HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 Estimated)TIMATED REVENUE FOR 1972 65,000.00 Water Sales Water Deposits GEN�i Taxes (less coll. fee) 69,513.00 Highway User's Revenue 36,500.00 Road & Bridge 4'955.00 Liquor Apportion 12,700.00 Dog License 1'000.00 Building Permits 3,500.00 City License 2,000.00 Apartment Rent 10090.00 Intermountain Gas Franchise 2,500,00 Fire Calls'500.00 Police Fine Revenue 3000.00 Inventory Tax Phase Out 49000.00 Interest — TCD 10000.00 Park Grant 11,677.00 Waterworks Fund—Personal Benefits 2,500.00 1560425.00 Carry Over43,631.92 Estimated Total Budget 200,05 •92 WATERWORKS FUND 65,000.00 Water Sales Water Deposits 1,500.00 Water Hook—Ups 7,500.00 Materials Sanitation 15,500-00 Interest — TCD 500.00 90,000.00 Carry Over 274602.54 Estimated Total Budget 117,602.51+ *' i;X.i' 7'U'u:15 1�CCOUNTS - GN:idl;ttiAL h'Ulvl� - 972 410 GENERAL GOVQINT-'1'NT 411 Legislative 1. Salaries - Council 2,400.00 2. AIC Dues 350.00 3. Bldg Conf. Dues 50.00 4. Civil Defense 100.00 5. Med-Alert 1,200.00 6. SEICAA 600.Po 7. S.E. Health 1,599,00 8. P & Z General 500,00 9. Other expense 701.00 413 Executive 1. Mayor salary 1,200.00 2. Other expense 500,00 415 Financial & Administration 415.1 Salary - clerk 3,000.00 Office supplies 1,000,00 415.3 Election - bond 250,00 416 Legal 1. Attorney salary 2,400.00 2. Sewer. publication 650.00 3. Other legal 4,950.00 419 Other General Government 419.1 Personal Benefits v Retirement 4,nnb.t�a FICA 3,000.00 419.2 Printing 750.00 419.3 Insurance State 1,500.00 Gen. City Coverage 3,000.00 Medical 13200.00 Other 300.00 419.4 Utilities Phone 850.00 Li.rrhts .1" "`650.00 Fuel 650.00 Water 1.92n0.00 419.8 CIty Building Chairs 10950.00 500.00 Chairs -folding 150.00 Table 20.00 Remodel office 725.00 Outside yard 500.00 Other expense 675.00 420 Law Enforcement & Protection 421.1 Administration - Salary Don 8,640.00 Arnold 7p620.00 Jerry 7,410.00 Vacation 750.00 Emergency 1,080.00 421.5 Records & Supplies Clothing Allowance 375.00 Supplies 575.00 (books, warrants,etc.) 421.7 Care & Custody of Prisoners 422.2 Communications Sheriff 1,200.00 237-0770 450.00 City phone 250.00 Radar 1p200.00 Rnriin A, Ranair Snn nn. 4,1`00.00 250.00 7,000.00 750,00 6 , 000 . no 3,350.00 i'500.00 25P500.00 950.00 750.00 3,600. 00, 7,500.00 1,700.00 4,250.00 8,000.00 20,600.00 42,050.00 36.600.10(1 GEN'EhAL FU14D COW'D. 423 Fire Control & Prevention 423.1 Administration - salary 423.5 Fire Alarm & Communication Telephone 1,200.00 Radios 1,200.00 Repair 100.00 423.6 Fire Fquip. & 8ldg Maintenance Carpet - Apartment 500.00 Building Repairs 1 ,000.00 Powor plant,, Fire Fguip., & Repair 2;0013:00 (Paint water tank) 423.9 Auxillary Service & Other Panel truck 3,228.65 Other 2,152.35 430 PHYSICAL ENVIROPMI E.NT & TRANSPGRTATION 431 Highway;,Streets & Roadways 431.1 Administration. Salary - Jordon 7,200.00 110 clerk 1,00b:00, '► extra 3,000.(0 431.2 li. 3. & R. Construction 431.21. Paved. Streets 7,000.00 431.22 Unpaved 1,000.00 431.25 Signs 200,00,' 438 Parks 431.31 H. S. & R. Maintenance 431.31 Paved Streets10,000.00 431.32 Unpaved " 667.00 431.4 Snow &. Ice Removal 1,31-P ;;treet Li f?ht .rit; 431.99 T; wipmcnt & Equip. Repair s Street Boller 2,500.00 ;;wao� or 3, �)flfl.l�l� 750.(10 S arld e r 800.00 Small Equipment 1 , 000.00 Equip. Repairs 1,500.00 Equip. Payments 1,550.00 Gas, Oil & Other 2,175.00 438.1 Administration Salary 500.00 Recreation Program 600.00 Other 400.00 438.2 Park Areas & Grounds -Maintenance 438.3 Park Areas & Grounds -Construction (Mandatory w/grants-BOR) 14ew Park Ground LM_.1 3,000.00 2,500.00 3.500.00 11,200.00 10,667.00 1,500.00 12 , 22 �1>-. 0n _ 1,500.00 200.00 18,177.00 2,500.00- 490 OTHER GOVERNMENTAL PURPOSES Contingent 490.1 Audit 11000.00 490.2 G.O. Bonds&Interest 2.725.00 4910.3 Contingent 31.631.92 14,381 .!`0 49,292.00 Carry ever 7,837.47 Est. Rev. 41,454.53 22.377.0 Grant 11,677.e0 City 6,500.00 1972 EY i"4:NDITLRE ACCOUNTS - WATF1iWU1K6 `ND 434 WATERWORKS 434.1 Administration 22,900.00 Salary Water Supt. 8040.00 Clerk 2,000.00 Asst. clerk 2,700.00 Machine Oper.-Jordon 2,400.00 Extra Labor 2,460.00 17,900.00 Office Supplies 2,000.00 Equipment 3,000.00 434.2 Supply - Pump Maintenance 2,500.00 434.3 Pumping - Power & Utility 5,500.00 434.5 Water Line Transmission & Distribution 48,000.00 Improvements 30,000.00 Repairs 3,000.00 Connections 15,000.00 434.6 Customer Account(Dep. refund) 300.00 434.7 Bonds & Bond interest 5,955.00 Bonds 5,000.00 Interest j ,` .:200.00 Whitaker"Ad. 255.00 Bond Sinking Furtd 500.00 434.8 Personal Benefits to Gen. Fund 2,500.00 (Employer share FICA, Gr. Ins., Retirement, Workmans Comp.) 434.99 Equipment, Equip. Pymts & Repair 6,500.00 Pick Up 3,000.00 Payment -Backhoe 1,600.00 Other Equip. & Repairs 1,900.00 433 Sanitation 104.90 (Xhc)r - Cori tJnf;tmt 13,200.00 102,117-')4 117,602,54