HomeMy WebLinkAbout06Vol. 7 Issue 6 City Hall 5160 Yellowstone / PO Box 5604 237-2400
Message from the Mayor,
June 2012
Summer is finally here!! I hope this will be a very memorable one for you and your family. With all that there
is to do in longer days and good weather, be sure to find time for family, friends, and neighbors. It is a great time to
participate in neighborhood gatherings and share food, have fun, and get to know each other better. There are
neighborhood parks in most of our subdivisions that could be used for this purpose. A few of our parks with pavilions
are available for reservation with a fee. Call the City at 237-2430 for available times and dates. It doesn't take much
time but can have a great result.
Let me remind you that the sale of legal fireworks will begin in the City at the end of June. It is important to
only use approved fireworks in approved areas and even then participate with care. Fires or injuries could be the result
if precautions are not taken. Even though we have had a cool, wet spring, by the 4th of July, we will most likely be
dealing with high risk fire areas. Supervision of children who participate is a must. Great times and memories can be
had with July 4th activities, lets make sure they are all positive.
We are again planning to have a terrific Chubbuck Days Celebration the week ending Saturday, August I Ph
We hope you plan to spend at least part of that Saturday involved with the parade and festival at Cotant Park. We again
plan to have a dance on Friday evening at the Hockey Arena and perhaps another activity or two leading up to Satur-
day's events. Have a great summer and thanks again for making Chubbuck such a great place to live and do business.
Mayor England
Spring has been here for a while now, and the Chubbuck Police De-
partment would like to remind the citizens of Chubbuck the importance of
property maintenance. City codes require citizens to maintain their proper-
ties by keeping them reasonably free of weeds, cutting of lawns, clearing
garbage, abandoned vehicles or other blighting influences. By keeping up
�.► the appearance of our properties we enhance the quality of life for all citizens and maintain prop-
erty values.
Fine weather draws visitors to our parks. Sometimes problems arise when we bring our four footed friends who
sometimes use the park to relieve themselves. Please obey park rules by having your pet leashed at all times and by
picking up after them when they do so. Failure to do this may result in a citation, please be a good citizen. Parking
problems in the area of Cotant Park is a yearly problem. If we all could spread the word that parking on Victor, parts of
Bonanza and Teton streets is restricted to resident parking with a permit only. Parking in violation of this restriction
may cost you $10 per offense.
Animal complaints are common in the summer. Barking dogs if found to be an annoyance whether it bothers
the owner or not can result in a citation. Please be aware and courteous of your neighbors' right to reasonable peace.
The heat of summer poses life threatening situations to people and animals. Do not leave your children or pets
sitting in cars even if you are just running into the store. Please remember also that your pets left outside
need shade and fresh water at all times. Failure to care for your animals may result in citation.
If we can keep these issues in mind and abide by these laws we can continue to enjoy this wonderful place to
live. You may clarify these codes by going to http://www.cityofchubbuck.us/cpd/codeenforcement.aspx or
by calling 237-7172 asking for Code Enforcement.
The City of Chubbuck held
an Arbor Day
Commemoration on
April 27, 2012
* Mayor England - Welcome
* Terra Pirrong - ( Teacher) Read Proclamation
* Vicky Kendrick - (Pinehurst Nursery) Presenta-
tion on the importance of trees.
* Richard O'Quinn - (representing INEEL)
Brought Tree City USA Banner & Flag
* Bill Quinn and Don Larson - (Park Supervisors
for the City of Chubbuck) planted two flowering
crab trees at Stuart Park.
Over 200 kids attended.
If you or your organization are interested
in participating, please get a sign up sheet.
For Parade call 221-5855
For Festival call 237-2430
all know a gen for one person per day.
ter and protect it from the harsh
beautiful lawn en- A thick turf grass allows 15 times
hances our home and
community, but
less runoff and reduce surface runoff Our soil is very alkaline. Choosing a
there are many more
to almost zero. Grass can diminish
fertilizer designed to combat that b y
benefits of a healthy lawn. The lawn
pollution c ased by surface runoff.
including sulfur will help the iron in
provides clean space for children and
Proper fertilization and watering is
the soil release and help green your
adults to enjoy the outdoors.
essential for growing a beautiful,
An actively growing lawn provides
healthy lawn. With a great fertilizer
Weeds thrive only when there are
significant cooling to the local sur-
program and proper watering practices
gaps in the lawn large enough for
roundings. According to the Missis-
You can enjoy all the benefits a lawn
them to get the sun they need to grow.
sippi State University Extension Ser-
can offer without a lot of work, money
If you water, mow, and fertilize, your
vice (MSU) "On a block of eight
or excessive use of water.
lawn should be thick and healthy
houses, the front lawns have the cool-
ing effect of 70 tons of air
Fertilizing early spring, early sum-
enough so that weeds won't be a prob-
ing. The grass is transpiring water to
mer, mid to late summer, and fall will
lem even without herbicides.
cool itself, which in turn cools the
give you the best results. Choosing the
Always follow the directions on the
area around it. MSU also stated that if
right fertilizer for the time of year is
package. If you fertilize on a regular
the temperature of a sidewalk is
key. There are granule fertilizers de-
basis your lawn will stay consistently
greater than 100° F, the grass can be
signed for early spring that release
quickly and will green up lawn
nice. When letting it get too stressed
about 25° F cooler. Just keeping your
fast. In late
lack of fertilizer we have a ten -
grass healthy and watered can help
spring using a fertilizer
that will release slower and feeds
dency to use too much fertilizer to
you stay cool in the summer.
lawn over a longer period of time is
green up quickly. Our lawns are like
our bodies,
Grass traps and thereby helps control
dust and pollen in the air that contrib-
best. In mid to late summer the best
you can't starve yourself
for long periods of time and then over
ute to allergies. Grass breaks down
fertilizer is a very slow release, green-
ing the lawn without stimulating
indulge and be healthy.
pollutants. Twenty-
ex -
cess growth. The most important time
five square feet of ac-
to fertilize the lawn is in the fall. Over
By Vicky Kendrick
tively growing grass
winter the roots of grass continue to
Pinehurst Floral &
=� F. converts enough car-
t ,=€ bon dioxide into ox
grow. A winterize fertilizer is de-
�. � - Y-
si ed to feed the grass over the win-