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City of Chubbuck Newsletter
Vol. 6 Issue 4 City Hall 5160 Yellowstone / PO Box 5604 237-2400
April 2011
Message from the Mayor:
As most of you are probably aware, we are increasing the monthly sewer utility fee $16.85 per single family
equivalent in order to be prepared to meet the debt service commitment for the sewer extension. This increase will be
effective April 1st and will be reflected beginning with the May utility bill. Some residents were able to attend a public
hearing on the 15`h of March where information was provided in effort to give clarity to the need for the increase. I
would like to share with each of you much of that information. It is rather lengthy but I hope you find it helpful in ex-
plaining the need for this rate increase.
Since my first involvement with city government but most especially during the time I have served as Mayor, the series
of decisions that bring us to this point have been some of the most difficult not only for me, but for the individuals who
have served on the city council and members of the city staff.
The previous city administration under the direction of Mayor Cotant, had expressed for years concern with the number
of septic systems that were being installed in the north county to facilitate construction outside the reach and capacity of
our sewer system. I shared this concern and felt a need to address it as I began my service as Mayor. Chubbuck was ex-
periencing accelerated growth and there was considerable pressure on the county to alter their lot size requirement in or-
der to provide for even more dense growth in the north county.
Partnering with Bannock County and Pocatello; we were able to obtain a grant to do a feasibility study on a sewer build
out that would include the entire north county that wasn't already in one of the two cities. All of the land east of I-15 had
been designated as the City of Pocatello impact area and west of the interstate had been assigned as City of Chubbuck
impact area. An impact area in simple terms is the area of the county adjacent to an incorporated city that, should it be
annexed into a city, would become part of that designated city. It was determined as part of these discussions that Poca-
tello had already accounted for providing sewer service for their impact area, consequently the study was altered to only
include the Chubbuck City area of impact. Pocatello continued their involvement because of an interest in protecting the
aquifer as well as being the entity that would provide the treatment for the any new sewer lines.
Even though there were many potential advantages to this sewer build out, the dominant factor continued to be the pro-
tection of the aquifer. There are currently many septic systems already in place. Our goal became to provide the oppor-
tunity to abandon as many of those. systems as possible as well as provide a sewer alternative for future development.
We also needed to address inadequacies in the existing city sewer system. An additional advantage to the expansion of
the sewer was the availability of this utility infrastructure to potential business or industry that may want to locate in ei-
ther the city or city impact area.
As the need of the revenue necessary to provide for the repayment of the debt was discussed, it was anticipated that a
substantial portion of the funds would be generated by connection fees to the new lines. At the time of our initial incur-
ring of debt and the beginning of the projects, there was a significant amount of development pressure for the area, both
in and outside the current city limits. Because our current sewer system would also be enhanced, it was always antici-
pated that our rate payers would participate in a portion of the improvement cost.
Even though there has not been the development as we had hoped, the economic down times me have experienced have
created some positive elements to our dilemma. We were offered and secured 0% interest on the majority of the loans
that were acquired. Also, because construction had slowed we got very favorable bids on the projects. The cost of the
projects came in about 30% under engineers' estimates.: Between these.. two advantages we were able to complete these
phases of the build out for millions of dollars less tharwK we hproceeded during better economic times. The availabil-
ity of this sewer infrastructure should assist in encou ° -zdwelopment as the economy improves as well as the in-
tended protection of the aquifer.
Continued Back Page
Continued From Front Page
The bottom line is, the funds needed to service the debt have to be available to start payments in the
coming year and we need to provide a way to meet this obligation. We will be segregating this charge
from the existing sewer accounting on the monthly utility bill. Anyone who qualifies for the "Circuit
Breaker" exemption as defined by the county will be exempt from this fee increase. As additional reve-
nue is generated, mostly in the form of new connections to the system, we will adjust the amount of the
monthly charge. We will review and make these changes annually. Our intention is that the rate will
not go above this initial increase but rather that we can reduce it each year. We would ask landlords who
pay the sewer charges for their renters to cooperate with us and only pass through an accurate proportion
of their increase. Then as we reduce this fee we would ask that they give proportionate reductions to
their renters.
