HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 30 2006 Ord. 619PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO County of Bannock LN13265 KAREN MASON being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: CITY OFCHUBBUCK vas at all times herein mention a ORDINANCE#619 ie United States of America more rs of age, and the Principal Clerk of AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHUBBUCK, BANNOCK COUNTY, IDAHO APPROPRIATING late Journal, a daily newspaper, THE SEVERAL SUMS OF MONEY DEEMED NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT TO DEFRAY ALL EX- PENSES AND LIABILITIES OFTHE CITY OFCHUBBUCKFOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING ON published at Pocatello, Bannock THE 3TDAY OFQLTO.BER,=,ANDENDING ONTHE aff—dDAY OFELL ,M7, AND ho and having a general circulation DESIGNATING THE DIFFERENT FUNDS TO WHICH SHALL BE DRAWN AND PAID, ANO KNOWN AS THE "ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE OF FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007" PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 50-1003, IDAHO CODE, PROVIDING FOR THIS ORDINANCE TO TAKE EFECT AFTER ITS PASSAGE, APPROVAL. AND PUBLICATION ACCORDING TO LAW. NOW THEREFORE, BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF CHIIBBUCK, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF IDAHO AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That the following funds are designated as the proper funds into which all revenues accruing to the City of Chubbuck from all sources shall be paid during the fiscal year beginning on the tat day of tobpf. ZQN and ending on the 3Qth day of September, 2007 General Fund -Waterworks- Sanitation- Sewage Fuad-Chubbuck Development Authority - Special Revenue Funds and Park Dedication Fund, Section 2: That the following sums of money are hereby appropriated from the Genera[ Fund for the payment of ail General Fund Expenses of the City of Chubbuck during aforesaid fiscal year: 410 General Government $ 134,513.00 422 Law Enforcement $ 2,271,171.00 423 Fire Control & Prevention $ 833.387.00 42.4 Building Inspection $ 144,731.00 430 Transportation -Hwy, Streets & Roads $ 750,662.00 432 Engineering $ 12,550.00 438 Parks and Recreation $ 661,651.00 453 Health and Welfare $ 33.395.00 490 Other General Government Purpose $ 9,200.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND S 4,851,260.00 Section 3: That the following sums of money are hereby appropriated from Waterworks, Sanitation and Sewer Fund for the payment of all, Waterworks, Sanitation and Sewage expenses of the City of Chubbuck during aforesaid fiscal year: 433 Sanitation - Salaries & Administration $ 1,143,704.00 434 Waterworks - Salaries & AdIninistration $ 1,800,945.00 435 Sewage - Salaries & Administration $ 1730 767.0 CENTRAL GARAGE, WATER, SANT & SEWER $ 4,675,416.00 Section 4: That the following suns of money are hereby appropriated from the Chubbuck Development Authority Fund of the City of Chubbuck during aforesaid fiscal year: 234 Chubbuck Development Authority Fund $1,164,000.00 Section 5: That the following sums of money are hereby appropriated from the Special Revenue Funds of the City of Chubbuck during aforesaid fiscal year: Special Revenue Fund 62,900.00 Section 6: That the fallowing sums of money are hereby appropriated irom the Parks Dedication Fund of the City of Chubbuck duri y ofesaid fiscal year: 254 Parks Dedication n $ 84,000.00 Section 7: That the following sums Of In ey are hereby appropriated from the Employee RPnnfit t=i inrl ni the f'.ily of r;i ihhirCk rfuriflQ resald fiscal near: t the document or notice, a true copy of :.h is attached, was published in the said ,HO STATE JOURNAL, on the following S, to -wit: g 30 ,2006 12006 12006 ,2006 12006 ,2006 12006 ,2006 ,2006 2006 I said paper has been continuously and Iterruptedly published in said County for riod of seventy-eight weeks prior to the .ication of said notice of adverlisetnent is a newspa er within the meaning of the laws laho. IDAHO '�v°"�� 11211y:10121014 his 3 l st. day of —Aum in the year of 2006, re mc, a Notary Public, personally appeared SON, known or identified to me to be hose name subscribed to the within Ind being by me first duly sworn, . the statements therein are true, and hat he executed the same. O p-Vgr, Y Nota of Public _ Li a Ct estci;tig at ARIMO My Commission expires: FEB 2009 `"•Ade606111,0%'e+