HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 17 1955 Criminal Offense•H 'S PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Bannock Darlene Rice ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Legal Advertisement my sworn on oath deposes and says: That --------she---------------- persort to cxpectoratevupon or throw times herein mentioned a citizen of the United States of any cigar or cigarerte S,.nmp or quid m t0oacCa upon the floor of any car, elevator or public conveyance or up- ore than 21 years of age, and the Principal Clerk of THE ont(ne floor of any puolic building or on any paved sidewalk, (J) "Trespass." Ir shall be unlaw- , TE JOURNAL a daily newspaper, printed and published at i fill for any person to take down any .pence or to yet gown any bars, or to annock County, Idaho, and having a general circulation t x open any gate so as o e pose any, enclosure, or to ride, drive, walk,' - k I lodge, camp or sleep on the premises of another without the permission of the owner or occupant thereof. And document or notice, a true Copy of which further it shall be unlawful for any + person to cut sown, destroy, or injure any kind of wood or timbet oelong_ the said IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, on tht Ing to another standing or growing upon the lairds of another or to carry away any kind of wood or timber lying on such lands; or to malicious- ly injure or severe from the freehold Of another anything attached there- to or the produce thereof; or to dig, �+ ' take, or carry away from any lot 19--55 situated within the limits of the Vill- ----------, ---------------•--------- age of Chubbuck without the license of the owner or legal occupant there- of any earth, soil, stone; or dig, take[] 19------ ' or carry away from any land in any -----------v ---------------------- of the land situated within the Vill- 'd d th age of Chubbue ar own on e Legal Advertisement map or plan of such village or estab- _ lisned as a street, alley, avenue or 19 --- AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT A park, without tho license of the CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO DEFACE proper authorities, any earth, soil, Olt DESTROY PROPERTY; TO cur, stone; or willfully cover up or en - OR in any manner„ land or viii- - r19 ------ ------------------------- DESTROY -"'"'-""'--"--"---- """DESTROY OR INJURE CITY age lot of another without the writ - PROPERTY; TO INJURE STREET ten permission from rthe owner or LIGHTING SYSTEM OR FAIL TO custodian thereof, ------- 1 19______ _________________________ REPORT INJURY TO LIGHTING (K) "Penalties." Every person vio- SYSTEM; TO INJURE PROPERTY lating the provisions of this Section OF PUBLIC LIBRARY• TO INJURE SE BUILDING shall be filled not less than $25.00 nor STREETS OR CAU STRUCTURES TO SE BUILT ON inore ti-san $300.00 or confined in jail id paper has been continuously and uninterruptedly pub- STRUCTURES STREETS OR LEMS; not more than 30 days or punished PUBLTO CONDUCT GAMES ON by both said fine and imprisonment d County for a period of seventy-eight weeks prior to the for each offense, STREETS; TO OBSTRUCT OR IN- JURE STREE'T`S; TO DRIVE ON ne "Repeat is Conflicting Ordi- SIDEWALKS; TO SPIT OR THROW trances l All existing ordinances of Of said notice or advertisement and i5 a IDEWALKS AND the Village of Chubbuck are hereby newspaper within TOBACCO ON S repealed rltsofar as they may be in - FLOORS; TO TRESPASS UPON consistent with the provisions of this Of the laws Of ld OR DAMAGE PUBLIC OR PRI_ ordinance. VATE PROPERTY; AND i'ROVID- (1Vf) "Separability of Provisions." I, ' ING FOR THE PENALTY THERE- It is the intention of the Board of OF. REPEALING ORDINANCES IN Trustees of the Village of Chubbuckl--------------------- CONFLICT THEREWITH; AND DE- CLARIN AN EMard of Tr and o :s further the ovisio s of the 1 that each separate provision. a is WHEREAS, the Board of Trustci s ordinance shall be deemed independ- ��t]1 of the Village of Chubbuck finds: ,9 end of all ether a intention herein ed and sworn t0 before me this____________ ------------------------------- That __________________________ ___ That there have been a number of instances where public and private Board of Trustees that if any pro- m err has been defaced and de- visions of this ordinance be declar- re- p p y ed invalid, all other provisions there_Aill stroyed by trespassers and persons of shall remain valid and enforceable, ' P -_. ! 