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i `./ CITY OF CHUBBUCK 1985-86 FISCAL YEAR ESTIMATED REVENUE GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT 3110-010 Taxes 3110-000 General property Taxes Tort Claim -Liability 3160-000 Franchise Tax 3161-000 Intermountain Gas 3162-000 Group W Cable 3190-000 General Property Tax Interest 3200-000 License & Permits 3211-000 Alcoholic Beverage 3213-000 Business License 3220-000 Non -Business License & Permits 3221-000 Building Permits 3222-f100 Water -Sewer Permits 322.3-000 Dog License & Impound 3320-000 Federal Revenue Sharing 3340-000 State Grant 3346-000 Cotant Park 3350-000 State Shared Revenues 3351-000 Liquor Fund Apportionment 3352-000 Highway User's Revenue 3354-000 Court Revenue 3355-000 Inventory Phase -Out -Sales Tax 3357-000 Sales Tax 3380-000 Local Shared Revenue 3381-000 Road & Bridge 3410-000 Service Charges 3411-000 Subdivision Fees 3412-000 Zoning, Conditional & Variance 3420-000 Protection Services -Fires 3501-000 Parks Recreation Programs 3700-000 Miscellaneous Revenues 3710-000 Interest Earnings 3790-000 Sundry (Miscellaneous Revenues) 3900-000 Sale of Lands 3990-000 Other -New Property Total General Fund Revenue 1984-85 General Fund Balance Total General Fund Budget 496,409.00 30,394.00 20,000.00 10,800.00 6,000.00 6,500.00 3,000.00 18,000.00 150.00 7,500.00 83,605.00 15,000.00 20,500.00 187,000.00 35,000.00 7,500.00 95,000.00 25,600.00 350.00 500.00 53,000.00 11,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 _ 300,000.00 10,000.00 1,477,808.00 205 ,756.00 1,683,564.00 1985-86 FISCAL-�UDGET - EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS - AtNERAL FUND GENERAL FUND 4100-000 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 4110-000 Legislative 4111-110 Salaries 4112-470 Travel, Meeting, Other 4112-480 AIC Dues 4112-693 Land Use Compensation 4130-000 Executive 4131-110 Salary 4132-470 Travel, Meetings & Other 4150-000 Financial 4151-110 Salaries 4152-310 Office, Supplies & Adm. 4153-310 Elections & Supplies 4160-000 Legal 4160-420 Service 4160-440 Pub., Records 4160-690 Codification 4190-000 Other General Government 4191-000 Personnal Benefits 4191-210 FICA 4191-220 Retirement 4191-290 FUCA 4192-000 Printing 4193-000 Insurance 4193-240 Workman's Compensation 4193-250 Medical Ins. (FRS --$11,800.00) 4193-460 General Insurance 4194-000 Utilities 4194-510 Telephone 4194-520 Electric 4194-521 SN/WW/SW Utilities 4194-522 Coal 1,683,564.00 Gen. Fund Balance 205,756.0 Estimated Revenue 1,394,203.00 FRS Est. Revenue 83,6n5.0n FRS Fund Balance -0- FRS Budgeted 24,743.00 19,270.00 14,40n.00 1,500.00 2,620.On 750.00 8,400.00 500.00 6,327.00 2,500.00 550.00 16,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 72,689.00 35,000.00 34,189.00 3,500.00 inn nn 113,611.00 5,000.00 61,611.00 47,000.00 15,000.0.0 10,000.00 3,500.00 850.00 650.00 4195-000 Municipal Bldg. Supply & Adm. 28,443.00 4195-500 Custodial Cleaning 3,500.00 4195-600 Bldg. Maint. & Rep. 10,000.00 4195-601 Outside Yard 11000.00 4195-602 Other Expense 11000.00 4195-603 Building Payment (FRS -$12,943.00)-12,943,00 8.900.nn 9,377.0 20.000.00 230,243.00 287 ,790.00 GENERAL FUND CONTINUED - P)*. 