HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 09 1973 CMMiuutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and Council held in the city municipal building January 9, 1973. Present: Mayor Cotant, Councilmen Kinghorn, Menard and Romriell. Attorney Hargraves and clerk Vera Armstrong. Councilman Taylor excused because of illness. Meeting called to order 8:00 P.m. by Mayor Cotant Minutes of December 12 and December 26 approved as written. DOGS - Richard Stanger voiced his opinion that the dog problem was not solved and suggested strongeri~nforcement. Mayor stated there is evidence the dog catcher is putting many hours,~owever, they would ask him to patrol Stuart. · which AMENDATORY LOAN AND GRANT A~NT - The last sewer bond mssue passem was for sewer only and the Housing and Urban Developmenb failed to delete water from the loan and grant agreement making it necessary to approve an amendatory agreement deleting waterworks . Amendatory Loan and Grant Agreement read in full by Mayor Cotant. Resolution # 12-75 - Resolution approving Amendatory Loan Agreement read in full by Mayor Cotant. C0uncilmanMenard made motion to approve Resolution 12-73 and motion was seconded by Romriell. Roll call vote: Kinghorn, yes; Menard, yes; Romriell,yes. Resolution #13-73 - Resolution approving Amendatory Grant Agreement read in full by Mayor Cotant. Motion to approve Resolution #13-73 made by Councilman Kinghorn. Romriell seconded. Roll call vote: Kinghorn, yes; Menard, yes; Romriell, yes. TRANSFER OF FUNDS - Councilman Romriell made a motion to transfer $1,000.00 from the Waterworks Contingent Fund to the Waterworks Water Line Transmission so that pipe bought and paid in 1972 could be accounted for in proper fund for disbursement. Counci]manMenard seconded motion with Mayor and Council unanimously in favor of motion. ACCIDENT CLAI~- Claim for damages to the Merrill Brower vehicle has been turned into city. Council requested claim be turned over to insurance company. This accident happened at the bank parkiug lot picking up Myrtle's Cafe garbage. Diversified Investment Group has sent the city a letter stating they want Myrtle's Cafe garbage container moved because it is on Diversifieds property. The Mayor sent a letter to Myrtle Frasure informing them of necessity of moving container. Council suggested Mayor send another letter to Mrs. Frasure stating the city will be moving · container and then have Brower fo~ow through with moving container. ANNOUNCEMENT - Mayor reminded the Council of the Regional Council of Governments meeting at the Idaho State University January 10, in the Student Union Building. Mayor said he planned to attend part of the day. Councilman Romriell suggested Clerk attend this one day meeting. SUB-DIVISIONS and areas within one nd~e of city limits discussed as to what control city has in these areas. ANNEXATION of area east of Hawthorne Road from Chubbuck Road to Quinn discussed. Council suggested Mayor write or call Lynn D. Weller Jr. owner of some of the property south of Interstate and inquire if he would be interested in being annexed into Chubbuck. The council are in favor of annexing all this area if it can be done leg~]] y. MOVING OF HOUSES INTO CHUBBUCK - Counc~lmanMenard suggested Attorney Hargraves check into drawing up an ordinance for control of houses moved into city. LETTER OF APPRECIATION from State Police Officer