1 9--...._' willfully and maliciously desiring to (N) "Finding of Emergency." This injure the property of others; and ordinance is passed as an emergeney { WHEREAS, there have been a num- measure, and the Board of Trustees ber of instances where the street of the Village of Chubbuck and the 1Q�-/� lighting system has been injured Board does by the vote by which or damaged and destroyed and thanthis ordinance is passed hereby de- ------------- --" no report has been made thereof to Clare that an emergency exists which Notary Pu(�� , Ore of Idaho the police department ,thus endang- makes it imperative that this ordi- ering the public health, welfare, and trance shall become effective forth - morals; andwith, the nature of said emergency Residence: Pocatello, Idaho WHEREAS, there have been certain being as follows: "The increasing instances occurring wherein there has instances of destruction of public and 'been Injury to the public records; private property and the obstruc- books, pamphlets, papers, legal not- tion and damage to public sidewalks' rtes, and the destruction thereof; and streets, so that it is necessary and to preserve the public peace, safety, WHEREAS, there have been certain health, morals and welfare by making Instances where persons have threat- it a criminal offense to violate any ened to build structures, maintain or provisions of the ordinance afore - erect structures upon certain streets mentioned and as a means of cur - or alleys, thus threatening to ob- tailing the acts herein legislated structand injure the streets and against. alleys; and Adopted this 12th day of April. 1955.: WHEREAS, there have been certain BOARD OF TRUSTEES persons driving, riding and leading OF THE VILLAGE vehicles and animals upon and across OF CHURBUCK the sidewalks of the Village of Chub- BY: John Valenty, Chair - buck at a point other than where man of the Board of Trus. driveways are built as entrances to tees of. the Village of public and private premises; and Chubbuck WHEREAS, there have been numer- ATTEST: ous instances where persons have C. VINER, Clerk, Board of maliciously Injured property by spit- Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck ting or throwing. tobacco upon side- April 17 walks, floors, and walls thereof: and WHEREAS, there have been num_ Legal PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Bannock Darlene Rice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legal Advertisement my sworn on oath deposes and says: That -------- Sbe---------------- person to expectorate upon or throw times herein mentioned a citizen of the United States of any cigar or ctgarecte Slump or quid of tooaceo upon the iloor of any cat', eievaLor or public conveyance or up- ore than 21 years of age, and the Principal Clerk of THE on tine flour of any puolic building or on any payee sidewalk. J)� E JOURNAL, a daily newspaper , printed and published at { ful for any"trespperson to take down any ass." Ii snail be uniaw- Bence or to let down any bars, or to annock County, Idaho, and having a general circulation open any gate so as to expose any enclosure, or to ride, drive, walk, lodge, camp or sleep on the premises of another without the permission of the owner or occupant thereon. And document or notice, a true co of which is attached, was further i�: shall be unlawful for any PY person to cut clown, destroy, or injure any kind of wood or timber nelong- the said IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, on the following dates, ing to another standing or growing upon the lands of another or to carry away any kind of woodor timber lying on such lands; or to mallcious- ly injure or. severe from the freehold of another anything attached there- to or the produce thereof; or to dig, take, or carry away from any lotr f' situated within the limits of the Vill- r--17------------+ 19 -------------------------- -- -, 19 ----- age of Chubbuck without the license of the owner or legal occupant there- of any earth, soil, stone; or dig, take or carry away from any land in any;--------------------- , 19------ --------- ------------------------19 Of the land situated within the Vill- - age o£ Chubbuck laid down on the or plan of such village or estab- Advertlsemene nap .--------- ark 19..-_--------------------------------------19___--- ,y,,,,,�,,,,�„�„r,r„ti,,,,,.�„- iished as a street, alley, avenue or + -- -r AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT A park, without the license of the CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO DEFACE proper authorities, any earth, soil, OR DESTROY PROPERTY; TO or stone; oz willfully cover up or en - 9 cumber in any manner, land or vill- ----------------- DESTROY OR INJURE CITYcumber lot of another without the writ - PROPERTY; TO INJURE STREET ten permission from the owner or LIGHTING SYSTEM OR FAIL TO custodian thereof. REPORT INJURY TO LIGHTING (K) "Penalties." Every person vio--------------------` ------ ----------------- SYSTEM; TO INJURE PROPERTY lating the provisions of this Section OF PUBLIC LIBRARY; TO INJURE shall be fined not less than $25.00 nor STREETS OR _CAUSE" BUILDING more than $304.00 or confined in jail id paper has been continuously anc STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT ON not more than 30 days or punished PUBLIC STREETS OR ALLEYS: ------1 1 9------ -------- --- ---r 19 ------ uninterruptedly pub - TO CONDUCT GAMES ON by both said tine and imprisonment d Count fperiod of seventy-eight weeks rior to the STREETS; TO OBSTRUCT OR IN- for coif} offense. County PP (L) Repeal of Conflicting Ordi- JURE STREETS; TO DRIVE ON nances." All existing ordinances of Of said notice or advertisement and Is a newspaper within SIDEWALKS; TO SPIT OR THROW the Village of Chubbuck are hereby TOBACCO ON SIDEWALKS AND repealed insofar as they may be in - FLOORS; TO TRESPASS UPON consistent with the provisions of this of the laws OSId, OR DAMAGE PUBLIC OR PRI- ordinance. � ~� If VATE PROPERTY; AND PROVID- (M) "Separability of Provisions." ING FOR THE PENALTY THERE- It is the intention of the Board of \ OF. REPEALING ORDINANCES IN Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck ------------------ CONFLICT THEREWITH: AND DE- CLARING AN EMERGENCY. that each separate provision of this ordinance shall be deemed independ- 1AIREREAS, the Board of Trugte;F5 Ent of all other provisions herein I of the Village of Chubbuck finds: and it is further the intention of the ed and sworn t0 before me this --------- That there have been a number of Board of Trustees that if any pro - instances where public and private visions of this ordinance be declar- property has been defaced and de- ed invalid, all other provisions there- stroyed by trespassers and persons of shall remain valid and enforceable- --- ----- ll _ _ I 19 jj . willfully and maliciously desiring to (N) "Finding of Emergency." This 20th inure the property of others; and ordinance is passed as an emergency { WHEREAS, there have been a num- measure, and the Board of Trustees her of instances where the street of the Village of Chubbuck and the lighting system has been injured Board does by the vote by which + or damaged and destroyed and that ------------------------- -- ----------- ------------------- no report has been made thereof to this ordinance is passed hereby de- clare that imperative emergency exists worth- Notary Pu tate of Idaho the police department ,thus endang- makes it imperative that this ordi- � ering the public health, welfare, and nance shall become effective forth- Residence: Pocatello, Idaho morals; and with, the nature of said emergency WHEREAS there have been certain instances occurring wherein there has being as follows: The increasing instances of destruction of public and ,beeninjury to the public records, books, pamphlets, papers, legal not- private property and the obstruc- tion and da age to public sidewalks ices, and the destruction thereof; and streets,mso that it is necessary and WHEREAS, there have been certain to preserve theublic P peace, safety, health, morals and welfare by making instances where persons have threat- a criminalrovisions ened to build structures, maintain or p of the ordinance afore - p erect structures upon certain streets or or alleys, thus threatening to ob- mentioned and as a means cur- tailing the herein and injure the streets and acts legislated against. alleys; and WHEREAS, there have been certain Adopted this 12th day of April, 1955.' BOARD TRUSTEES persons driving, riding and leading VI OF THE VILLAGE vehicles and animals upon and across' OF CHUBBUCK the sidewalks of the Village of Chub- BY: John Valenty, Chair - buck at a point other than where man of the Board of Trus - driveways are built as entrances to tees.of the Village of public and private premises; and Chubbuck WHEREAS, there have been numer- ATTEST: ous instances where persons have maliciously Injured property by spit- C. VINER, Clerk, Board of Trustees of the Village Chubbuck ting or throwing tobacco upon side- of April 17 walks, floors, and walls thereof: and WHEREAS, there have been num- erous instances where trespasses have been co'mtnittedupon both public 1 and private property; and Y WHEREAS, due to those conditio ns now prevailing in the Village of 1 Chubbuck the instances above-named have become so increased as to be- come a menace to the preservation of the public peace, safety, health, morals and welfare; WHEREAS, there exists a condi tion where certain games and activi-' ties are being engaged in upon' j streets and sidewalks causing an ob- 1 stri.iction to pedestrians and vehicle traffic; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT OR- DAINED BY T14E BOARD OF TRUS- TEES OF THE VILLAGE OF CHUB-' 13UCK: SECTION (A) "Defacing or Destroy- ing Property." It shall be unlawful for any person within the limits of the Village of Chubbuck to wilfully injure, deface or destroy, or secrete any goods, chattels or valuable papers of another, or to prepare any dead- fall, or to dig any pit, or arrange any trap to injure another person or property or to take down or injure any monument or street sign, or any boundary mark of any tract of land or city lots, or to destroy or injure i ,any shade tree or fruit tree, or any I other kind of public or private prop -I r') c - :-c Z -c s is ° ° ° Q o a ci o 3 Q N � 3 C Od p N f4- cQ07Qj 4- Q C7 vi ° �` 3 N n En 4- Z :4 o E v\ 0 -0 L U O > ° Q) C Q 4� !] O O p O ° U O p �' 0 3 0 v U) a O yam.. `•.� a '[S °A rri ° u' ti o s: a' ti m u y a,c CUM ii. 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