HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 24 2005 Special CM39
February 24th, 2005
Minutes of a Special Meeting held at the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, February 24th, 2005.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Steven M. England, Marvin
C. Gunter, Kent Keams, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven M.
Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin.
Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Cotant.
PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING is to discuss the Bullock Road/Yellowstone Ave
Intersection Access.
the reason he called this meeting is to ask the developers to consider participation in the
cost of the following:
1. When asphalting the development, the developers continue asphalting to
Yellowstone Ave.
2. A raised curb island be installed on Bullock Street entering Yellowstone Ave
making the egress from Bullock a right turn only. The raised curb island will
not restrict car or truck traffic from turning left from Yellowstone Ave to
Bullock Street. (Proposed drawing attached).
Don Zebe, 465 Barrett Street said he will take the request to the other developers and they
will take under advisement.
Councilman Quick stated he reserves the right in the future that if the traffic becomes
uncontrollable the City have the right to do what is necessary.
Gordon Wilkes, 885 E. Chubbuck Road asked why this could not be worked out before,
rather than waiting until the last minute to close off Bullock Street.
Mayor Cotant said the developers have never been into the City of Chubbuck to discuss
their plan until last Thursday. Mayor Cotant stated the first plan he looked at a year ago
showed there would be no access at Bullock Street, about a couple of weeks ago the final
plan came and showed Bullock Street as being a main access.
PWD Smart was directed to get costs of an overlay from where development ends to
Yellowstone Ave.
February 24th, 2005
Councilman England felt his motion Tuesday night could stay in place because the
motion included turning the concerns to the Engineering Departments of both Cities and
to the developer to see what can best be worked out to mitigate the traffic.
At 5:21 p.m, Councilman England moved, Councilman Keams seconded, with full council
approval to adjourn meeting.
Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk
lohn ~. Cottant, Mayor
Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 50-604, the undersigned Mayor of the City of Chubbuck,
Idaho, hereby calls a special meeting of the City Council to be held in the Chubbuck City
Council Chambers, 5160 Yellowstone, Chubbuck, Idaho at the hour of 5:00 p.m, Thursday,
February 24th, 2005. The purpose of the Special Meeting is to discuss Bullock-Yellowstone Ave.
Intersection.7~ .~52~/fl,;5-- ~~~~j~4~_.~_'
Date: John O. Cotant, Mayor
Pursuant to the call set forth above, notice is hereby given of a special meeting of the
Chubbuck City Council at the time and place, and for the object, recited in the call.
Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk
The undersigned, Mayor and members of the Chubbuck City Council hereby
acknowledge receipt of notice of the special meeting as set forth above.
//jOl~n- (~.'~ O~a~n'(, MayOr '
~eroy S. (~icic,'C/~/5tc~i men~ber
'l~ent K~earns, Council member
M. England, ~ou~cil membe>"F
Ma nrta. unter, Council member
FEB 24,2005 17:16 Page 1
I:ebnm,'~ 24, 2005
Dear Mayor Cot:~nt
(]mbbuck Cily Council Members,
Fin 31 years 1 have been employed at tile old Naval Ordinance Facility fi)r various diflbrenl
companiea. For Ibc n,ajont)' of those years l have exited and accessed the mlerstate, to and from
work. via Chubbuck. I've watched the area grow from a tiew retail stores to the busiesl retail
market in the Pocatello/Chubbuck area_ There are times when I have sho~t wmls al lhe traffic
lighls but Ihere bare also been times when I have wait'ed lbr a Iraflic hght to change from red
green 4 times before ! have been uble to drive to the next traffic light I watch the truckers trying
to turn left !o enter Btdlock Street or turn right from Bullock SIrecl onlo Yellowstone, of which
many of those truckers end up pulling Iheir trailers up on to the curb in order to make tile turn.
()f'com'se~ Ihen the problem is compounded due to traffic cnlcring and cxlhng Ihe parking {()ts to
Wahnart. Flying J, Pineridgc Malt and Ihe strip mall whine IHOP and T J Max's arc located
()ncc agra,,, ihat traffic problem is compounded because of Ibc vasl pcrccnlage of drivers that are
incons,derate, they pull into the inter~ction on a yellow (or even a red light) and the drivers
coming out of lhe mall ;fleas Cannot go anywhere due to the vehicles stopped in the Iniddle of lhe
Considering all of the above Jhcto,-s, it is only my opinion thal the developer~ the City of Pocatello
and the Pocatelio Development Authority should have put more though! and consideration rote
tile total traffic situation as I'he,-c undoubtedly will bc many safely concerns to address due ~() the
increased traffic/low on Yellowstone.
