HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 13 1973 CM181
Minutes of the regular meeting of the mayor and council held in the city municipal
building November 13, 1973.
Present: Mayor Cotant, Councilmen Kinghorn, Menard, Romriell and Taylor, Attorney
Burnett and Clerk Vera Armstrong.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Cotant a~:O0 p.m.
Minutes of October 9, 11, 17 and November~etings approved as written.
FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUCK - Chief Denny Jones presented John Howe from Starline Equipment
company. Mr. Howe described a fire truck that is available for purchase. The fire
department has considered purchasing a truck and Chief Jones was preparing specif-
cations and bids for same. This truck is a cance]fLation order and almost identics]]y
meets the specifications the fire department were preparing. This truck will be
available within 50 to 60 days and sells for $59,~11.00 plus approximately $2,500.00
for auxiliary equipment. Councilman Menard moved the council give the mayor permiss-
ion to come to an agreement for a lease purchase agreement with Starline Equipment
for this new fire truck. Kinghorn seconded with an unanimous vote in favor of motion.
PUBLIC HEARING ITEM : JERRY R. TYDEMAN, 156 Hiway Avenue, requests a variance allowing
him to operate a four wheel drive specialty equipment retail outlet business at his
residence. Planning and zoning recommended the council approve a conditional use be
granted Mr. Tydeman to operate his business with no more than two vehicles outside
garage, si] work be performed inside building, be strictly a family operation, an un-
lighted sign 1 ft by 8 ft be allowed three ft above the ground, b~i] ding comply with
zoning setback requireemnts and entrance to garage and parking area be graveled.
Mayor asked Mr. Tydeman what he would do if within the year or a short time the
neighbors complained of noise or T V reception. Mr. Tydeman said he felt sure within
himself his business would be clean and not present any problems.
P & Z recommended a conditional use perm~'~t and Attorney Burnett informed council the
ordinance does not allow a conditional use permit for this type of business in Resi-
dential 3 zone. That P & Z should perhaps modify its recommendation to a variance
and then the council could hold a public hearing and take action on same. Mayor in-
formed Mr. Tydeman that when the council dissapproves a recommendation made by P & Z
the mayor and council have agreed to meetlY_with P & Z to disucss the request further
and they would prefer to do this. Councilman Menard moved the request be tabled
and the council meet with P & Z for further discussion. Taylor seconded with an
unanimous vote'in favor of motion.
~OMPLAINT ON DOGS - Harvey Adams, 135 East Chubbuck Rd complained that large dogs were
tipping over his garbage and if the city has a leash ordinance it should be enforced.
Chief Stone informed Mr. Adams he could sign a misdemeanor complaint against the owner
of the dog. After further discussion mayor told Mr. Adams the city would work with
him on this to correct the problem.
invited to attend the council meeting this evening to discuss an appointment on the
P & Z commission. Mr. Reese stated he would be happy to serve on the commission.
Counc~_lman Romriell made motion Mr. Reese be appointed to P & Z commission. Taylor
seconded with an unaraimous vote in favor of motion.
TP~NSFER OF FUNDS - Counci ]man KJ_nghorn made motion the mayor and council approve a
transfer of funds in the amount of Sg,O00.O0 from General contingent #ggo to Law
Enforcement #421-g22 to finance the purchase of a new police car. Taylor seconded
with an unanimous vote in favor of motion.
ORDINANCE # 1~8 - Sewer Ordinance has been prepared by Attorney Burnett for review.
ORDINANCE # 129 - SEWER ORDINANCE RATES - Establishing rates to be charged by the city
for water usage, garbage collection rates and sewage disposal rates read by Mayor
Cotant. Ordinance was discussed throughout and some changes were made. Attorney
Burne%t to revise with changes.
ORDINANCE # 130 - Adopting 1975 Edition of Uniform Fire Code. Adoption of ordinance
briefly discussed by mayor and councilmen. Motion to dispense with rule of reading
on three separate days made by Councilman Kinghorn and seconded by Taylor. Roll
VOte: Kinghorn, yes; Menard, no; Romriell, yes, Taylor, yes. Motion to adopt
Ordinance #150 made by Councilman Romriell and seconded by Kinghorn. Roll call vote:
Kinghorn, yes; Menard, no; RomrieLl, yes; Taylor, yes.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT for the month of October presented to mayor and council.
CLAIM~ FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER presented to mayor and council. After discussing same ,'
Councilman Romriell moved to pDy the b~tl s. Taylor seconded with an unanimous vote
in favor of motion.
Mayor adjourned meeting at 11:15 p.m.
Vera C. Armstrong, City clerk