HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 25 2005 CM11 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 25th, 2005 Minutes of a regular meeting held at the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, January 25th, 2005. Present: President of Council Steven M. England, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Marvin C. Gunter, Kent Kearns, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Mayor John O. Cotant was excused. Meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by President of Council Steven M. England. PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG APPROVAL OF MINUTES - President of Council England asked for corrections and additions to the Regular Meeting Minutes of January 11th, 2005. Councilman Keams moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of January 1 lth, 2005, Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Rodney and Tami Burch, 333 Briscoe Road, Chubbuck, Idaho for a preliminary plat for Cottage Grove Addition. Property is located at the end of Briscoe and Sample Way Road. President of Council England declared the public hearing open. Rodney Burch, 333 Briscoe Road stated this piece of property has been before the Council several times before as Garden Oakes Subdivision. Mr. Bm-ch said the last time it came before the Council was as Taylor Bean Estates, it was approved with a very similar layout as presented tonight. Mr. Burch presented the changes. Discussion about Loft Lane cul de sac. Mr. Burch stated he is asking the Council for the same consideration that the City participate on the bridge across the canal. Mr. Burch said he is going to extend Briscoe Road to Hawthorne Road. The estimated cost of the bridge across the canal to Hawthorne Road is approx. $58,000. to $60,000, the previous motion was Mr. Burch would participate up to the cost of $750. per lot, which came close to a 50/50 split between the City and Mr. Bm'ch. Steve Christensen, 5357 Lori stated he felt promises by the former developer did not come through. Mr. Christensen felt this preliminary plat is a safer one than the last one presented. 13 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) January 25th, 2005 COTTAGE GROVE ADDITIONS PRELIMINARY PLAT - (cont.) Mr. Christensen stated this proposal does build a buffer between his home and the mobile homes in Garden Park Subdivision. Mr. Christensen spoke in favor of the Cottage Grove Additions Preliminary Plat as presented. President of Council England declared the public hearing closed Councilman Quick moved to accept the Land Use & Development Commission's recommendation to approve the Cottage Grove Additions Preliminary Plat as presented subject to; 1) Requiring the developer to complete Briscoe Road from where it ends now to the proposed canal bridge. 2) The developer will build the canal bridge, the City will participate beyond the cost of the $750. per lot, (42 lots). 3) Developer will present costs to City Staff prior to starting the project. 4) Park Dedication money will purchase two lots between the two twin homes for parking, additional park, etc, Councilman Gunter seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Margaret McNabb, 14053 W. Tyhee Road, Pocatello, Idaho for an annexation and zone change to Planned Unit Development, (PUD) for residential use with subordinate commercial uses. Property located south of W. Chubbuck Road and west of existing Park Meadows Subdivision. President of Council England declared the public hearing open. Gerald McNabb, 12973 N. Philbin Road presented the Plan Unit Development Master Plan to the Council. Mr. McNabb stated School District #25 has purchased property in the development for an elementary school in the future. Mr. McNabb also showed where there will be an LDS Church in the development. Mr. McNabb stated the development will have a walkable neighborhood. Darris Ellis, 13560 N. Hawthorne was present to answer questions regarding the proposed planned unit development. Jeff Butikofer, 962 Home Run Street expressed concern about construction going on one lot in the prior Phase of the Park Meadow Subdivision. Mr. Butikofer stated he is still receiving construction debris from the lot. Mr. Butikofer expressed concern about the park area, the asphalt section that goes down does not connect with the sidewalk other than through the access chain the City uses, kids and people that jog have to go offthe side onto the grass and back to the asphalt to hit the track. It is not an easy access. 15 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) January 25m, 2005 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - MARGARET MCNABB - (cont.) Attorney Holmes explained there can be lots that are set in a prior subdivision without being developed, the City has no control over that. Attorney Holmes stated if there is a problem with debris or weeds, the City can take care of them with ordinance enforcement. Attorney Holmes suggested Mr. Butikofer get in touch with Mayor Cotant and Park Superintendent about concerns of asphalt area in the park. President of Council England declared the public hearing closed. Councilman Gunter moved to accept the Land Use & Development Commission's recommendation to approve the application by Margaret McNabb for property south of West Chubbuck Road and west of existing Park Meadows Subdivision for annexation and zone change to Planned Unit Development, (PUD), for residential use with subordinate commercial uses, Councilman Kearns seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Phoenix Development, 13560 N. Hawthorne Road, Pocatello, Idaho for a preliminary plat for Park Meadows Subdivision 6th. Addition. Property is located south of West Chubbuck Road, west of Home Run, north of Sawtooth. President of Council England declared the public hearing open. Darris Ellis, 13560 N. Hawthorne Road presented the Park Meadows Subdivision 6th Addition Preliminary Plat. Mr. Ellis pointed out all the park accesses have been widened to 20' accesses. Discussion about access to the subdivision. Rob Ray, 803 Mountain Park Road expressed concern about the park layout and the cost of maintenance the City will be responsible for. Councilman Gunter moved to accept the recommendations of the Land Use and Development Commission and approve the Park Meadows Subdivision 6th Addition Preliminary Plat as presented, Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. DAY CARE FACILITY APPLICATION - Marcie Welker, 501C Pleasant Drive has applied for a day care facility license to operate a day care facility at her residence at 501C Pleasant Drive. 