Robert Lockett commending Chubbuck Police Department read by Mayor Cotant. F~E DEPARTMENT REPORT - Fire Chief Denny Jones gave a yearly report of fire department's achievements. Chief ~ones presented the Mayor with a Fireman's belt buckle and belt and made him an honorary member. Chief Jones also presented certificates of appreciation to the councilmen aud clerk. Councilmen commended Fire Department on years accomplishments. The Council suggested getting a copy of the NationalFire Code for consideration of adoptiug. Denny Jones also suggested city consider enforcing State burning code. CLAIMB for month of January presented to Mayor and Council. Councilman Romriell made motion to pay si] claims except for rental of Santa Claus suit rented by the Fire Department which has already been paid. Menard seconded motionwith a unanimous vote in favor. FALSE ARREST INSURANCE - Mayor informed council that the False Arresst Insurance for the police departmen~has been discontinued. Coverage has been off6red through the Association of Washington Cities to Idaho Cities. Council in favor of applying for this insurance wherever best coverage can be obtaine~. Mayor proposed having a council table built, some light remodeling done in office area and Councilman Kinghorn proposed a coat tree be purchased. Mayor asked suggestions for expenditures for Revenue Sharing funds received by city. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Cotant Jr. Vera C. Armstrong, Clerk 1973 EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS - GENERAL FUND 410 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 411 Legislative 1. Salaries - Council 2. AIC Dues 3. Bldg Conf Dues 4. Civil Defense 5. Med Alert 6. SEICAA 7. S. E. Health 8. P & Z General 9. Other General 10. Council of Gov't 413 Executive Salary Other 415 Financial & Administration 415.1 Salary - clerk Office Supplies 415.3 Election 416 Legal Salary Publication Other Legal 419 Other General Government 419.1 Personal Benefits Retirement FICA 419.2 Printing 419.3 Insurance State Gen. City Coverage Medical Other 419.4 Utilities Phone Lights Fuel Water Coal 419.8 City Building Table Remodel Office Outside Yard Other Expense 420 LAW ENFORCEMENT & PROTECTION 2,400.00 450.00 50.00 100.00 1,344.00 600.00 1,600.00 200.00 1,080.00 300.00 1,200.00 500.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 12,000.00 3,000.00 5,500.00 1,800.00 1,750.00 3,300.00 650.00 750.00 500.00 1,200.00 200.00 237,686-37 62,650.00 8,150.00 Carry -over Rev S= 13,1+36.00 Carry -over Gen 47,012.87 15,500.00 375.00 12,500.00 - FRS 10,000.00 200.00 2,425.00 421.1 Administration 31,500.00 Arnold Jerry Jim Animal Control Extra 1121.5 Records & Supplies 2,100.00 Supplies 700.00 Clothing Allowance 650.00 Animal Control 750.00 421.7 Care & Custody of Prisoners 450.00 422.2 Communications 3,700.00 Phone 11000.00 Radio Dispatch 11200.00 Radio & Repair 1,500.00 422.9 Other Repair & Maint. 