2 4200-000 LAW ENFORCEMENT 4211-110 Salaries (CGR. Transfer $21,878.00) 4215-000 Administration 4215-310 Records & Supplies 4215-320 Clothing Allowance 4215-330 Equipment, Misc. 4215-340 Office Equip. & Maint. 4215-420 Legal 4215-470 Meeting, School & Etc. 4215-631 Animal Control 4217-632 Care & Custody Prisoners 4222-000 Communications 4222-510 Telephone 4222-610 Radio & Repair 4222-633 Radio Dispatch 4223-320 Crime Prevention 4224-320 Safety 4229-000 Equipment, Bldg. Maintenance 4229-350 Gasoline 4229-600 Building Maintenance 4229-610 Equipment, Repair and Other (Inc. CGR Transfer -$12,690.00) 4229-750 Equipment 4229-752 Building Payment (FRS -$11,646.00) 4230-000 FIRE CONTROL & PREVENTION 4231-000 Salary & Compensation 4231-110 Salaries (Inc. CGR Tranfer $2,430.00 4231-692 Compensation 4235-000 Alarm & Communication 4235-510 Telephone 4235-610 Radio & Repair 4236-000 Equipment, Bldg. & Main. 4236-600 Building Maintenance 4236-610 Equipment 4236-620 Equipment Maintenance (Inc. CGR $1,410.00) 4236-720 Building Addition 4236-750 Truck Payment (FRS $27,216.00) 4239-000 Auxiliary, Utility R! Other 4239-320 Uniform & Auxiliary Equip. 4239-470 School, Etc. 4239-490 Other 4239-520 Utilities 4239-770 Capital Improvement Fund 4239-900 Fund Balance u FRS Budgeted 11,646.00 278,000.00 59,000.00" 8,500.00 6, 000.'00 2,000.00 17,500.00 15,000.00 6,000.00 4,000.00 10,000.00 34,400.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 14,400.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 60,440.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 12,500.00 12,940.00 1985 Fund Balance 105,000.00 Mill Levy 56,727.00. Fire Prot. Rev. 53,010.00 FRS Budgeted 27,216.00 22,800.00 30,000.00 3,000.00 9,000.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 100,000.00 31,643.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 -0- 52,800.00 12,000.00 149,643.00 27,500.00 445,840.00 241,943.00 -GENERAL FUND CONTINUED PAGE 3 '4240-000 BUILDING INSP & OTHER INSPECTIONS 4240-110 Salary 4240-310 Supplies 4240-380 Schools, Training 4240-480 Dues 4240-610 Equipment & Maint. 4300-000 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT & TRANSPORTATION (Highway, Streets and Roads) 4311-110 Salaries (Inc. CGR. Transfer $9,725.00) 4312-730 Construction -Paved -Unpaved 4313-370 Maintenance -Paved -Unpaved 4314-370 Snow & Ice 4316-000 Equip., Repairs & Maintenance 4316-350 Gas & Oil, Etc. 4316-610 Equipment & Repairs (Inc. CGR Transfer - $5,640.00) 4317-750 Equipment 4318-000 Street Lighting 4318-530 Street Lights 4318-531 Other Lights & Repairs 4319-000 Other Gov't Adm. 4319-690 Metropolitan Planning 4319-770 Capital Improvements Fund 4311-200 Personnal Benefit Transfer FICA - $1,441.00 Retire - 1,589.00 Workman Comp - 5,900.00 