HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 25 2005 Special CM7
January 25t~, 2005
Minutes of a Special Meeting held at the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, January 25th, 2005.
Present: President of Council Steven M. England, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Marvin C.
Gunter, Kent Kearns, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C.
Conlin. Mayor John O. Cotant was excused.
Meeting was called to order at 6:00p.m. by President of Council Steven M. England.
PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING is to discuss the City of Chubbuck 2002 Sewer System
Model & a 2004 System Scenario Analyses.
CITY OF CHUBBUCK 2004 SYSTEM SCENARIO - Public Works Director Steve Smart stated
Kent Yost, Gary Cooper's proposal is commercial and Wayne Taysom is residential are
present to request hooking up to City Sewer System. Both proposals are outside the
Chubbuck Urban Service Boundaries.
Tim Haener, JUB Engineering explained how the 2004 System Scenario Analyses Report
was completed. Mr. Haener stated the conclusion based on the analysis and all modeling
assumption their conclusions and recommendations are as follows:
1. The existing system can currently accommodate each of the proposed
2. Since the subject developments are outside the reserve service area,
they take away system capacity that is "reserved" for infill development.
Mr. Haener stated the Council will have to make a policy decision on whether or not the
developments outside the Urban Service Boundary will be allowed to connect to the City
Sewer System.
PWD Smart presented the worst case scenarios.
Councilman Gunter expressed concern that a lot of the infill will not happen for 30 years,
and maybe not even then, do we hold outside development hostage because the infill is
not developed. Councilman Gunter stated the City is most likely going to have another
sewer bond to upgrade and add to the sewer system within 10 or 20 years.
Discussion about placement of future lift stations.
January 25th, 2005
Kent Yost, 13826 N. Moonglow stated he felt Glen Marshall paid for his share of sewer
expansion. Mr. Yost stated his proposal is mostly warehouse use will have very minimal
sewer use. Mr. Yost stated there are no basements in the warehouse proposal. Mr. Yost
stated if there cannot be an understanding tonight, the proposal will not happen.
Wayne Taysom presented a letter, (letter attached) stating he purchased 20 acres to the
west of dead end Homestead Road for development due to sewer line adjacent to
property, in 1991 he prepared to develop the 20 acres, he said he checked with the City
and was told he had to provide for a future ingress and egress to facilitate the existing
dead end road approach with respect to Homestead and Dell Roads. Mr. Taysom stated
prior to purchasing the easement/20 acres he was informed by the City of Chubbuck he
could be hook up to City Utility Services.
Kent Yost and Gary Cooper, Pocatello Industrial Park would request a commitment for
sewer on 30 acres at this time.
Discussion about placing a moratorium on requests other than these two proposals if
these are approved. Attorney Holmes said moratoriums generally or limited to six
Councilman England advised Kent Yost and Gary Cooper that their ideas for an expanded',
industrial park would need to include going to a different sewer mink line. Mr. Yost and
Mr. Cooper said they understood. ~
Councilman Kearns expressed concern that if these two requests are approved, how do
we handle future requests.
Councilman Gunter moved to allow Wayne Taysom 20 acres residential property to City
Utility System, also Kent Yost and Gary Cooper, 35 acres property to City Utility System
for buildings that does not have high water or sewer usage, Councilman Quick seconded.
All council members voted in favor of motion.
At 7:32
approval to adjourn meeting.
Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk
p.m, Councilman Gunter moved, Councilman Quick seconded, with full council
/ ~ev~n ~. En~i-and, ~
President of Council
Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 50-604, the undersigned Mayor of the City of Chubbuck,
Idaho, hereby calls a special meeting of the City Council to be held in the Chubbuck City
Council Chambers, 5160 Yellowstone, Chubbuck, Idaho at the hour of 6:00 p.m, Tuesday,
January 25th, 2005. The purpose of the Special Meeting~is to discuss the,,..No/~Bannock County
Sewer Impact Fee Study. Ar ~ ~
Date: /Jt~n O. Cotant, Mayo~0 ~
Pursuant to the call set forth above, notice is hereby given of a special meeting of the
Chubbuck City Council at the time and place, and for the object, recited in the call.
Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk
The undersigned, Mayor and members of the Chubbuck City Council hereby
acknowledge receipt of notice of the special meeting as set forth above.
John O. Cot~l~t, Mayor
~e;oy ~. Q~i~k, -CDun~rnber
~errt~ems, Council member
/ Sto4'en M. England, C~"~u~-member
In the year 19861 purchased 20 acres to the west of dead end Homestead "~'i.._~ ~<?,.,_=.~ _..~
Road. The 20 acres was purchased for development due to sewer line
adjacent to property.
In 1991 1 prepared to develop the 20 acres purchased in 1986. I checked
with the City of Chubbuck and was told I had to provide for a future
ingress, and_ egress to~fj~cilitate the existing dead end road approach with
respect to Homestead~lhnd Dell Roads.
By April of 19921 negotiated a 50 foot road fight of way to Siphon Road.
Part of the agreement was I must purchase an additional 20 acres
adjacent to my original 20 acres. Prior to purchasing the easement/20
acres I was informed by the City of Chubbuek they would allow City
Utili .ty Hook-up. Accord~-gly, I proceeded with the Right of way
In fail of 20041 was informed a feasibility study recently completed by
J.U.B. Engineers possibly precluded the development of my 40 acres
due to lack of sewer line capacity.
Accordingly, Mayor Cotant and Public Works Director, Mr. Smart
requested J.U.B. Engineers ascertain that the existing sewer system can
accommodate my request for utility hook-ups on subject property.
6. On December 21 ~ J.U.B. Engineers acknowledges the existing system
can currently accommodate the proposed development.
It is also noted when the City of Chubbuck requested to loop the
domestic water system through subject property, permission was readily
Accordingly, I respectfully request my property be inclusive with existing
Chubbuck Utility System.
Wayne Taysom