HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000U 1./ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 (FY2000) CITY OF CHUBBUCK A public hearing, pursuant to Idaho Code 50-1002, will be held for consideration of the proposed budget for the fiscal year from October 1, 1999, to September 30, 2000. The hearing will be held at Chubbuck City Council Chambers, 5160 Yellowstone Ave., Chubbuck, Idaho at 7:30 p.m. on August 24th, 1999. All interested persons are invited to appear and show cause, if any, why such budget should or should not be adopted. Copies of the proposed City Budget in detail are available at Chubbuck City Hall during regular office hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays). City hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. Anyone desiring accommodations for disabilities related to the budget documents or to the hearing please contact the City Clerk's Office, 237-2400 at least 48 hours prior to the public hearing. The proposed FY2000 budget is shown below as FY2000 proposed expenditures and revenues. PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FY98 FY99 FY2000 Actual Budget Proposed Fund Name Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures General Fund 570,907. $ 776,625. $ 845,625. Water Fund $ 990,406. Police Dept. $ 1,413,230. $ 1,557,720. $ 1,679,540. Fire Depart $ $ 379,266. $ 424,439. $ 491,148. Parks & Rec. $ 266,926. $ 269,535. $ 319,471. General and Administration$ 242,154. $ 257,178. $ 253,300. Chubbuck Dev Authority $ 62,403. $ 980,000. $ 940,600. General Fund $ 2,363,979. $ 3,488,872. $ 3,684,059. Street Fund $ 501,708. $ 582,496. $ 552,496. Sewer Fund $ 570,907. $ 776,625. $ 845,625. Water Fund $ 990,406. $1,096,183. $1,157,018. Sanitation Fund$ 607,914. $ 600,000. $ 625,000. Central Garage Fund Transfer $ 24,412. $ 27,726. $ 34,150. Special Revenue Funds $ 600. $ 5,000. $ 5,000. Grand Total $5,059,926. $ 6,576,902. $ 6,903,348. 14� PAGE 2 - PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PROPOSED REVENUE FY98 FY99 FY2000 Actual Budget Proposed Revenues Revenues Revenues Property Tax Levy Police Dept. $ 648,226. $ 771,157. $ 821,486. General Fund $ 367,549. $ 359,096. $ 381,404. Fire Control $ 274,547. $ 249,749. $ 264,051. Fire Station 585,558. $ 600,000. $ 625,000. Central Garage Bond $ 55,415. $ 55,415. $ 53,070. Highway, Streets $ 114,546. $ 114,496. $ 114,496. Tort Claim Ins. $ 34,896. $ 34,896. $ 34,896. Total Property Tax Levy $ 1,495,129. $1,584,809. $ 1,669,403. Revenue sources other than property taxes General Fund $ 901,521. $ 2,185,055. $ 2,129,152. Streets Fund $ 532,095. $ 301,504. $ 438,000. Sewer Fund $ 654,059. $ 776,625. $ 845,625. Water Fund $ 930,955. $ 1,096,183. $ 1,157,018. Sanitation Fund $ 585,558. $ 600,000. $ 625,000. Central Garage $ 23,575. $ 27,726. $ 34,150. Special Revenue Funds $ 7,500. $ 5,000. $ 5,000. Grand Totals All Funds $ 5,130,392. $ 6,576,902. $ 6,903,348. The proposed expenditures and revenues for fiscal year 1999-2000 have been tentatively approved by the City Council and entered in detail in the Journal of Proceedings. Citizens are invited to attend the budget hearing August 24th., 1999, 7:30 p.m. Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk Treasurer Please publish 2 times: August 16th., 1998 and August 23rd, 1999. a Mi. Ug /G Chubbuck Police Department 07/25/00 Budget Spreadsheet October 2000 through September 2001 Ordinary Income/Expense Expense 211-110 - Wages Salaries Benefits Oct '00 -Sep '01 1,098,401.00 322,000.00 Total 211-110 • Wages 1,420,401.00 215-310 - Office supplies Fingerprint Ink Pads/(4)@25.00 100.00 General Office Supplies 2,320.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 Pay Vouchers 220.00 Postage 1,560.00 UPS Charges 400.00 Total 215-310 • Office supplies 4,700.00 215-311 - Forms & Citations Warning Cards 290.00 Parking Violations 850.00 Animal Violations (1000) 250.00 Business Cards Blanks 520.00 Business Cards Printing 225.00 Citations 800.00 JVR Books -Check 500.00 Misc Forms 200.00 Orange Violation Stickers(1000) 150.00 Parking Permits 425.00 Private Property Insurance 125.00 Total 215-311 • Forms & Citations 4,335.00 215-313 • Photo Processing 500.00 215-314 • Film Purchase Misc 200.00 35mm (300) rolls@ $2.25 each 675.00 Detective Audio tapes 60.00 Head Cleaning Tapes (4) @30.00e 120.00 Micro Tapes (100 @ $1.00 each) 100.00 Patrol Video tapes (750 @ $3.25) 2,437.00 Polaroid Film 10db1/pks@25.00ea 250.00 Slide Film 50.00 Spectra Film (4) dbl/pks@28.00 112.00 Total 215-314 - Film Purchase 4,004.00 Page 1 M Chubbuck Police Department 07/25/00 Budget Spreadsheet October 2000 through September 2001 215-331 • Firearms Oct '00 - Sep '01 215-315 • Paper Copy 100.00 NU-Kote Fujitzu2100/2200 Ribbon ((6) @ $10.0... 60.00 Ink Cart18@30.00color&b/w (hp855-722-820-85... 540.00 Copy Paper (32) cases @27.00ea 864.00 HP 98A EP -E(12) @ $60.00 each 720.00 HP IIP/IIIP EP -L 75A ReCharg ((Det) 5 @ $43.00) 215.00 HP111/95A Printer Carts/5@43.00 258.00 Misc Ribbon/Supplies 300.00 Printer900 4 color@160/4b/w@110 600.00 TWX Paper (9) cases @70.00 each 630.00 Brother VSA Printer Cart (1) 60.00 Total 215-315 • Paper Copy 4,247.00 215-331 • Firearms Misc. 100.00 (3) Glock Model 22 w/sights/3ma (@$425.00 ea... 1,275.00 .223 Duty Ammo (4) @ $560.00ea 2,240.00 .223 Practice Ammo(5)@$155.00ea 775.00 .308 Fed Match Ammo 1@(500) rds 285.00 12 GA Bean Bag Rds (40)@$6.50ea 260.00 12 Gage00/2ca250rds 2@$100.00ea 200.00 12 gage slug (2)@$100.00ea 200.00 2 Glock 15 round mags@$20.00ea 40.00 2 Rugermini14/ 223 Cal Rifle (@$500.00ea) 1,000.00 4 30 round magazines for M-16 (@$20.00ea) 80.00 .40 Cal. Duty Ammo(8)@$300.00ea 2,400.00 .40 Cal. Practice Ammo(16)@ ($160.00ea) 2,400.00 9mm Duty Ammo(3)@$300.00ea 900.00 9mm Practice Ammo 625.00 B-21XPH Qualifaction Targets(1) (@$100.00) 100.00 Cleaning Supplies (as needed) 100.00 Gravity -Turning Target Operator ((2)@$330.00e... 660.00 Gun Repairs/Cleaning as needed 350.00 Non Standard Ammo as needed 200.00 Range FeesNearly 500.00 Remmington 870 Shotgun(1) (@$375.00) 375.00 TQ-19TrainingTargets(1)@$100.00 (ea) 100.00 Total 215-331 • Firearms 15,165.00 215-332 • S.R.T. Equipment Misc. 100.00 12 Ga TKO (10)@ $5.50 ea 55.00 12 Gage Flashbang (10) @$5.50ea 69.00 12 Gage Rubber Fin Proj (10) (@$5.70 ea) 57.00 12 gage Rubber