 o:P •s Nff Water Sales 65,000.00 Water Deposits 1,500.00 Water Hook —Ups 7,500.00 Materials Sanitation 15,500.00 Interest — TCD 500.00 90,000.00 Carry Over 274602.54 Estimated Total Budget 117,602.54