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County of Bannock
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------------Legal Advertisement
ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES ly sworn on oath deposes and says: That_____$be_________________
Village of Chubbuck, Idaho
BE IT RESOLVED by the Chairman, nes herein mentioned a citizen of the United States of
and the Board of Trustees of the
Village of cthat the
Bannock.costi e than 21 years of age, and the Principal Cleric of THE
'ty, Idaho, that the following esti-
mate of the probable amount of mon-
ey necessary for all purposes to be E JOURNAL, a dailynewspaper, printed d published at
`wised by the Village of Chubbuck i news P PerP an
for the fiscal year commencing on s....+... Legal Advertisement
nnock County, Idaho, and having a general circulation
the 1st (lay' of May, 1959', and end ng the Village of Chubbuck for the fis-
on the 30th day of April, 1960, in- cal year ending on the 30th -lay of
chiding money for payments Df the April. I959, was ........................$42,905.36
principal and interest falling due on PASSED and approved this 15th
the bondeci debt and all sinking fut-id day of May, 1959. Document or notice, a true copy of which is attached, was
requirements, be and hereby is'ac- LARRY S. DAVIS
cepted by the Chairman and the Chairman of the Roard of
Board of Trustees of the Vill3gn.of��$$ Trustees he said IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, on the following dates,
Chubbuck and entered at length upon ATTEST: Genec�a'D, Valenty
the minutes of the said Board and Village.dlerk
published in the official newsraper (VILLAGE SEAL)
of said Village as required by'3aw,i May 20, 27, 1959.
to -wit: I�--- - -
For maintenance of Village . I1a, 20
streets $ 1,5CO.D0 rr 1959
----------------------------------------- 19 ------
i�or street lighting 1,000.00'
For salaries and wages, in- 2
eluding salaries of the Po-
]ice officer, water super-
---------------- --__ -------- 19 9 ----------- 19
intendent, Village Clerk,
and retainer of the Village .
Attorney and other salar-
7,929.00 19 f
les............................................. 19 ------
For operation and, mainten-
s VillageWater 6W
works system, including ----------- --- ------- ------- 19------ -------------------------------- -------, 19------
extensionthereto 16,225001
6,22500 For Village fire Department , 600.00
For all other miscellaneous
and contingent purposes 11,130.00 ----------------------------------1 19------ ----------------------------------------, 19 ------
TOTAL $30,375.00
SPECIAL LEVIES AND r1vns That said paper has been continuously and uninterruptedly pub -
For the payment of the'fn-
terest on the General Obli- I fished in said County for a period of seventy-eight Weeks prior to the
gatPon Waterworks Bonds
of 1957 ........................ .. ............$ 1,8x0.00
For the payment of the in- publication of said notice or advertisement and is a newspaper within
terest on the Waterworks
System Revenue bonds of 150 D0 the meaning of laws of [daha.
1951 ............................ ............... 3.
For the payment on the pnn-
cipal of the General Obli-
gation Waterworks Bonds _
Of 1957 .. 1,500.00 ----------------------- •-------- - ------------------
--------- ._. .
For the payment on the prin-
cipal of the Waterworks
System Revenue Bonds of
1951 ............... I.............................. 3,000.00 Subscribed and sworn to before me this ------------- h______._.______________
TOTAL $ $,000.00
That the entire cash revenue of
---.._ day of -------- ------- -=-y_,------------------ 19-52-
--------------------------------------------- -- -----
Notary Public, State of Idaho
Residence: Pocatello, Idaho