Pellet Proj (10) (@$5.90ea) 59.00 Ballistic Entry Vest (1) 1,250.00 BDU Clothing (6)each Trouser/ (Shirts/Jackets) 400.00 Def Tec # 40-14 oc Barricade(3) (@$28.00ea) 84.00 Def Tec #12 Heavy Barricade (2) (@$22.00ea) 44.00 Def Tec #19 Multi Proj Smoke(2) (@$22.00ea) 44.00 Def Tec #3 White Smoke (2) (@$31.00ea) 62.00 Def Tec 27B Stinger (4) (@$27.00ea) 108.00 Page 2 Chubbuck Police Department 07/25/00 Budget Spreadsheet October 2000 through September 2001 Def Tec T-16 OC Grenade (2) (@$41.00ea) Laser Range Finder & S/C (1) (@$350.00ea) Silencer for MP -5 (1) (@$450.00ea) Smoke & Flashbang (24) cases @ ($18.75ea) Tactical Headset (1) @ $600.00e Oct '00 - Sep '01 82.00 350.00 450.00 625.00 600.00 Total 215-332 - S.R.T. Equipment 4,439.00 215-333 - Patrol New Purchase Misc. Items 600.00 Video Camera Upgrade 1,000.00 35 mm Cameras 3 @ $35.00 ea 105.00 Bottles ASIII Solution (Alco -Sensor) 96.00 Bullet Proof Vests 3 @$425.00ea 1,275.00 Citation Holders (2) @ $30.00ea 60.00 Fire Exting & Mounts (1) 69.00 Flares (1) case 127.00 Flashlight (2) 220.00 Handcuffs (2) Sets 80.00 Idaho Code Books 815.00 Center Rotator (3) @ $266.00ea 800.00 Moving Radar (1) 2,300.00 Nik Test Kits (9) @ $25.00 ea 225.00 Nylon Replacement Gear (6) (@ $250.00ea) 1,500.00 Overhead Light replacements (6) (@ $50.00ea) 300.00 Pepper Spray (5) @ $30.00ea 150.00 Pocket Recorders (4) @$32.50ea 130.00 Recharge Fire Exting (16) (@ $24.00ea) 384.00 Rollo Tapes (2) @$55.00ea 110.00 Slim Jim Kits (4) @$17.00ea 68.00 Solonoids for gun locks (3) (@ $30.00ea) 90.00 Spikes (3) @$543.00ea 1,630.00 Video Camera for car (1) 4,000.00 Total 215-333 - Patrol New Purchase 16,134.00 215-334 - Patrol Equipment Repair Misc. 100.00 Radar Repair/Recertifying 900.00 Video Camera Repairs/Cleaning 1,400.00 Total 215-334 - Patrol Equipment Repair 2,400.00 215-335 - Detective Camera Replacement 465.00 Acetone (1) 8.00 Algenate 50.00 Body wire (1) 1,300.00 Dental Stone 50.00 Disposable Lab Clothing 250.00 Drug Test Kits 350.00 Duel Durface Powders 150.00 Evidence Containers 75.00 Flashlight 120.00 Hinge Lifters 250.00 Page 3 Chubbuck Police Department 07/25/00 Budget Spreadsheet October 2000 through September 2001 Page 4 Oct '00 - Sep '01 Magnetic Powder Misc. 30.00 Physical Developer 100.00 Respirators & Filters/Chem Test 52.00 Superglue 50.00 Zephyr brushes (3) (@ $26.00ea) 15.00 78.00 Total 215-335 - Detective 3,393.00 215-336 • Evidence Supplies Misc. 100.00 Electronic Scales 400.00 Supplies 450.00 Total 215-336 - Evidence Supplies 950.00 215-339 • Office Equip New Misc. (2) Office Chairs @ $225.O0ea 100.00 Chair Mats 450.00 Replacement Desk 375.00 File Cabinets (2) 400.00 Securtiy Cameras 600.00 2,500.00 Total 215-339 - Office Equip New 4,425.00 215-340 • Office Equipment & Repair New Printer #1 400.00 New Printer #2 500.00 Copy Machine Maint. Contract 1,017.00 Dictaphone Maint. Contract 885.00 Executone Maint./Voice Contract 1,874.00 Fax Maintenance Contract 430.00 HPIII/Brother Printer Contrats Repairs 400.00 1,000.00 Total 215-340. Office Equipment & Repair 6,506.00 215-341 - Computer Purchase Excel Program 175.00 Software Microsoft Office/2 QB 600.00 Magnetic