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1976 Estimated
CITY OF CHUSBUCK, IDAHO {� 1976 Estimated Revenue Chart GENERAL FUND Taxes - County 133,500.00 Intermountain Gas Franchise 5,500.00 Cable TV 400.00 Licenses - Alcoholic 2,562.50 " Business 500.00 " Bldg Permits 15,000.00 " Dog 1,600.00 Federal Revenue Sharing 44,280.00 State Grants -Law Enforcement 3,700.00 Court Revenue 15,000.00 SHARED REVENUES -Highway User's 50,000.00 " County Road & Bridge 4,000.00 " State Liquor Apprt 13,000.00 " County Liquor Apprt 91000.00 " Inventory Tax Phase Out 13,000.00 General Government -P & Z 250.00 General Government -Fire Protection 15,000.00 TCD Interest 5,000.00 Rent 1,470.00 Other 55,000.00 372,762.50 1975 Carry -Over 88,896.73 TOTAL GENERAL FUND BUDGET 461,659.23 WATERWORKS FUND Waterworks Department Water Sales Water Deposits Water Hook -Ups Waterworks Materials Waterworks TCD Interest & Other 1975 Carry-over Total Waterworks Budget Sanitation Department 1975 Carry-over Total Sanitation Budget Sewage Department Sewer Charge Sewer Hook -Ups Sewer Deposit & Other 1975 Carry-over Total Sewage Budget TOTAL WATERWORKS FUND BUDGET WATERWORKS STORAGE & TRANSMISSION FUND SEWAGE CONSTRUCTION 85,000.00 3,000.00 120,000.00 20,000.00 1,000.00 229,000.00 83,210.89 312,210.89 36,000.00 20,445.20 56,445.20 150,000.00 6,000.00 200.00 156,200.00 28,178.67 184,378.67 (86,530.00) -Sewer transfers 466,504,.76 250,000.00 25,238.09 SEWER REVENUE BOND & INTEREST FUND 69,700.00 1976 BUDGET - EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS - GENERAL FUND 410 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 411 Legislative Salaries AIC Dues P & Z General Other General 413 Executive Salary Other 415 Financial & Administration 415.1 Salary Office Supplies 415.3 Election 416 Legal Compensation Publication Other Legal Codification 419 Other General Government 419.1 Personal Benefits Retirement FICA 419.2 Printing 419.3 Insurance State Gen City Coverage Medical Other 419.4 Utilities Phone Lights Water -Sewer -DC Coal 419.5 City Building General city bldgs Outside yard Other Expense 461.659.23 Gen. F Carry-over= 88,896.73 FRS Carry-over (3,992.67) 102,750.00 4,800.00 750.00 200.00 500.00 2,400.00 On nn 6,000.00 000.00 -0- 7,500.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 22,500.00 12,000.00 10,500.00 500.00 33,500.00 7,000.00 10,500.00 15,000.00 1,000.00 2,600.00 900.00 900.00 400.00 400.00 8,000.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 6,250.00 2,900.00 10,000.00 16,500.00 420 LAW ENFORCEMENT AND PROTECTION 421.1 Salary & Administration 70,000.00 421.5 Records & Supplies 9,500.00 Supplies ---4,500.00 Clothing Allowance Animal Control 3260500.00 421.7 Care & Custody of Prisoners 4,000.00 422.2 Communications 3,850.00 Phone 1,500.00 Radio Dispatch 1,600.00 Radio & Repair 750.00 422.9 Equip. & Maintenance 14,400.00 Gasoline 5,000.00 Equipment 5,400.00 Repairs & Other 4,000.00 423 FIRE CONTROL AND PREVENTION 423.1 Administration & Salary 20,000.00 Carry-over Salary 5,000.00 Mill Levy Compensation 15,000.00 Revenue-Cnty-Fire D 423.5 Fire Alarm & Comm. 2,000.00 Telephone 1,500.00 Radio & Repair 500.00 423.6 Fire Equip & Bldq Maint 24,061.85 50,561.85 -0- 22,000.00 15,000.00 GENERAL FUND CONTINUED 424" BUILDING INSPECTION & INSPECTIONS Compensation -Salary 7,500.00 Dues & Supplies 500.00 Re-imburse on Bldg Permits 6,000.00 430 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT & TRANSPORTATION 431.1 Salary 431.2 HSR Construction Paved, Unpaved & Signs 431.3 HSR Maintenance Paved, Unpaved & Signs 431.4 Snow & Ice Removal 431.7 Equipment 431.8 Street Lighting St. Lights 12,000.00 Other 2,000.00 431.9 Other Equip. & Repairs _ Equipment Repairs 3,500 00 Gas, Oil & Other 2,000.00 432 ENGINEERING Salary 3,000.00 General City Engineering IZ,000.00 Other (Supplies & Adm.) 3,000.00 438 PARKS 438.1 Salary & Administration Salary Recreation -Baseball 438.2 Park Maintenance 438.3 Parks -Construction Well #1 Park Bi -Centennial Park Playground Equipment Backstops & Other 10,500.