We had hoped that the initial burden to our rate payers would not have been this significant. I con-
tinue to be convinced however that protection of the aquifer is worthy of this kind of attention. The po-
tential cost of cleaning or filtering the nitrates out of our drinking water should they reach unacceptable
levels would make this cost burden to the city pale in comparison.
We recognize that this is not good news anytime but especially difficult as we all struggle with the
slow economy. My commitment to you is that I will make a concerted effort to find ways that we can
improve the revenue stream into this debt service account in order to reduce the burden to our city utility
rate payers. I believe our future is hinged on these types of decisions that require sacrifice and resolve
to provide for future generations well being.
Thank You,
Mayor England
adopt a Community Wide
friend from Clean Up Day
--� our Shelter. May 21St
More information will be in
the May Newsletter.
Bannock County Landfill
Hazardous Waste
Collection Days
April 2
May 7
June 4
July 2
August 6
September 3
October 1
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
For info call 236-0607
Ticket Information:
Pocatellorodeo.org or
www.isu.edu/tickets or
call (208) 282 -FANS.
Tickets also available at
Vickers Western Stores in
Pocatello and Idaho Falls.
Mayor Brian Biad
City of Pocatello
P. O. Box 4169
Pocatello, Idaho
• www.pocatello.us
• (208) 234-6163
• mayor@pocatello.us
Table of Contents:
Spring is Here
Fair Housing -- it's
the Law
Pet Licenses
What You May Have
Fire Department
Open House
Spring is Here
Springtime is one of my
favorite times of the year. It
reminds me of being a kid and
experiencing a new school
year. The first day of school
was always full of excitement
about what the year had in
store. The start of spring is
just as exciting for me,
because there are so many
activities and opportunities
Spring means we are getting
over our cabin fever. As I
walk or bike in my
neighborhood, I see more and
more people outside. We are
starting to work in our yards
planting flowers and gardens
and working to get our lawns
green. Neighbors are out
seeing each other again after
the long winter and are being
neighborly. I know people all
over the city are planning their
neighborhood's annual
cookouts, yard sales, or cleanup
While you are out doing spring
things, please don't forget to
keep the sidewalks around your
property clear, so people can
safely walk, ride bikes or jog
without the need to step into the
street. This means more than
Fair Housing — It's the law
April is "Fair Housing Month."
The Federal Fair Housing Act,
passed in 1968 and amended
in 1988, requires equal
opportunity for all by providing
equal access to housing.
Housing discrimination on the
basis of race, color, national
origin, religion, gender/sex,
familial status and disability is
against the law. The Act
covers most kinds of housing
transactions, including rental,
Pet licenses
During the month of May, the
2 City's Animal Services
Department will be selling
2 2011-2012 pet licenses for
half-price. This annual half-
price sale happens just before
the old licenses expire June 1.
homeownership, land use laws
and mortgage and home
improvement loan
As a recipient of federal
funding for housing and
community development
programs, the City of Pocatello
must provide educational
opportunities about fair
housing to the general public.
The Pocatello Fair Housing
Discounts are available for
seniors over 60 who wish to
license their dogs. Licensing
for cats is not required, but it is
highly recommended (if you
use the proper collar). Cat
licenses cost only $1.
All dogs 3 months or older are Animal Services is also offering
required to be licensed The two other of rotection
just trimming low hanging tree
branches or overgrown
shrubs. It also means not
parking your vehicle across
sidewalks. By blocking the
sidewalk, you are forcing
pedestrians into the street,
which is not safe.
I encourage you to get to
know and take time to visit
with your neighbors this
spring. There's no better way
to start a new year or to meet
a great new friend!
As always, it is a privilege to
be your Mayor.