10,100.00 Gasoline 3,000.00 Car Repairs 2,500.00 New Car 3,600.00 Other & Equip 1,000.00 1,700.00 6,500.00 5,000.00 41,300.00 107000.00 FRS 47,550.00 GENERAL FUND CONTID 423 FIRE CONTROL & PREVENTION 423.1 Administration 423.5 Fire Alarm & Communications Telephone 1-000.00 Radio & Repair 423.6 Fire Equip. & Bldg Maintenance Carpet 515.00 Equip., & Repair 423.9 Auxillary Service & Other 430 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT & TRANSPORTATION 431 Highway Streets & Roads 431.1 Administration 800.00 490.2 Salary - Jordon 2,612.50 490.3 Salary - Clerk 1,500.00 490.4 Salary - Extra 431.2 H. S. & R. Construction 431.21 Paved St. 431.22 Unpaved St. 431.25 Signs 750.00 431.3 H. S. & R. Maintenance 431.31 Paved St. 431.32 Unpaved St. 431.4 Snow & Ice Removal 431.8 Street Lighting 431.99 Equipment & Equip. Repairs Street Roller on Truck 2,500.00 Pick -Up Truck 3,000.00 Equip Repairs 2,500.00 Gas, Oil & Other 4,000.00 438 PARKS 438.1 Administration Salary 1,000.00 Recreation 600.00 Other 438.2 Park Areas & Ground Maintenance Water works 300.00 438.3 Park Areas & Grounds - Construction Stuart Park 61000.00 Other 3,550.00 490 OTHER GOVERNMENTAL PURPOSES CONTINGENT & OTHER 490.1 Audit 800.00 490.2 G.O. Bonds & Interest 2,612.50 490.3 Engineering 1,500.00 490.4 Other 4,500.00 21,022.08 23,673-50 FRS 15,673-50 5,300.00 350.00 10 000.00 11z�000.00 1,600.00 9,550.00 12,848.25 72,345.58 Carry over 8,072.08 FRS 15,673.50 11,950.00 30,042.54 EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS — WATERWORKS FUND — 1973 1L8. OL6. 66 434 WATERWORKS 110,395.88 Carry —over 26,395.88 434.1 Administration 23,800.00 Salary 21,000.00 Brennan Jordon Clerk Deputy Clerk Extra Labor Office Supplies 11800.00 Equipment & Maintenance 11000.00 434.2 Supply — Pump Maintenance 2,500.00 434.3 Pumping — Power & Utility 5,500.00 434.3 Waterline Transmission & Distribution 54,000.00 Improvements — FRS 10,000.00 Repairs 107000.00 FRS Connections 434.6 Customer Accounts (Dep refund) 500.00 434.7 Bonds & Interest —0- 434.8 Personal Benefits to Gen Fund 4,200.00 Employer Share — FICA 1,115.00 TV if Retirement 1,330.00 it it GR. Ins. 300.00 Workmans Compensation 500.00 Equipment Ins. 300.00 434.99 Equipment, Equip. Pmts & Rep. 3,500.00 434.90 Waterworks Contingent & Other 16,395.88 Engineering 17000.00 433 SANITATION — GARBAGE DISPOSAL 37,650.78 Carry —over 3,650-78 433.1 Salary & Administration 13,000.00 Brower Deputy Clerk 433.8 Personal Benefits to General Fund 2,685.00 Personal Gr. Ins. 300.00 Employer Share — FICA 585.00 " It Retirement 700.00 Workmens Compensation 500.00 Equipment Ins. 300.00 433.99 Equip, Maint. & Other 21,965.78 Truck Payments 14,227.50 107000.00 FRS FRS = 101000.00 EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT — SEWER REVENUE FUND 435 SEWAGE 2,275,260.00 GEN `. -A�' FUND ESTIMATED REVENUE 1973 1973 TOTAL TAXES 74,362.50 FRAP ►CHISE TAX -INT. GAS 3,118.00 CABLE TV 100.00 LICENSES - ALCOHOLIC 2,233.00 T LICE�.ISES - BUSINESS 327.00 LICENSEES - BLDG. PERMITS 3,500.00 LICENSES - DOG 2,000.00 REVENUE SHARING 32,237.50 a p, o o 0 , pO � 4!u ly STATE GRANTS - LAW ENF. 1,000.00 STATE GRANTS - PARK 4,000.00 COURT REVENUZ, 6,550-00 SHARED REV:Nu; - HIWAY USERS 33,495.00 SHARD REVENUE - RD & BRIDGE 4,168.00 " State " - LIQUOR APPRT 7,105.00 " City LIQUOR APPRT 9,808.00 INV TAX PHASE OUT 7,267.00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT - P & Z 85.00 GENERAL GOVERIC,ENT - FIRE PROT. 1,000.00 TCD INTEREST 1,755.00 RENT 1,OPo.on GTHT 22046-50 TOTAL 197_,237.5n CARRY - OVER 60,448.87 TOTAL GENERAL FUND BUDGET 257,086.37 �37j G�6.31 WATERWORKS FUND WATER SALES WATER DEPOSITS WATER HOOK -UPS MATERIALS SANITATION INTEREST TOTALS CARRY - CVER TOTAL WATERWORKS B11DGET ESTIMATED ii :VENUE 197) 1973 57,150.00 1,985.00 14,rn 5.00 5nf' • 20 24, 000. nO L-0. 98, m0 . oo 30,046.66 e 128,046.66 �0.