Media 900.00 Server Upgrade 3,000.00 Novel Upgrade 1,500.00 Replacement of Monitors CPU Etc 6,000.00 Wiring Connections/Thin Net 400.00 Total 215-341 - Computer Purchase 12,575.00 215-342 - Computer Repair CD Rom 250.00 Hard Drive Key Board Replacement 500.00 Repairs 200.00 1,000.00 Total 215-342 • Computer Repair 1,950.00 Page 4 Chubbuck Police Department 07/25/00 Budget Spreadsheet October 2000 through September 2001 Page 5 Oct '00 - Sep '01 215-345 • Computer Contracts Spillman Mobile 15,000.00 Scanning Program Contract 5,500.00 G.R.E.A.T. Contract 250.00 Total 215-345 - Computer Contracts 20,750.00 215-370 - Meetings & Schools Misc 20,930.00 Subscriptions 570.00 Total 215-370 • Meetings & Schools 21,500.00 215-422 - Court 15,722.00 215-460 • Insurance 6,745.00 215-602 • Misc Fingerprint fees to State 1,300.00 Keys made for department 175.00 Misc 100.00 Recharge Fire Extg for Bldg. 200.00 Saftey Awards 1,500.00 Saftey Deposit Box 50.00 Saftey Glasses/Ins Difference 200.00 Towing Vehicles 300.00 Total 215-602 • Misc 3,825.00 215-650 - Animal Shelter Outside Kennel 1,600.00 Floor Tile 1,100.00 Misc. 100.00 Bleach 500.00 Brooms 35.00 Carbon Monoxide Gas (1) cyl 134.00 Cat Food 250.00 Ceiling Fan 400.00 Collars/leashes/dog dishes 100.00 Cylinder Rental Fee 62.00 Dog Food 300.00 Dog Tags 150.00 Euth Sirum 150.00 Garbage Bags (3) Boxes 150.00 Hoses (2) 100.00 Hotsy Maint. 500.00 Idaho Power 20% 600.00 Kennel Maint. 400.00 Kitty Litter 400.00 Light Bulb Replacement (Shelter Maint.) 125.00 Natural Gas 35% 1,890.00 Paint Maint. for Floor 500.00 Sanitation Charges 144.00 Page 5 Chubbuck Police Department 07/25/00 Budget Spreadsheet October 2000 through September 2001 Skylight Maint. Sops/lotion/rubber gloves/scou Total 215-650 - Animal Shelter 215-652 - Blood Alcohol 215-653 - Medical/Hospital Hearing Tests Medical Exams Misc Phychological Pre -Employment Screening (drug) Total 215-653 • Medical/Hospital 215-761 - Clothing Allowance Uniform Cleaning PSA Clothing Coveralls (4) Hat's/T-Shirts Misc. Uniforms/Clothing/Boots/Shoes Patches, Badges, Emblems Total 215-761 - Clothing Allowance 222-510 - Telephone/Repair/Communications Laptop Fee's Host Idaho Internet Access 237-2400 Cell Phones + C.O.P. (2) Howard Mtn. Repeater Charge Long Distance McLeod Total 222-510 • Telephone/Repair/Communications 222-630 - Radio/Repair Misc. Car & Portable Changing Equip, in cars Total 222-630 • Radio/Repair 222-631 - General Electrical (Repair/Light) 222-632 - Radio New Equipment Misc. (3) Portable Radio/Replacements Total 222-632 - Radio New Equipment Oct '00 - Sep '01 100.00 55.00 9,845.00 300.00 150.00 200.00 200.00 500.00 150.00 1,200.00 1.00 1,250.00 200.00 400.00 300.00 9,155.00 850.00 12,156.00 3,600.00 1,200.00 6,100.00 3,100.00 600.00 1,600.00 16,200.00 100.00 4,700.00 3,500.00 8,300.00 200.00 500.00 7,000.00 7,500.00 Page 6 Chubbuck Police Department 07/25/00 Budget Spreadsheet October 2000 through September 2001 Page 7 Oct '00 - Sep '01 222-633 • Batteries Misc. 100.00 9 volt (30)x9@$150.00ea 405.00 AA (2)cases of 144@.40cents ea/ ($57.60ea) 115.00 AAA (6) 4/pks @$6.00ea 36.00 Battery Packs for video Cameras (2@ $50.00) 100.00 CellPhone Batteries(6)@$40.00ea 240.00 Flashlight Batteries 29@$5.00ea 145.00 Kenwood Portables4@$75.00ea 250.00 KPC Portables 6@$120.00ea 300.00 PCS Portables 6@ $85.00ea 540.00 Surefire 12@ $20.00ea 240.00 Transmitter Batteries 175.00 Uniden Portables(6)@$50.00ea 275.00 Waffers for videos & 35mm (6) @ ($4.00ea) 100.00 Total 222-633 • Batteries 3,021.00 222-634 - Dispatch Misc. 100.00 Headsets (7) 1,800.00 Notary 600.00 Radio Maint. & Repair 4,000.00 Total 222-634 - Dispatch 6,500.00 222-635 - Teletype Access 4,400.00 223-203 • Community Policing (A) Crime Prevention/Mall Phone 1,200.00 (B) Explorer Program 800.00 (C) D.A.R.E. Program 350.00 (D) Bike Patrol 1,200.00 (E) Gang Intervention 100.00 (F) Community Policing/ExtGran 3,279.00 (G) Juvenile Grant 3,396.00 (1) Gang Grant 99-00 Carryover 18 500.00 (J) Alcohol Grant 3,500.00 (K) Seat Belt Grant 1,700.00 (L) Vest Grant 3,000.00 Total 223-203 - Community Policing 37,025.00 229-350 - Fuels & Lube Gas 21,000.00 Oil Changes 2,100.00 Total 229-350 - Fuels & Lube 23,100.00 229-502 • Custodial Supplies 510.00 229-520 - Electric/Maint. 18% 1,680.00 229-522 • Natural Gas 31% 878.00 229-523 - Carpentry 2,000.00 Page 7 Chubbuck Police Department 07/25/00 Budget Spreadsheet October 2000 through September 2001 Oct '00 - Sep '01 229-600 • Building Maint. Carpet Cleaning (2 per year) 800.00 Floor care/waxing 200.00 Other repairs 1,200.00 Painting inside of building 500.00 Strip Floors (2 per year) 300.00 Total 229-600 • Building Maint. 3,000.00 229-610 • Vehicle Repairs (B) Maintenance (12) 1,500.00 (C) Maintenance (4) 1,800.00 44 K Gas Treatment (Washbay carcare (Jim)) 600.00 Accidents/Misc 1,500.00 Alignments (7) 500.00 Alternators (2) 800.00 Brakes (8) 800.00 Car Wash 900.00 Misc, batteries, wipers, hoses, (cabels/filters/th... 1,700.00 Misc/lights/fuses/oil/fluids/bu 900.00 Motor (Motor (1)) 2,000.00 Tires & Spin Balance (25) 2,500.00 Transmission rebuilt (Replacement) 1,600.00 Wax/Soap/Cleaner/etc (Washbay carcare (Jim)) 1,000.00 Windshield Repair 1,625.00 Total 229-610 • Vehicle Repairs 19,725.00 229-750 - Central Garage 100.00 229-850 - Car Lease Purchase 1 Detective Vehicle 12,000.00 PSA Pick -Up 7,500.00 5 New Patrol Vehicles/2nd Payme 48,413.00 Car Lease Pmt's 20,912.00 Total 229-850 - Car Lease Purchase 88,825.00 Total Expense 1,821,131.00 Net Ordinary Income -1,821,131.00 Net Income -1,821,131.00 Page 8 u u ACTUAL 2000-2001 FISCAL YEAR FUND BALANCES GENERAL FUND HIGHWAY, STREETS AND ROADS, DED. WATERWORKS FUND SANITATION FUND SEWER FUND 2000-01 Carry over 2001 Revenue Less 2001 Expenditures 2001 Fund Balance 2000-01 Carry over 2001 Revenue Less 2001 Expenditures 2001 Fund Balance 2000-01 Carry over 2001 Revenue Less 2001 Expenditures 2001 Fund Balance 2000-01 Carry over 2001 Revenue Less 2001 Expenditures 2001 Fund Balance 2000-01 Carry Over 2001 Revenue Less 2001 Expenditures 2001 Fund Balance $ 10,173.23 $ 4,316,111.04 $ 4,230,322.43 $ 95,961.84 $ 222,218.32 $ 1,171,785.19 $ 1,118,.081.18 $ 275,922.33 $ 159,061.74 $ 651,719.04 $ 505,196.15 $ 305,584.63 $ 237,608.35 $ 1070,402.44 $ 859,077.65_ $ 448,933.14 TOTAL FUND BALANCE $ 1,030,440.10