17 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) January 25th, 2005 DAY CARE FACILITY APPLICATION - MARCIE WELKER - (cont.) All departments recommended approval of the day care facility license. Councilman Keams moved to grant Marcie Welker, 501C Pleasant Drive a day care facility license to operate a day care facility in her residence at 501C Pleasant Drive, Councilman Gunter seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. PHEASANT RIDGE TOWNHOUSES, PHASE 11I FINAL PLAT - Scott Morrill, Consulting Engineer presented the Pheasant Ridge Townhouses Phase m Final Plat. Mr. Morrill stated the only change from the preliminary plat is the new Partridge Drive will be 45' right-of-way instead of 50'. PWD Smart explained the Partridge Drive will curve a little to the south so as to line up with Mountain Park Rd. PWD Smart stated City Staff is working with property owner to the south. This change will not change the final plat presented. Steve Lyle, Pheasant Ridge owner expressed concern about Pheasant Ridge developers having to install Partridge Drive. Mr. Lyle felt the other three accesses to Pheasant Ridge Townhouses would be sufficient. Mr. Lyle felt there is no benefit to the Pheasant Ridge Townhouse Project and they should not have to pay for Partridge Drive. Councilman Gunter stated Partridge Drive does benefit the Townhouses and the additional access is needed. Rob Ray, 803 Mountain Park stated there is going to be a lot more people using Hiline Road, the Partridge Drive intersection is needed. Councilman Gunter moved to approve the Pheasant Ridge Townhouse Phase III Final Plat as presented, subject to; 1) 45' of right-of-way be dedicated for Partridge Drive; 2) Water line to Hiline Road; 3) Sewer line halfway up Partridge Drive. 4) Partridge Drive sidewalk on the south side, with a 1' sign strip to Hiline Road and installation of curb and gutter on the north side of Partridge Drive to Hiline Road, Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. NORTH BANNOCK COUNTY SEWER SERVICE DISCUSSION - PWD Smart stated Mayor Cotant has been leading a multi-agency committee charged with evaluating various alternatives to serving the north county with sewer. PWD Smart stated we have been stuck in a rut for the last six months, waiting for either a joint powers agreement or a Memorandum of Understanding of Memorandum of Agreement to tie the City of 19 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) January 25th, 2005 NORTH BANNOCK COUNTY SEWER SERVICE DISCUSSION - (cont.) Chubbuck, Bannock County and the City of Pocatello together in the effort. The biggest hurdle to be overcome would be the financing of a sewer system. One of the thoughts on the table is to develop some sort of an impact fee for all developments that occur in the north county. That fee would be capitalized so that monies would be available to devote to the project. PWD Smart said he was approached by Chuck Ketterman of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality last week with the question as to whether or not we would like to use a planning grant from DEQ to assist in the impact fee study. PWD Smart said Mr. Ketterman feels that this would be an eligible project for the planning grant monies, and he feels that it could be rated fairly high, which means that, at least in this region, it would stand a pretty good chance of being funded. PWD Smart stated if we are interested in making application for the planning grant money, we need to do so right away. The applications are reviewed in February and March for consideration on the State list which would be announced later in the year. PWD Smart stated we would need a proposal from a consultant, so that we had some idea of funding level needed, we would also need the support of Bannock County, since they currently have jurisdiction over that area. PWD Smart said the State would probably pay 50% of the impact fee study leaving a local amount of 50% with possibly Bannock County paying half of the local cost. This would make the impact fee study fairly reasonable. PWD Smart said he has talked to the County Engineer and he will present it to the Bannock County Commissioners. PWD Smart stated if the Council is interested in pursuing this, the City can proceed with the County with an agreement. PWD Smart stated within a few months we could have an impact fee which will allow us to start collecting in the North Bannock County area. This will help the North Bannock County sewer system concerns. Councilman England moved to direct PWD Smart to pursue; 1) Apply for a DEQ Grant for help with a sewer and water impact fee study for North Bannock County; 2) Enter into an agreement with Bannock County to cover the cost the State does not cover on the impact fee study, Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. 21 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont) January 25th, 2005 CLAIMS - Computer print-out claims presented to Mayor Cotant and Council. Councilman Quick moved to approve computer print-out claims as presented, Councilman Kearns seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. At 8:50 p.m, Councilman Gunter moved, Councilman Quick seconded, with full council approval to adjourn meeting. Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk /'/ Steven M. England Memo To: From: Subject: Date: Mayor Cotant, City Council Members Steven M. Smart North Bannock County Sewer Service January 20, 2005 You are aware Mayor Cotant has been leading a multi-agency committee charged with evaluating various alternatives to serving the north county with sewer. We have been literally stuck in rut for the last six months, waiting for either a joint powers agreement or a Memorandum of Understanding or Memorandum of Agreement to tie the City of Chubbuck, Bannock County and the City of Pocatello together in this effort. The biggest hurdle to be overcome would be the financing of a sewer system. One of the thoughts on the table is to develop some sort of an impact fee for all developments that occur in the north county. That fee would be capitalized so that monies would be availab, le~.to devote to the project.... I was approached by Chuck Ketterman at Idaho Department of Environmental Quality last week with the question as to whether or not we would like to use a planning grant from DEQ to assist in the impact fee study: Chuck feels that this would be an eligible project for the planning grant monies, and he feels that it could be rated fairly high, which means that, at least in this region, it would stand a pretty good chance of being funded. However, know that there are no guarantees on funding, If we are interested in making application for the planning grant ~honey, we need to do so right away. The applications _are. reviewed in February and March for consideration on the state list, which would be announe~n:l later in the year. Of course we would need a proposal from a consultant, so that we had some idea of the funding level needed, and we would also need the support of Bannock County, si~nee they currently have jurisdiction over that area. We should discuss this at our council meeting on the 25th. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. ~ J:Lttdministration~oeneral Offico~Memo~05jan20 Memo to Mayor, Council, N Bannock Sewer Service.wpd '(:lEI NIg'llHd ,.~i~,- v 3 .o).')s..eg s ,.! i .................... i' .......... T- ....... f .......... ',, I I I I