HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 15 2006 Ord. 626PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO County of Bannock LN13499 ANTONEA BYRNE being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: That SHE was at all times herein mention a CITY OF CHUBBUCK ORDINANCE NO. 626 citizen of the United States of America more than 21 years of age, and the Principal Clerk of AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF the Idaho State Jorirnal, a daily newspaper, IDA HO, AMECK,NDING HO, AMENDING AN rimed and ublished at Pocatello, Bannock p p OBSOLETE REFER- County, Idaho and having a general circuiation ENCE IN SECTION 15 36 010 REPEAL therein. ING PRIOR CON- FLICTING ORDI- NANCES; PROVID- ING FOR THE SEV- ERABILITY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING THAT ALL OTHER SEC- TIONS AND PROVI- SIONS OF CHAP- TER 15.36 NOT HEREIN AMENDED SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT; AND PRO- VIDING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFEC- TIVE. Section 1. Section 15.36.010 is amend- ed as follows: 15.36.010 Production Building Defined. As used in this Chapter, "production building" shall have the same meaning as set forth 424449915 Section 18.06.190 of this Code. CHUBBUCK, IDAHO, this 24th day of Oc- tober, 2006. /s/Steven M. England Steven M. England, Mayor November 15, 2006 LN13499 That the document or notice, a true COPY of which is attached, was published in the said IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, on the following dates, to -wit: Nov 15 12006 12006 .2006 12006 2006 ,2006 ,2006 12006 ,2006 2006 That said paper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County for a period of seventy-eight weeks prior to the publication of said notice of advertisement and is a newspaper writ in the meaning of the laws of Idaho. STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF BANNOCK On this 15th. day of — NOV in the year of 2006, before nie, a Notary Public, personally appeared ANTONEA BYRNE Known or identified to nie to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by nie first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true and Isll#Spp"oP. pU3LIC, O acl<nowledge to me that lie executed the same. ary of Public �,. a Residing at ARIMO My Commission expires: FEB 2009