Med. Ins. - 1,998.00 4320-000 ENGINEERING 4320-110 Salaries 4320-310 Supplies & Administration 4320-610 Repair & Maintenance 4320-690 Service - General u 11,788.00 500.00 750.00 100.00 _ 300.00 1985 Fund Balance -0- Highway Users Rev 187,001.00 Road & Bridge Rev 25,600.00 Mill Levy 25,309.00 27,741.00 55,120.00 55,820.00 2,500.00 24,000.00 6,000.00 18,000.00 15,000.00 35,000.00 30,000.00 5,000.00 11,800.00 1,800.00 10,000.00 10,928.00 5,920.00 1.500.00 1.500.00 400.00 13,438.00 237,909.00 9,320.00 GENERAL FUND CONTINUED 7 PAGE�4 M 4380-000 PARKS 112,850.00 4381-000 Salaries & Adm. 19,850.00 4381-110 Salaries - Recreation 4,000.00 4381-320 Recreation - LL Baseball 11,000.00 4381-321 Other Recreation Adm. 100.00 4381-322 Recreation - Girls Softball 11000.00 4381-323 Recreation - Tee Ball 1,750.00 4381-324 Recreation - Pony League 11000.00 4381-325 Cont. Fund 11000.00 4382-000 Park Maintenance 45,500.00 4382-110 Salaries 26,000.00 4382-370 Ground Maintenance 7,500:00 4382-610 Equipment & Maint. 12,000.00 4383-000 Park Construction & Other 47,500.00 4383-390 Chubbuck Days 1,500.00 4383-391 Chubbuck Pride 250.00 4383-730 Const. Equipment & Materials 750.00 4383-731 Const. - General Park Improve. 15,000.00 4383-732 Cotant Park 30,000.00 4520-000 HEALTH & WELFARE 6,005.00 4522-690 Defense 100.00 4524-690 SEICCA - RSVP - Transit Bus 5,905,00 4900-000 OTHER GEN GOVT ADM. 328,469.00 FRS BUDGETED 20,00.00 4901-420 Audit 2,50.00 4402-710 City Buildings and Property 200,000.00 4902-720 City Building Payment (FRS - $20,00.00) 20,000.00 4903-690 Appraisels, Other, Etc. 500.10 4904-900 Fund Balance 105,469.00 u CITY OF CHUBBUCK 1985-86 FISCAL YEAR ESTIMATED REVENUE ENTERPRISE FUNDS ANITATION, WATER AND SEWER FUND ACCOUNTS - CENTRAL GARAGE 3450-000 Sanitation Revenue 3451-000 Garbage & Refuse Account 3453-000 Sanitation Bag Revenue Total Sanitation Revenue 1985 Fund Balance Total Sanitation Budget 3460-000 Water Revenue Account 3462-000 Water Sales - Meter & Unmetered 3465-000 WW TCD Interest 3466-000 WW Hook-up & Connection Fee 3467-000 WW Misc. - Fire Line Fee, Etc. 3468-000 WW Capital Imp. & Annex. Revenue 3469-000 WW Deposits & Other Revenue Total Waterworks Revenue Water 1985 Fund Balance 23,312.00 Total Waterworks Budget 3470-000 Sewer Revenue Account 3471-000 Sewer Service Revenue 3472-000 Hook-up Fee 3479-000 Other - Sewer Inspections 48,178.00 Total Sewer Revenue 68,400.00 1985 Fund Balance Bond Reserve Fund Total Sewer Budget 7,000.00 Total Sanitation, Water & Sewer 199,500.00 _ 600.00 255,000.00 30,000.00 7,000.00 1,650.00 5,000.00 16,000.00 285,000.00 30,000.00 100.00 3480-000 Central Garage Internal Service Fund 3481-000 Garage Service 76,818.00 Total Central Garage Rev. 1985 Fund Balance Total Central Garage Fund 200,100.00 149,599.00 349,699.00 314,650.00 200,210.00 514,860.00 315,100.00 45,215.00 360,315.00 1,224,874.00 76,818.00 -0- 76,818.00 BOND, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, RESERVE FUND ACCOUNTS - TRANSFER & ASSESSMENT FUNDS Fund Estimated Estimated Balance Revenue Expenditures Water Revenue Bond & Interest Fund 23,312.00 21,448.00 20,663.00 Water Bond Reserve Fund 45,320.00 3,500.00 -0- Sewer Revenue Bond & Interest Fund 48,178.00 69,850.00 68,400.00 Sewer Bond Reserve Fund 77,295.00 7,000.00 7,500.00 Local Improvement District #1 7,900.00 11,447.18 11,785.00 Sewer System Repair & Replacement Fund 75,605.11 12,500.00 -0- 0 -V4 -L,...,.. /`__44_1 T..,.._.__.._.__- U 4 - L,..,, - I^� �^A - BUDGET - EXPENDITUN./ACCOUNTS - WATERWORKS, SANITATI.-t AND SEWAGE FUNDS INTERNAL CENTRAL GARAGE 1,301,692.00 WATERWORKS, SANITATION AND SEWAGE FUND CENTRAL GARAGE - 30 349,699.00 4430-000 SANITATION 1985 Fund Balance 149,599.00 Estimated Revenue 200,100.00 4331-000 Salaries & Adm. 132,749.00 4331-110 Salaries 90,749.00 (Inc. CGR Transfer $4,862.00) 4331-310 Office Supplies 6,000.00 4331-340 Office Equip. & Main. 6,000.00 4331-350 Sanitation Bags 30,000.00 4333-000 Landfill 40.00 4337-000 Personnal Ben. Costs 38,583.00 4337-210 Employer Share - FICA 7,259.00 4337-220 Employer Share - Retirement 8,004.00 4337-240 Workman's Compensation 8,000.00 4337-250 Employer Medical Insurance 11,320.00 4337-460 Equip. & Liability Insurance 4,000.00 4338-000 Equipment, Pymt. & Repairs 39,000.00 4338-350 Diesel & Fuels 6,000.00 4338-610 Equip., Repairs & Main. 15,000.00 (Inc. CGR Transfers - $2,820.00) 4338-750 Equipment & Machinery 18,000.00 4339-000 Other Gov't Administration 139,327.00 4339-720 Building Payment (Shop) 50,000.00 4339-990 1985 Fund Balance 89,327.00 4340-000 WATERWORKS FUND 514,860.00 1985 Fund Balance 200,210.00 Estimated Revenue 314,650.00 4341-000 Salaries & Admistration 143,601.00 4341-100 Salaries 131',101.00 (Inc. CGR Transfer $4,862.00) 4341-310 Office Supplies 4,000.00 4341-340 Office Equip. &Main. 8,500.00 4341-620 Pumping Supply & Maintenance 25,000.00 4343-520 Pumping Power & Utility 35,000.00 4344-812 Bonds & Interest Retirement Bond 20,662.00 4345-000 Waterline Transmission -Dist. 135,000.00 4345-380 Waterline Repairs 25,000.00 4345-730 Waterline Improvements 75,000.00 4345-731 Waterline Connections 35,000.00 4346-694 Customer Accounts (Inc. Fire Line) 3,000.00 4347-000 Personnal Ben. Costs. 46,151.00 4347-210 Employer Share - FICA 10,488.00 4347-220 Employer Share - Retirement 11,563.00 4347-240 Workman's Compensation 7,000.00 4347-250 Employee Medical Insurance 13,100.00 4347-460 Equipment & Liability Insurance 4,000.00 4348-000 Equipment, Payments & Repairs 60,500.00 4348-350 Gas & Fuels 3,500.00 4348-610 Equip., :repairs & Maint. 12,000.00 (Inc. CGR Transfer $2,820.00) 4348-750 Equipment & Machinery 45,000.00 4349-000 Other Gov't Adm. 45,906.00 4349-720 Building Payment 21,500.00 431-9-770 Capital Improvement Fund 10,000.00 4349-990 1985 Fund Balance 14.446_nO WATERWORKS, SANITATION AND *S -&AGE FUNDS CONTINUED - PAGE 2 ../ 4350-000 SEWAGE FUND 1985 Fund Balance 45,215.00. 