Committee, created in 1998 by
the City Council, has taken the
lead in offering education about
the existence and purpose of
the Fair Housing Act and its
If you feel you have been
discriminated against in
housing matters, we can direct
you to an enforcement agency.
Call our Neighborhood &
Community Services Division
at 234-6188.
and microchip clinic. Rabies
vaccinations will be offered for
$12 each, and senior citizens
age 65 or older can vaccinate
one pet for free. Microchip
implants will also be available
for $15 each (a $5 discount),
which includes the national
p p registration.
prices in May for dog licenses services. Staff will be at the For more information or for
are $10 for unaltered dogs or Bannock County Fairgrounds license vendor locations, call
$5 for altered dogs. May 7, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. to Animal Services at 234-6156.
1:00 p.m. for the annual rabies
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What You Mav Have Missed
The City's website welcomes
an average of 500 visitors
any given day. Web guests
come from far and wide, but
as expected, the majority
comes from Pocatello —
approximately 6,000 visits
each month. You might ask
what these visitors are
looking at or for. More often
than not, the traffic trends
show that visitors are looking
for job information, which is
not a surprise given the
current state of the economy.
In addition, what we see is
that residents are looking for
information from the Parks &
Recreation Department — in
particular our team sports
and outdoor recreation
activities. The interest in this
information is a testament to
the vibrancy of our programs
and the level of community
participation in activities,
such as the annual Fun Run
Series, Nordic Center and
our numerous youth and
adult team sports leagues.
Now that you know what
brings some visitors to our
website, we want to highlight
some important features you
may have missed. I
encourage you to visit the
City's website to see what's
For example, you may have
missed that we now post
video of every City Council
meeting. You may also
have missed that we now
archive video of our Calling
City Hall television program.
Finally, you may have also
missed that our Finance
Department offers a
storehouse of budget and
financial information online.
Any web visitor can access
monthly City financial
information, including cash,
payroll and vendor claims
reports; video of budget
meetings and annual service
level reports; as well as the
Comprehensive Annual Fiscal
Report and its complementary
Citizen's Financial Report that
has been created for all
citizens to obtain an
understanding of the City's
financial condition.
The City's website is a vast
resource of over 1,000 pages
of information. We want you
to take advantage of this
resource, so logon today at
Fire Department Open Nouse
The Pocatello Fire
Department will be hosting its
annual Open House in June
at Station #3, 1100 Pocatello
Creek Road. The event will
be held June 3, 2011 from
11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and
June 4, 2011 from 11:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m.
We invite you to take a tour of
the station. You'll also get to
see the fire trucks and our
equipment, as well as
demonstrations for vehicle
extrications, home sprinklers
and fire extinguisher use.
Children will have a chance
to go through a smoke maze,
squirt water from a real fire
hose, dress up as fire fighters
and meet Sparky the Fire
In addition, the Bannock
County Ambulance District
will showcase its ambulance
service. Paramedics and
Emergency Medical
Technicians (EMTs) will be
A' `^
Br&klyn"s 41 _ �� TM
rP' y�o d(c
. From the Community-. Heart,
The Gift of flay
:PM"vV' tS.tlk ourH TtMtt � .w+FWw
available to answer
questions and talk about
ambulance service. You'll
also get to see an advanced
life support ambulance.
This is a great opportunity
to learn more about what
fire fighters, EMTs and
paramedics do. Come out
and meet your local fire
fighters! For more
information, call 234-6201.
Reminder ... May is "Bike to Work Month." Join me in committing to bike, walk, carpool or bus to work for 60% of
the month. Sign up now and get a bike reflector and a free t -shirt. Go to www.pokybiketowork.org for more information.
If there is a topic you'd like me to address in future newsletters or if you want to comment or ask a question, write it down,
tear off this part and send your comment to me. If you wish to call or e-mail, my number and address are listed on the
front page. While I cannot respond to all comments individually, I do pass them on to the appropriate departments. vl4,n4
My question/comment