HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 06 1973 CM159 Minutes of a special meeting of the mayor and council held in the city municipal building September 6, 1973. Present: Mayor Cotant, Councilmen Kinghorn, Menard, Romriell and Taylor. Clerk Vera Armstrong. Meeting called to order by Mayor Cotant at ~:~5 p.m. Purpose of special meeting; to adopt resolution certifying tax needs, plan revenue sharing revenue of $30,410.00 from July l, 1973 to July l, 197~, and review rough draft ordinances. CERTIFY TAX N~EBS - Mayor and council discussed certifying tax levy for 1973. The mill levy at present is 3.1038 and mayor and council would like to keep levy approximately the same. The city is required to submit levy to county commissioners by second Monday in September,' Councilman Taylor made motion the city certify $83,875.00. Menard seconded with an unanimous vote in favor of motion. NEW ATTORNEY - Ken Lyons, Garth Pincock, Vern Herzog and Max Parrish were mentioned as possible future attorney. ORDINANCE - MOVING BUILDINGS - Mayor and council discussed rought draft of ordinance. After discussing, Councilman Romriell moved the city atttorney prepare a final draft. Taylor seconded with si] councilmen in favor of motion. BUILDING INSPECTOR - Hiring of a building inspector discussed. Counc~lm.an Romriell suggested a regular city employee be used as building inspector rather than a retired person. It was noted the need for a building inspector immediately. Councilman Menard moved the city hire Ralph Nelson as temporary inspector and he should be informed of this. Taylor seconded with ~ll councilmen in favor. DETACHMENT REQUEST on recent annexation. Lynn D. Weller Sr. and Lynn Weller Jr. have requested the city council detach their recently annexed property from city limits. Mayor and council discussed this subject with suggestion the city find the exact diff- erence in taxes and send letter to Mr. Weller informing him of same and stating the advantage of having sewer avsi 5able to the property. Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Vera C. Armstrong, City clerk // John O. Cotant, Jr.,~ayor