360,315.00 4700-000 CENTRAL GARAGE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND 76,818.00 4700-000 Salaries & Adm. 4700-110 Salaries 4700-310 Supplies (Grease, Oil, Etc.) 47000-000 Utilities 4700-510 Telephone 4700-520 Lights 4700-522 Heat, Gas 4700-600 Building Maintenance 4700-610 Small Equip., Tools 1985 Fund Balance -0- Estimated Revenue 76,818.00 55,618.00 48,618.00 7,000.00 5,200.00 500.00 1,200.00 3,500.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 -Estimated Revenue 315,100.00 4351-000 Salaries & Administration 62,864.00 4351-110 Salaries 45,864.00 (Inc. CGR Transfer $4,862.00) 4351-310 Supplies 7,000.00 4351-340 Office Equip. & Maintenance 10,000.00 4353-000 Personnal Ben. Cost 27,393.00 4353-210 Employer Share - FICA 5,029.00 4353-220 Employer Share - Retirement 5,544.00 4353-240 Workman's Compensation 8,000.00 4353-250 Employee Medical Insurance 4,820.00 4353-460 Equipment & Liability Insurance 4,000.00 4354-691 Treatment 85,000.00 4355-694 Customer Accounts 300.00 4356-000 Pumping, Equipment & Utility 68,000.00 4356-380 Transmission -Construction -Main. 33,000.00 4356-520 Utilities 10,000.00 4356-620 Pumping & Maintenance 25,000.00 4357-812 Bond & Interest Retirement Fund 68,400.00 4358-350 Equip., Repairs & Maintenance 22,000.00 4358-350 Gas & Fuels 2,000.00 4358-610 Equipment & Maintenance 10,000.00 (Inc. CGR Transfer $2,820.00) 4358-750 Equipment & Machinery 10,000.00 4359-000 Other Gov't Administration 26,358.00 4358-900 1985 Fund Balance - Transfer Fund 26,358.00 360,315.00 4700-000 CENTRAL GARAGE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND 76,818.00 4700-000 Salaries & Adm. 4700-110 Salaries 4700-310 Supplies (Grease, Oil, Etc.) 47000-000 Utilities 4700-510 Telephone 4700-520 Lights 4700-522 Heat, Gas 4700-600 Building Maintenance 4700-610 Small Equip., Tools 1985 Fund Balance -0- Estimated Revenue 76,818.00 55,618.00 48,618.00 7,000.00 5,200.00 500.00 1,200.00 3,500.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 ACTUAL 1985 FUND BALANCES ENERAL FUND 19.83-84 Carry-over 1985 Revenue Less 1985 Expenditures 1985 Fund Balance WATERWORKS FUND SANITATION FUND 1983-84 Carry-over 1985 Revenue 1985 Expenditures 1985 Fund Balance 1983-84 Carry-over 1985 Revenue 1985 Expenditures 1985 Fund Balance $ 262,253.05 1,212,683.80 1,397,506.66 $ 77,430.19 $ 267,001.00 375,264.73 369,421.57 $ 272,844.16 $ 180,724.13 198,050.45 246,605.98 fi Inn Icn cn SEWER FUND 1983-84 Carry-over $ 98,805.78 1985 Revenue 276,536.19 1985 Expenditures 368,433.60 1985 Fund Balance $ 6,908.37 TOTAL FUND BALANCE $ 385,301.13 CENTRAL GARAGE 1983-84 Carry-over $ -46,154.99 1985 Revenue 86,285.00 1985 Expenditures 66,750.01 1985 Fund Balance $ -26,620.00 HIGHWAY, STREETS, AND ROADS DED. 1983-84 Carry-over $ 82,424.99 1985 Revenue 200,333.96 1985 Expenditures 259,945.38 1985 Fund Balance $ 22,812.57 FIRE CONTROL DEDICATED 1983-84 Carry-over $ 86,686.71 1985 Revenue 123,650.00 1985 Expenditures 149,319.57 1985 Fund Balance $ 61,017.14 2vt.s�u fin. �v�s -6 �" u Q Zana LAA svj y