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 600.00 10,360.00 14,000.00 452 HEALTH & WELFARE 452.1 Ambulance 3,500.00 452.2 Civil Defense 452.3 Southeast Health Dist. 452.4 SEICCA-RSVP 1,000.6-0- 452.5 SICOG 700.00 Other 200.00 490 OTHER GOVERNMENTAL PURPOSES, CONTINGENT & OTHER 490.1 Audit 1,200.00 City Bldg & Property Bicentennial , `,l 76,960.00 Carry-over 12,440.75 I 18,000.00 7,755.00 65,782.38 1976 BUDGET - EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS - WATERWORKS, SANITATION AND SEWAGE FUNDS WATERWORKS, SANITATION AND SEWAGE FUNDS 434 WATERWORKS 434.1 433 436 434.2 434.3 434.5 434.6 434.7 434.8 434.9 434.90 SANITATION 433.1 433.3 433.8 433.9 433.90 SEWAGE FUND 435.1 Sewage Salary & Adminstration Salary 23,000.00 Supplies 1,500.00 Office Equip. & Maint. 11000.00 Treatment Customer Account Sewer Bond Reserve Fund Sewer Bond & Interest Fund Personal Benefits to Gen. Fund Employer Share -FICA _ 1,345.50 Employer Share -Ret. 1,610.00 Employer Share Gr. Ins. 1,650.00 Workmans Compensation 605.00 Equipment Insurance 275.00 Equipment & Maintenance Utilities Sewage -Other Gov't Administration FUND Administration & Salary Salary Office Supplies Equip. & Maintenance Supply - Pump Maintenance Pumping -Power & Utility 30,000.00 27,000.00 2,000.00 11000.00 Waterline Transmissions & Distrib,, Improvements 85,000.00 Repairs 5,000.00 Connections 100,000-nn- 00,000 nnCustomer CustomerAccounts 11000.00 Bonds & Interest Personal Benefits to Gen. Fund Employer Share -FICA 1,638.00 Employer Share -Ret. 1,890.00 Employer Share -Gr. Ins. 1,875.00 Workmans Compensation 945-00 Equipment Insurance 950.00 Equipments, Pymts & Repairs Backhoe Pymt 2,360.00 Other Equipment 91000.00 Gas, Repairs & Other 3,500.00 Waterworks -Other Gov't Adm. - GARBAGE DISPOSAL Sani.= Salary & Administration Salary 15,500.00 Office Supplies 1, 00.00 Equip. & Maintenance 11000.00 Landfill Disposal Personal Benefits to Gen. Fund Employer Share -FICA 900.00 Employer Share -Ret. 1,085.00 Employer Share -Gr. Ins. 1,200.00 Workmans Compensation 1,150.00 Equipment Insurance 500. UF Equipment, Pymts & Repairs Truck 12,800.00 Container & Wheels ,500.0 Other Equipment Repairs, Diesel & Other , 6,000.60 - Sanitation -Other Gov't Adm. 435.4 435.5 435.6 435.7 435.8 435.9 435.99 435.90 CONS 26,500.00 8,500.00 190,000.00 11 11 1 •: 11 14,860.00 34,552.89 17,700.00 2,400.00 4,835.00 22,400.00 9,110.20 25,500.00 15,000.00 500.00 16,830.00 69,700.00 5,210.50 2,000.00 1,500.00 48,138.17 IT( [ T- 466,504.76 312,210.89 Carry Over 83,210. FRS 56,445.20 Carry-over 20,445.20 184,378.62 Carry -Over REVEL SHARING BUDGET AND WORKSHEET -1976 ESTIMATED REVENUE: Carry Over - 1975 3,992.67 January 8, 1976 11,070.00 April 8, 1976 11,070.00 July 8, 1976 11,070.00 October, 1976 11,070.00 48,272.67 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 423 - Fire Control Trunk Payment 10,061.85 416 - Legal Codification of Ordinances 5,000.00 420 - Law Enforcement Equipment & Communication 5,455.82 430 - Highway, Streets & Roads Construction 10,000.00 438 - Parks Construction 10,000.00 452 - Health & Welfare Ambulance, Southeast Health Dist. Civil Defense, SICOG, SEICCA 7,755.00 TOTAL 48,272.67