With all due respect I ask the Ihree (3) council members that voted to keep Bullock Street open,
please take lhe rune to give carefifl thought and consideration to Mayor Colant's safely and lraffic
concerns regarding Bullock Sh'e¢l. two more years of increased traffic flow may tttrn into a
nightmare bclbre the State of Idaho widens Yellowstone Avenue.
Jean AIk~son
FEB-22-2005(TUE) 15:54 P. 002/002
Fax 208-237-2409
Febmary 21,2005
John O. Cotant
City of Chubbuck
5160 Yellowstone Ave.
Chubbuck, ID
Re: Restricted Access Yellowstone Ave. & Bullock Street, Chubbuck, ID
Dear Mr. Cotant:
We are the owners of the Denny's restaurant located at 4310 Yellowstone Ave., Chubbuck, ID.
We understand that Lowe's has announced its intention to locate a center in the City of Pocatello near
the intersection of Yellowstone Ave. & Bullock Street. It was brought to our attention last week that there
is some controversy over the access to the planned Lowe's center and there has been further discussion
about a median divider being placed on Yellowstone that would prohibit left hand turns from Yellowstone
Ave. onto Bullock Street. Since Yellowstone Ave. and Bullock Street are the primary access for the
Denny's restaurant vehicular access, we strongly object to the concept of prohibiting left hand turns from
Yellowstone Ave. onto Bullock Street.
Denny's.has been positioned at that location for many yearn and the business has served the community
by providing jobs and contributing to the tax base. While we have no objection to the addition of new
business in the Chubbuck/Pocatello surrounding areas, we simply cannot support the concept forcing our
customers to travel through other private business properties to achieve access to our location. Please
reconsider your plans and the adverse affect such a change will have on the existing businesses located
along Bullock who rely on the access from Yellowstone Ave. Thank you in advance for your immediate
consideration to our request.
Mountain Range Restaurants, LLC, a Denny's Franchise Organization
cc Tony Greub
Jeff Fugate
Bill Cox
/ \
Bttllock/Yellowstone Access Meeting
Purpose: Hear and express concerns with the pros and cons of increased traffic t¥om the
proposed Lowes commercial development in Pocatello. Assess its impact on the
Yellowstone/Bullock intersection and neighborhood traffic congestion.
Mayor John Cotant - Expressed concerns of westbound traffic from the future Lowe's on Bullock
and accessing Yellowstone Ave. The congestion would be particularly detrimental to Dennys
Mayor Robert Chase said there would be a concerted effort to direct user traffic to the
Hurley/Quinn intersection. The City of Pocatello has also put the Union Pacific Railroad on
notice of their intent to condemn property for an at-grade crossing which would connect to Kraft
Lane and eastward to Hiline Rd.
Zebe explained the project roadway fight,of-way widths and that Bullock Street was intended for'
egress only.
Ryan Walz of Idaho Transportation Department expressed the Flandro family's support of an at-
grade crossing eastward to Hiline Road.
Steve Vigilaturro expressed concern of the detriment to the synergism of business activity by
closure of Bullock Street. Also, the possible loss of a major motel chain coming into the
property currently occupied by the Lakeshore building.
Zebe outlined a schedule of construction for the new streets which will be used for construction
traffic for the new development. Mayor Chase said, by executive order, Pocatello will require all
construction traffic to use Hurley Dr. Also, the proposed, new Evans Bank on the comer of Lou
and Yellowstone wants a right-in and right-out onto Yellowstone.
ITD noted vehicles per day using Bullock at 2,000, If this project is built out, they project 5,500
Police Chief Randy Severe expressed concerns about accident investigation during peak hours on
Yellowstone Ave. even with today's traffic.
Zebe suggested no left: tum from Bullock onto Yellowstone Ave, that it be signed accordingly
and the left mm lane be removed. They assured they will do whatever is necessary to direct
traffic from the 67 acre development to Lou/Yifilowstone and Hurley/Yellowstone accesses.
Dennys Restaurant representatives present vehemently want Bullock leR open to through traffic.
Mayor Chase pret'ers to have all concerned parties work together to make a Bullock Street access
work l'br the benefit of'all. He maintains some businesses or the entire development will not
come if we close Bullock Street to through traffic.
MacDonalds representatives expressed their concern to keep Bullock Street open, and are willing
to do whatever is necessary to make the intersection work.
Zebe indicated the possibility of cross-access between the new development and Walmart and the
Ihop mini-mall. Also the possibility of more parking for Walmart and others.
Councilman Steve England closed the discussion with the conclusion that we probably cannot
close or cul-de-sac Bullock Street without losing this development. We must reconfigure
Bullock/Yellowstone and Wallgreens access/Yellowstone to eliminate left turnouts.
The final decision will go to the Chubbuck City Council meeting of February 22, 2005.