HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 13 1973 CM101 Minutes of the regular~ meeting of the Mayor and Council held in the city· municipal building February 13, 1973. Present: Mayor Cotant, Councilmen Kinghorn, Menard, Romriell and Taylor, Engineer Perkins and Clerk Vera Armstrong. Meeting called to order by Mayor Cotant at 8:00 p.m. Minutes of January 23rd and February 2nd approved as written. SEWER L~ CHANGE REQUEST - Mark Bunce, 790 E. Chubbuck Rd. read a letter he had written requesting the sewer line on East Chubbuck Rd. from the canal east be installed in easements on each side of street rather than tearing up East Chubbuck Rd. Engineer Perkins informed him and others present that the reason for engineering project in street was for economical reasons. After some discussion Mayor Cotant told residents from the above area the city would make a cost estimate of two lines against the proposed one line. Engineer Perkins later gave an approximate cost difference of $5.g0 per foot for the two lines instead of one single line in the street. Additional ~costs to be borne by residents. SEWER SERVICE LINES T L. V. Hageman 162 W. Chubbuck Rd, asked costs of sewer service lines to vacant lots. Mayor read copy of minutes with costs agreed upon at last meeting. Mr. Hageman agreed to service line cost to property but questioned paying $200.00 hook-up fee until he decided to use service. WATER LEAK - Lyle P. Anderson informed council of a water leak on his property last month which resulted in a water bill of $23.80. The valve had frozen and caused the leak and Mr. Anderson requested an adjustment be made. After reviewing the past years bills Mayor recommended making an adjustment on the bill. Councilman Taylor made motion to adjust $23.80, the amount over minumum. Menard secondedwith all councilmen in favor of motion. SEWER SERVICE LINE - Edna Bayliss, 150 W, Linden requested 81] owing their home and trailer, which is lived in by parents, to be served by one service line. Mayor and council informed her both residential units were in the projected service lines and it would be best for them if each were on a separate line. JUNK CARS - Howard Gibson and Terry Gibson of Gate City Realty showed a sketch of Henry Street with dots representing inoperable cars and trucks parked on Henry and requested city try to clean these up as the~street is a detriment to their develop- ment of Stuart 3rd Addition. Mayor told them they would follow up on this matter. S~RtIOOK-UP-Mr. Lowder, living outside city limits on West Chubbuck Rd. asked possibility of hooking into Chubbuck sewer system. Engineer Perkins recommended several residents run an eight inch line which could only be served at a manhole. After a plan is presented and approved by city engineer and council the installation and hook-up would be allowed. SEWER REPORT - Doug Jensen and Larry Perkins made report of sewer project progress. Engineer Perkins asked if April 15 was a critical date for construction deadline in farming area and council agreed it was. Larry Perkins also stated the easements were critical and the city needs to secure same so that funds can be acquired for project. PLANNING AND ZONING - Mayor recommended the council appoint a new zoning chairman and he recommended james Branson. Councilman Romriell made motion James Branson be appointed chairman. F~inghorn seconded with an unanimous vote in favor of motion. Councilman Menard moved that a certificate of appreciation be given to Delmar Peters for his excellent service as chairman. Plans were made for a joint meeting of mayor, council and zoning commission Thursday, February 15 at 5:50 p.m. STREET REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE ANNUAL· REPORT read by Mayor Cotant. Councilman Taylor made mbtion the mayor certify this report. Menard seconded with alI~·.councilmen in favor. Report certified by Mayor Cotant this day, February 13, and will be published February 15. 103 PUBLIC GARBAGE CONTAinERS - Mayor recommended buying and placing several public garbage receptacles at different arc. within the city. Councilman Taylor suggested numbering containers and keeping record where they are placed. Councihan Kinghorn suggested having city of Chubbuck painted neatly on cans - not by stencil. _ COUNTY LANDFILL - Mayor reported he had met with county commissioners to make arrange- ments for participation in the new landfill in north Bannock County. Mayor reported landfill well be open Friday and Saturday by the county and other days the Chubbuck driver w-]~l have a key so he can dump load and county w~ ] ] go by each afternoon and cover. Council agreed for Mayor Cotant to negotiate for monthly fee with county commissioners. A fee of $200.00 was discussed. Counci]man Romriell suggested sending county commissioners a letter thanking Bannock County for co-operating with the city on our past garbage disposal program. ANNEXATION OF AREA EAST OF HAWTHORNE ROAD from QuinnRd to Chubbuck Rd discussed by mayor and council. After some discussion Councilman Kiughorn made motion to proceed with legal work for annexation of this area. Romriell seconded with mayor and councilmen in favor of motion. MED-BT.~RT AMBULANCE - Mayor read letter requesting increase in monthly fee from ambulance Company and slso read his letter of reply requesting financial statement before in- cluding the service in this years budget. sTREET SiGNBLOCKINGvIEW - James Branson noted sign at Coin-O-Matic blocked view at Chubbuck Rd. and Yellowstone Highway intersection. DOG ORDINANCE - James Branson questioned if dog ordinance required dogs to be chained or tied up as long as they stayed on owners property and if dog catcher can pick the dog up on the owners property. Dog problem discussed but no definite answer given. FINANCIAL STATEMENT for January presented to mayor and council. CLAIMS for February presented to mayor and counc~. After reviewing, Councilman Kinghornmade motion to pay bills. Romriell seconded with all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. ~yor John O. Cotant Jr. ~ Vera C. Armstrong, City clerk~ CITY OF Ohubbuck ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF STREET REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1972 REVENUE: Unexpended 1971 Street funds brought forward Property Taxes (For street use only) State Motor Fuels Tax County Road and Bridge Tax Other $ 7~837'47 33 ,~59.31 Total Revenue Received ............. $ ~5~,~01'~26 EXPENDITURES: General Administration Construction Maintenance ~ S~ree~s Traffic Control Snow and Ice 'Control Street Lighting Street Cleaning Other ~ Equipmen% & Maintenance $ ~516'45 .4&013,18 609.94 50.14 13.._598,~25 Total Expenditures . . [ ............ $ 37,72%~18 Unexpended Balance ....... I, Joh~O, Cot~mt Jr. , Mayor of the City of CHLFBBUOK state of Idaho~ do hereby certify the above is a true ~d accurate report of the street revenue and expenditures for the calendar budget year 1972. Date Published: February 8 , 1972. ATTEST City Clerk M yor '